Stephen Cocconi

Jan 162012
by Stephen Cocconi ©2012

A Hummingbird telling a rival to wait its turn.I live in the Sierra Foothills at a place I call Hummingbird House, because of the small contingent of “hummers” that visit our feeders. They daily perform a passion play for me where the actors may improvise their parts, but the theme of the story is always the same. It is a theme of cooperation through contest: confrontation for the sake of demonstrating the urgency of one’s need.

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Strong Emotions create Polarization

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Jan 102012

Leary of intensity? Leary of so-called logic?


My heart is increasingly weighed upon by the realization that polarization in almost every venue of human interaction is dominated by unacknowledged “fear of other” which herds us into “sides”, makes being “right” a blood lust, makes being open to compromise an act of “weakness” or listening to the other person a traitorous act of disloyalty; and which brings more punishment from your own so-called “side” than would come from the so-called “enemy”. To be intolerant of extremism is the only appropriate use of such an extreme position. But I don’t for a moment pretend nor postulate some ideological or intellectual “superior” stance when attempting to justify it. The simple truth is, I get afraid of rage that has boiled into hatred because no one has the simple courage to say. “what you do scares me.” And actually listen to the other “here is what you do that scares me.” It is that admission alone which unifies us as foibled, vulnerable human beings. And in that…We Are All One! Is anyone else tired of the rancor masquerading as thought?

After the Fanfare…what now?

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Jan 102012

by Stephen Cocconi © 2012

It seems that there is an element of “wait and see” in the air. If Mitt Romney becomes the defacto Republican candidate to face President Obama, then who will win that contest? Then what happens after that? And what about the Economy? Will it rebound or what if it sinks further into a slump? Have the protest movements here and abroad actually had any real or meaningful effect on policies or freedoms? Then there is the Earth…will it revolt with more radically jolting fits like earthquakes? And of course there is the European Union and the Euro? What will happen there? What about my retirement? And to cap it all off, what happens when we hit December 23, 2012? Obliteration? Transformation? Or will it all have been simply a build up which was preceded by a collective mental masturbation? Continue reading »

Happy New Year!

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Jan 022012

Overleaves Influences of 2012

The Overleaves Spread of The Michael Tarot Divination CardsAs has been the case over the 4 preceding decades, we provide our Channels with a reading of the predominant qualities present and affecting the Physical Plane. The “Overleaves Forecast” for a year offers you a context in which to construe the happenings around you. Yet more empowering is to take these energies into your Being and employ them in purposeful and intentional ways; propelling you in the direction of your choice rather than being a spectator commenting on the world revolving around you.

  • Role: King (What you will be calling on in yourself.)
  • Casting: Warrior (The landscape as you will be called to act.)
  • Goal: Growth – (The thematic construct one can best assess the energy of the year.)
  • Attitude: Spiritualist – (Positive is belief in expanded possibilities – Negative is rigid belief and defense of dogma and ideologies)
  • Mode: Passion (through June) Caution (to the remainder of the year)
  • Chief Features – Impatience/Martyrdom – (Will slide back and forth and show you the places where you feel out of control.)
  • Centering – Emotional – Instinctual 
  • Frequency – 55 (The rate of change that things will appear to be happening.)
  • M/F Energy Ratio 45/55 – (Whether events or changes seem overt and directed or whether they are appear to be “happening” behind the scenes.)
  • Realm: Technology and machines seeking to dominate the Earthly Organic 

To learn more, join me this January, at one of the several dates and locations mentioned below for the 2012 Forecast and Overleaves.  CD’s of the talks will be available for order online.

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Message from the Mental Plane

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Dec 132011
Message from the Mental Plane…
“Nothing is wasted for the TAO. Much, however, of what is experienced by human personalities can be classified as folly and waste. Faith is the only comfort that a personality can take when facing the reality of limitation. Yet, the mistake that often occurs is to believe that in such conditions one must abdicate will or creativity and give over to hopelessness. More is available to anyone who moves beyond such fears. Their is amazing liberation in complete letting go. Rendering from infinite possibility what would be classified as miracles.” Continue reading »

Love Will Prevail…More on 11-11-11

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Nov 162011
From the November 15th Newsletter

Spiritual pronouncements and metaphysical interpretations can vary as much as flowers or as bugs. Case in point, the analogy I just used. It was a choice on my part (and for all of us) how to frame a set of circumstances and then form a perspective about them. Continue reading »

The Quality of a Human and their Soul Age

 Posted by at 10:02 AM  Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on The Quality of a Human and their Soul Age
Nov 162011

The following was a thread posted in a Michael Chat room. I felt it important to comment.

Thank you Ann,

I appreciate the integrity of your first person response. In addition to people invoking Soul Age as a mark of some kind of spiritual superiority, I often hear people pulling the “Michael said” card as well. Your words were well spoken. My compliments to you on your clarity and sincerity. I admire both because I strive for both. And more often than I care to admit, fail at both.  🙂
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Welcome to The Michael Teaching BLOG by Stephen Cocconi

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Nov 152011

The Michael is still in Beta formatAloha!  Welcome to my BLOG! This site is my perspective on and understanding of The Michael Teaching™. It serves as the philosophical frame-of-reference and lens through which I view my life and collective reality. As the title states, I am a Citizen of Earth and thus all my spiritual learning, musings, postulates and services are geared for us to live with more love, truth, health, creativity, and potency…in this lifetime! The afterlife will take care of itself! If you are a thinking, compassionate, active, and concerned human being, who seeks out diverse viewpoints to inform, stimulate, and enlighten yourself; then I believe what you find here will do that for you. Join the VIP conversation! And, ask Michael a question using The Michael Tarot Divination Cards which are integrated into this site. This site is an ongoing work in progress.  So come back often!
Enjoy your tour… Stephen Cocconi