Beginning of a New Era in Human History
by Stephen J Cocconi © 2017
{MC} A decisive split in the consciousness of the human race has opened up a chasm between groups and world views (Soul Age orientations). We will term the Baby and Young Soul rationales and operating beliefs: the Dominance-Aggression Paradigm. Opposing it is the emergent, but temporarily thwarted, new paradigm of Mature and Old Soul values and principles we term the Consciousness-Awareness Paradigm. This divide presents you with two equally unappealing options: collapse and fall-in or take a flying leap-of-faith across it toward a horizon you cannot see and one where you have never been before. Because it is a divergent energy, and fueled by enmity, those models will compel you to choose sides. Believing that you can be neutral will set your default emotions to fear. {/MC}
Prologue: Intent and Definitions
Some of you are looking at Michael’s Overleaves Forecast presentation for the first time. Or, perhaps you have never read the Consortium’s, or my, Stephen Cocconi’s experience of The Michael Teachings before; in either case, welcome! Continue reading »