5 Sage

The Word of God
Sage Role Overleaf Energy The Michael Teaching
Sage is the role that holds as highest priority comprehension of and playing with expression, particularly when it comes to verbal communication. Wired to be speak; sometimes vociferously and loudly, at the other end of the spectrum it is possible to hear spell binding speeches and use of words that may illuminate and teach. Mentally, the Sage is attuned to the lightest of vibrations understanding that levity and humor are often the most successful way to transmit information. But Sages need not be overly talkative instead opting for strategic output when the purpose suits them. This is the hallmark of the wise Sage of lore. Seldom content to be outdone, it is common for a Sage to finish the sentence of another person even before the other person has completed the thought.
Life Metaphor and Implied Metaphor
Life is a stage. Everything you say matters. Live a little!
Cultural Archetype- Exalted Arcana
We call the wise men/women of our history Sages. It boils down to the simple rule of knowing what to say, when to say it and how it should be delivered; like Ronald Reagan. His smooth delivery and fatherly tone conveyed much in the way of confidence and comfort, yet in the opinion of many, delivered little in the way of actual facts or details. The Sage is the the storyteller archetype who delivers both subtle and blunt moral lessons by speaking usually while dramatizing the high points. Thus, the Sage assumes the role of teacher and in many cases, loves the performance of the idea itself. Because of the facility with words and perceptive wisdom, in many cultures the Sage is given the task of naming things. Thus, to possess sagacity, meaning someone who possesses acute discernment and sound judgment, demonstrate authority over words and therefore knowledge. A Sages power of being is in words, not in actions. In the highest order, Sages possess not only intelligence and wisdom, but the ability to eloquently craft its delivery for the specific audience intended. That is why, at the other end of the spectrum, the snake-oil salesman, or the con artist or the politician can so successfully bamboozle those whom he/she would withhold information through lying, embellishment or outright fabrication.
Examples of this Archetype
- Famous People: President Abraham Lincoln, President Franklin Roosevelt, President Bill Clinton, President Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Eddie Murphy, Cary Grant, Bill Cosby, Cleopatra, Thomas Edison, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Senator Robert Kennedy, Jim Carrey, Lucille Ball, William Shakespeare, Walter Cronkite, Michael Douglas, Duke Ellington, Larry Flynt, Betty Friedan, Scott Hamilton, Hugh Hefner, Wolfman Jack, Nikta Khrushchev Ann Landers, David Letterman, Jay Leno, James Michener, Bette Midler, Steve Irwin, Will Smith, Leon Panetta, Martha Ray, William Shakespeare, Whoopi Goldberg, George Carlin, Robin Williams, George Clooney, Steve Martin, Barbara Walters, Richard Fenyman, Will Farrell, Tina Fey, Rusch Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Socrates, Aristotle, H. L.Menken, .
- Mythical or Cartoon characters: FogHorn Leghorn, Daffy Duck, Bacchus, Loki, Hyoka,
- Institutions: Comedy, teaching, singing, storytelling, opera, theatre,
- Familiar Occupations: comedian, advertising, DJ, actor, news reporter, actor (especially on stage), teacher, writer, salesperson, politician, TV announcer, public spokesman, psychic.
- Animals: Toucan crow, coyote, chimpanzee
- Inventions or works of art: whoopi cushion, tower of Pizza, bards plays, language, linguistics
- Cities and Nationalities Italians, Los Angeles, Branson MO, Greece, dolphins
Identify Statements of the Sage Role Energy
(Not every aspect may be in play.)
- I seek to communicate insights.
- The medium of speech is my personal playground and the world is my audience.
- People say I have the gift for gab or a loud mouth, often both.
- Learning should be an entertaining experience.
- I hate to be ignored or misunderstood.
- I can spend a lot of time rehearsing what I want to say, because clarity of my communication is absolutely imperative to me.
- I often learn what I am thinking when I hear myself say it out loud.
- I love to name things or give people nicknames.
- Humor is the most important way I know how to disseminate the truth or share my insights.
- A good story goes a long way.
- People tell me that sometimes I tell too much story and don’t get to the point.
- I make faces or have facial ticks when I speak. Most anyone can see when I am reacting to something because it is often written on my expression.
- I love a phrase turned well and with smooth precision, insightful wisdom, or playfulness word play.
- My greatest wish is to communicate something important about a situation or the human condition.
- There’s often a running commentary in my head that never stops. Apparently if I’m not a chatterbox around others, I’m perfectly willing to have long conversations with myself. In other words, generally speaking, I’m generally speaking.
- Whenever I think of something in a certain light, I give it a funny voice or make a face to dramatize it.
- There is nothing so fun as to be on a jag, hear a peel of laughter at something I said, and feel like they like me.
- Being a performer and having an audience, whether fearful to me or not, seems like the most exhilarating thing.
- I love to teach or share information, sometimes it turns into lecturing or gossip.
- On the downside of wanting to share, or get approval or appear an authority, if I don’t know an answer, I might just make it up on the spot.
- Some people call me a bullshiter and tell me I ought to be in sales.
- I see life as a drama and can get into a part as if I were in my own soap operas.
- Friends and family might describe me as funny, full of insights, a great communicator, a natural teacher, someone who likes to make play out of work, a person that lightens up the crowd.
Sage Set Column Category of Overleaves
The Sage Set comprises the fundamental energies listed below. These subordinate Overleaves are second-nature to that Role. They are embedded in, and native to, the construction of this Role as design defaults. Visually displayed under the Sage column on the Card Color Chart in Section 1, realize that if no other Overleaves were chosen from other categories by a person of that Role, they would be automatically orient to these nested qualities.
The Sage Cards are all Cardinal/Exalted, Expression-oriented. Sages concern themselves with the exploration of Truth. Often feeling as if they will burst if they can’t tell somebody what they know, Sages naturally embody the Goal of Acceptance to allow for the widest and most diverse audience they can acquire. Swirling in a world of thought and love of ideas, they are nested in an Attitude of Idealist. Believing to be in authoritative command over any subject to which they speak their air of certainty is the Mode of Power projecting an assurance that you are in the presence of a true expert. It is easy to understand that they perceive themselves a presenting the most wise and thoughtful of ideas, and as such in touch with Higher Intellectual Center. Sages can stand on the stump above others orating truth, as they assure themselves it is, and the Jupiter/Jovial Body Type engulfs the room with its presence. It is loud and entertaining encouraging joyous celebration but also making it difficult for anyone else to breathe, let alone get a word in edgewise.
The Chief Feature of Greed says, “more, more” compelling the Sage who never feels satisfied that what he/she has, or has done, is enough. They are wired to be noticed, but falsely perceive that acquiring more listeners, followers, or wealth which would attract people, will grant them the security that they are enough. Constant seeking overrides any fear that their worth is less, and that they may just be empty.
When a person has chosen any of the Sage characteristics, they are engaging in some element of thought about ideas and how to communicate them, whether in words or performance. As with any Role Set Card, notice where it falls in relation to other cards in your Layout. If you chose the Sage Role, be on alert that what you know or believe, is ready for you to express to the world. You are being invited to take the stage and share your truth. And in the process be confronted with opposing views that will test your certainty and the veracity of what you know.
From One Archetype to the Next…
Now that the Sage has disseminated the information, connected the dots for people to see the big picture, what’s next is for people to take them to heart, converting them from mere ideas into a foundation of faith from which they can face life. Form teacher to the preacher the baton transforming that which has been cultivated as truth into the foundation of proof of TAO’s unconditional love for all beings. For that task and evangelist is required, an archetype ready to praise The Word. Hence, the next aspect to explore is the Priest Role – Card 6.
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