2nd Qrtr 2025 Overleaves Updates
Friday, March 28, 2025
A Spiritually based philosophy adding detail to subjects of psychology, oncology, and sociology.
2nd Qrtr 2025 Overleaves Updates
Friday, March 28, 2025
What kind of Dragon are you? Fire Breathing or a Luck Dragon?
Listen to the Presentation from January 7th, 2022
Due to extended recovery from knee surgery; September’s 2nd Friday with Michael’s Consortium is cancelled. Look for resumption of monthly Conversations with the Consortium on October 11th at the Healing Roots Center in Sacramento. Stay tuned for information of how to join the sessions live over conference call.
Recall from the Overview of 2019 posted in January , that this Artisan accented year is one of the most pivotal in recent decades. Of the several reasons cited, many of the Baby Boomer Class and Millennial generations have come to turning points that neither of them expected. The Boomer, but particularly those of Older Soul ages, the ones who supported Civil Rights, Women’s Liberation, and were inspired by President Kennedy’s goal of a man on the moon, they enrolled in a Peace Corps and also rebelled against Viet Nam. It culminated in the Rock n’ Roll generation of the Summer of Love and Woodstock. For many it all collapsed under the weight of traditional imprinting and doubled down on the planet crushing and social conforming tenants of the late levels of the Young Soul mindset. Many now feel dislocated in time and purpose. Yet, those who knew it, found it, or are busy making one anew, are thriving or feeling the thrust of determination.
Long ago Michael postulated 7 Levels of Fear. The Consortium has expanded this array to explain their implications. Fear seldom is visually detectable as trembling or cowering. Fear acts like a drop of food coloring entering clear water. In a very short time, it diffuses throughout every aspect of the person’s life, and a subtle but detectable haze hangs in the person’s energy field. Subsequently their moods reflect it in degrees of anxiety, rage, or depression.*
*The purpose of this article now is simple. Fear is not the problem. How you react to it often is. If you know what to look for, you can deal with it head on! Heal yourself first. Forewarned is Forearmed!
Hasn’t it been a tumultuous 2 weeks? Anyone reading this article and keeping an even a sideways glance on world events, presented in mainstream and alternative media alike, knows that the Arab Spring has become the Arab storm. And, in the US, the controversy about a home made film depicting Mohammed, the founder of Islam, as a lecher and pedophile, which ignited tensions and religious intolerances ready for such a spark, has also brought the discussion of America’s First Amendment guarantees of freedom of religion and freedom of speech into poignant debate. While teachers in Chicago assert their rights of workers to bargain collectively for fairness, members of the powerful seek to stifle their rights to free speech denigrating the strike as a blow to children. What a shaming? Then, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney employs a New Age-ism as a slur about half the population of the US, calling them victims who feel entitled to government support. Unfortunately for the rest of us, Mr. Romney apparently has never heard of the historic concept of the social contract. Apparently, the only contracts he concerns himself with are the ones he breaks with employees of the companies he gutted at Bain (bane?), or those oaths of allegiance to his has pledged to his ultra-wealthy constituents. Continue reading »