59 Ordinal

Commonplace, Everyplace,
in your Face
Card messages in the Illuminated position.
+ Connectedness
(continuous, microcosmic, repetitive, ordinary, mundane, commonplace)
Natural processes are continuous and connected. They are introverted and thus may seem invisible. Narrow the scope of a task and break it into parts.
- Pay attention to the things that seem second nature. Don’t let a breakdown in your world occur because something is being unseen or taken for granted.
- Get a microscope and move in close. Examine things spec by spec. You’ll find the problem.
- Simplify tasks and do them without fanfare.
- Consider continuity in gradual and unpretentious change. One step at a time!
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- “It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.” C. S. Lewis
- “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” Jim Rohn
- “Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them. ” Abraham Lincoln
Card messages in the Shadow position.
– Invisibility
(Dispersed, dissolved, disconnected, isolated, blurred, homogonous)
- Normalcy is prized by those who desire conformity to avoid the risk of being noticed. Invisibility courts isolation. Have you allowed mediocrity to be your standard?
- Have you gotten small? So insignificant that you are being taken for granted? Do something to shed some light on what you do or who you are.
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
Quotation Illustrating this concept…
- “I only wish that ordinary people had an unlimited capacity for doing harm; then they might have an unlimited power for doing good. “ Socrates
- “To an ordinary human being, love means nothing if it does not mean loving some people more than others.” George Orwell
- “There are two things in ordinary conversation which ordinary people dislike – information and wit.” Stephen Leacock
Relevance in the Michael Teaching
Ordinal things are measured in lots and seen as commonplace. The “salt of the earth” is made up by billions of grains, yet each as the microscope reveals, shows an intricate uniqueness that is virtually undetectable unless given specific attention.
Ordinal Overleaves narrow the focus and ground us into the reality that whatever is to be made manifest only does so because someone does the actual word to make it so.
Famous Examples
Utility, Peasantry, Spirituality, Labor, Ordinary, Gatherer, Small, Do, Present, Community, Exclusive, Mundane and Tangible
Cultural Meaning
In the 1980’s, Server Bob Geldorf, put his mouth and money to work marshaling the forces of thousands of musicians worldwide and tens of millions of individuals attending or watching the multi-venue, music-athon that he called Live Aid: Benefit for African Famine Relief.
The most inspirational movies are those in which, as Gandolf said in the Lord of the Rings “even the smallest person can make a difference.” It was also true of George Bailey’s character in It’s a Wonderful Life. Being common, is not the same a being average. Simplicity of character makes one more real.
Hint as to your scope…
Your perspective might be Ordinal if your primary method of assessment is to look at the specifics. You might stop there or extrapolate. Almost innately, your style is begin with small examples and assemble those things into a strategy that is more for the short run.
by Stephen Cocconi © 2012
For a Tarot Session or Channeled Consultation call: 209.768-4956
209.768-4956 or email Stephen at channeling@themichaelteaching.com