by Stephen J. Cocconi © 2004- 2011
“What do you turn on, when you turn on?”- Timothy Leary
Eighteen years after the Harmonic Convergence, the Harmonic Concordance is here to beckon a more personal review of how the new paradigm is to be manifest, through you, individually. The portal that bridges the Physical Plane to the Causal Plane (the place where the soul can manifest desire and return power to the personality) is more widely open than at many points of the past or in the future for some decades to come. With the portal open, individual scripts are up for review and rewriting. For some, this process has been consciously and deliberately undertaken. For others, the process goes on beneath the surface or in vague contemplations pervading the backdrop of their lives. In either case, the Essence is submitting to its I AM Self, requests for personal power and healing as to make the philosophical and behavioral alterations necessary for putting oneself in alignment with the precepts of their chosen paradigm. This process will look different for each person. Continue reading »