65 Karma

“What goes around, comes around!”
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Resolution
(Completion, restitution, absolution,)
- The wheel of fortune revolves and life evolves because of Karma. Desired resolution of intense, unresolved emotions lock two persons in a chess game where completion and victory are not the same. Check mate is close at hand. The encounter will end.
- Karmic resolution occurs not with victory but understanding. Is Karma seeking resolution in this affair?
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- “Karma is our teacher. It teaches us to refine our behavior–hopefully sooner rather than later. One way to tell a young soul from an old soul is to observe how quickly he learns karma’s lessons in life.” ~ Editors of Hinduism Today, What Is Hinduism?
- “There is good Karma, there is bad Karma, and as the wheel of life moves on, old Karma is exhausted and again fresh Karma is accumulated. Although at first it may appear that nothing can be more fatalistic than this doctrine, yet a little consideration will show that in reality this is not the case. Karma is twofold, hidden and manifest, Karma is the man that is, Karma is his action. True that each action is a cause from which evolves the countless ramifications of effect in time and space.”~ WILLIAM Q. JUDGE, The Path, Sep. 1886
- “Think about karma as a bank. The Karma Bank is an impartial, honorable, incorruptible, infallible solid establishment. Every single person in the whole universe has an account in this colossal depository. Each time you perform a positive action, you add good karma to your account. Every negative action that you perform produces bad karma. The ultimate goal is to have your account in perfect balance. When this is achieved, you will have mastered your karma.” ~ MARY T. BROWNE, The Power of Karma
I’m a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it’s bad or good.
~Sandra Bullock
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Obligation
(Loren Ipsum)
- Feeling weighed down by indebtedness? In shadow, Karma is an obligation that can stagger one or cause denial and avoidance of duty. Is there a situation that causes you to feel dread and fear? Be careful and brief, but face it.
- Now you’ve done it! Someone has been hit by a big load of juice! The cord has been formed a karma has been formed. Fore warned is fore armed!
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- Those who were pre-ordained to have no good karma at all – gazing into the lamp of emotional attachment, they are burnt, like moths in a flame. ~Sri Guru Granth Sahib
“Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.” ~Sakyong Mipham
Relevance in the Michael Teaching
Karma is the great motivator and produces a continual interest and necessity for an Essences’ participation on the Physical Plane. A driving urge to do something or seek out someone, or reversed an intense revulsion; helps reveal to us the roots of a karmic presence. Categorized by the Theosophists as “the law of cause and effect”, many make analogy to Newton’s principle stated in the Third Law of Thermodynamics as “every action having an equal and opposite reaction.” Yet, that opposite may not be as simply framed by exchanges of behavior or consequence but a passing of the same intense emotional experience one suffered or perhaps gained to another person for their to be the possibility of completion, rectification, and hopefully advancement on the game board of life which is the Wheel of Fortune.
In the Michael Teaching, the emphasis is upon Karma as a “bonding agent” which looks two souls into a pattern or unresolved event. It is characterized in the early Michael Books under the heading of “karmic ribbons to be burned.” The Christian idea of “you reap what you sew” falls in line with this interpretation. Meaning that everything we do has consequences with effect us later: within the life or in another life. What forms a Karma can be any experience where an emotionally charged and highly significant event forms a bond, sometimes feeling more like a chain or unresolved business, and instill in someone a sense of “cognitive dissonance” whereby a nagging feeling of discomfort pervades a circumstance. Thus, it provides a stimulus to seek passification of that internal stressor by an number of means.
Karmas, according to Michael, are formed when an perceived agreement has been abrogated leaving one party being the receiver of an unplanned and usually devastating consequence; and by extension, holding a grudge. These grudges may have thousands of unique variations, or permutations. But for the most part, there are general or universal themes like: abandonment, deception, betrayal, disloyalty, abuse, which are pervasive to lessons of the Physical Plane. Thus, the nature of an individual scenario is likely to bear one of these general stamps though the specific circumstances may be quite interesting and unique. However, repayment of a Karma can, for souls who bring awareness to the table, be creative endeavors. One of Michael’s favorite examples relates a story of two souls who shared a Karma around the theme of life-death. In the formation event, one soldier abandoned a friend on a battlefield and ran, resulting in a comrades death under fire. Lifetimes later, instead of reenacting exact or similar circumstances, the two souls shared rectified the imbalance of the original abandonment by the soul who ran saving the life of a drowning victim who was his comrade he had previously abandoned. By willingly placing himself in danger to save the life of the other, the soul who was owed a continued also experienced compensation in loyalty and sacrifice and thus the karma was completed and the debt paid.
Lastly, it should be noted that Karma and sin are NOT equivalent. Since sin implies guilt, wrongdoing, or perpetration with the resulting need for retribution. Karma’s may have no malice or intentional harm as part of them as implied by sin. Religions use sin as a means of manipulation of the psyche and a mechanism for exerting some influence upon people’s behavior. Karma, like sins, may be forgiven, but unlike sin especially viewed in the Christian faith presumes a third party: God or a priest, may bestow absolution and exempt one from making amends. Sorry folks! While the disturbance upon an emotional equilibrium may be spiritually troubling, it serves a valuable learning purpose for both souls and thus no one is truly a victim although it may be construed that way. Hence, a karma is only resolved between the two parties and no outside force may intervene nor excuse it without the consent of the parties. Karma’s are contracts and they are only discharged when both parties are satisfied. And when that happens there is advancement, or at least peace, for both Essences.
Famous Examples
Coming Soon
Cultural Meaning
In the modern era, perhaps more so than any other previous time period the rate of Karmic interactions: creations and completions is at an all time high. More people doing more interactions producing more results: some harmful and deliberate others beneficial and altruistic.