1 Server

“May I Help You?”
Unstated Intention of the Server Archetype
Servers are the common folk. They fill every niche and assist all other roles in their progress.
Server Role Overleaf Energy in The Michael Teaching
Servers comprise the every man. The most populace role, they fill niches that assist all other roles in their progress. Service and essence-effacing simplicity is said to have the mark of true inspiration attached to it. The Server is the individual whose native view of the essence has connected to it a need to demonstrate adequacy. The Server will always seek out the road, even reluctantly, that leads to fulfillment of the drive to take care or another thus feeling that they have a place. Though capable of great power behind the scenes, the Stoic repose. Though highly sensitive, the Server would often rather withdraw than confront. This sort of resignation can lead to a passive-aggressive way of dealing concepts rooted in it make it the most useful for future expansion. Listen to Aaron Copeland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man”. Listen and feel the exhilaration and satisfaction derived from personal, hands-on helping.
When cast in terms of the Divine Nature of an Omnipotent Being, it would be associated with aspects we might call personify as the Loving and Healing quality of God – personal and present.
Life Metaphor and Implied Motto
Life is for doing good in the world. Hard work. Giving to other people.
Cultural and Historical Archetype
The backbone of society, or the fabric of the community, this is the character of simply doing what needs to be done. Often with little fanfare and reward, the Server connotes modesty in action. This Archetype draws satisfaction from a job well done. Focusing on the task rather than the reward, this is the energy of “hard work” and the “Protestant Work Ethic.” Achievements are seldom just for personal gain, but somehow must serve a purpose for something greater than themselves. This may occur either with desire or under the whip of actual slavery or perceived bondage. Because this energy is not boisterous nor overly self-aggrandizing, it often lacks status or public exaltation or the wealth that accompanies great achievement. When exalted roles speak about all of the “little people who made it possible” they are addressing the Server whose “behind the scenes” efforts shores up the ability of the more extroverted to perform. Consider this comparison: while laurel wreaths are bestowed upon the Warrior as hero, the common soldier, sadly but often “cannon fodder” is the Server. Positions generally nondescript like the staff, or chorus, or workers, or laborers, or rabble, bear the mark of an Archetype that does not tend to distinguish itself for its own purpose and therefore tends not to be recognized, nor necessarily aspire to, individual self expression. Mom, is the ultimate Server caretaker.
Famous Examples of this Archetype
- People: Mother Teresa, Jimmy Stewart, Florence Nightingale, Peter Lorie, Anne Frank, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Victoria, George W. Bush, Phil Donahue, Prince Charles of England, Ram Dass, Pope John XXIII, Monica Lewinsky, Emily Post, Grandma Moses, Mother Mary (of Jesus)
- Mythical or Cartoon characters: Cupid, BooBoo the Bear (of Yogi Bear), BabaLou (of Quick drawMcGraw), Sancho Panza (Don Quixote), Tanto (to the Lone Ranger)
- Institutions: Hinduism, Red Cross, Salvation Army, CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp) Peace Corp, Hospice
- Familiar Occupations: laborers, warehouseman construction workers, food service, prostitutes, nurses, general practitioner doctors,
- Animal Totems: Elephant, sheep, cows, sea urchins, krill
- Inventions or works of art: Plow, shovel, restaurants, hotels, toilet
- Cities and Nationalities China, India, Hawaiian Islanders,
Identity Statements for the Server Role Energy
(Not every aspect may be in play.)
- I see myself in a support position.
- I try to treat people as an equal.
- My efforts are best given in a personal one-on-one way.
- My attention tends toward eliminating problems and suffering that I can directly affect.
- Service to others, in a practical way, makes me feel useful and competent.
- Though working alone is OK, I enjoy being on a team that serves others.
- I regard service as a noble endeavor, and at times, even a duty.
- I’m feel most inspired when I am needed.
- Like it or not, I tend to be forgiving and nurturing.
- I relate to the common man, the lowly, the working class, and pity the poor.
- When needing to get things done, I might try to exert control by being pushy or manipulative.
- If people would just let me take care of them, they’d be fine.
- My intentions are always with your best interests at heart.
- Since I consider meeting the needs of others my special calling, I get frustrated when I’m not allowed to serve.
- I notice that I am under appreciated and can be taken for granted.
- People see me as a caretaker, a tool, take me for granted and treat me like a doormat.
- My need for and sense of home and to provide a haven that nurtures everyone is of paramount importance. How it looks is of secondary importance.
- Careers or vocations that seem to naturally appeal to me are doctor or nurse, diplomat, public or civil servant, social worker, construction laborer, office worker, food server, doting husband or wife, PTA member, or Scout leader.
- Making sure that people are fed and warm is a big driver of my ideals.
- I assume leadership if is to serve the personal needs of others and ease undo hardship.
- Being less boisterous and rarely seeking to draw attention to myself, I prefer to serve the goal rather than simply serve myself for praise or gain.
- Friends and family would probably say of me that I am one of the first to chip-in and help; and usually good-natured or self-effacing about it.
The Server Set
- Unifying Set Image: Fireman’s Helmet – Significance = Selfless Service of the First Responders
- Common Color: Green: denoting the Heart chakra, the Emotional Center
- Background Image: Meant to denote the land, vegetation, and free flowing willingness to be a primary source of nourishment for all who partake. It is beauty in simplicity.
The Server Set comprises the fundamental energies listed below. These subordinate Overleaves are second-nature to that Role. They are embedded in, and native to, the construction of this Role as design defaults. Visually displayed under the Server column on the Card Color Chart in Section 1, realize that if no other Overleaves were chosen from other categories by a person of that Role, they would automatically orient to these nested qualities.
The Server Cards are all Ordinal, Inspiration-oriented, and possesses the native desire to attend to the common good. Instead of the acceleration of Growth they will slow their advance in the Goal of Re-evaluation, and even retard their own efforts. Their Mode of Reservation always seeks out the road where it is least noticed or offensive to others but when it is does so with grace and courtesy. So much so, that they may slump into Self-Deprecation the Chief Feature which causes one to perceive themselves, or their needs, of lesser value than others. Yet, they are capable of great power behind the scenes, and are helped by maintaining the repose of a Stoic Attitude. The anchoring into the Emotional Center equips the Server with the sensitivity that would often rather have them withdraw rather than confront. This sort of resignation can lead to a passive-aggressive way of dealing with concepts rooted in it but makes it the most useful for future expansion.
Capable of setting a tone of inspirational hard work, they usually resist the limelight or grand adulation. On the downside, they can feel downtrodden, unhappy, burdened, and trapped by their sense of duty. To escape feeling encumbered they may take to manipulating others sympathy. It their way of exerting covert control and is the way that the meek inherit the earth. Preferring to blend and not be too visible, they prefer the almost plain look of the Lunar Body Type. Its features are simple, almost childlike in their minimal development and otherwise draw little attention to themselves except how “average” it
might appear.
When a person has chosen any of the Server characteristics, they are engaging aspects to utilize or evaluate. Notice the particular card you draw. If you chose the Server Role, you are asked, “How can you make a contribution in supporting the common good?” Not as you define it, but as what you bring as skills to help. It is not about you, it is about making something better. This includes you as well as others.
From One Archetype to the Next…
Servers, you are the raw materials, ready to be shaped. How can it be best formed and utilized? The need for an inventor and designer is ready to be manifest. TAO directs the process toward the force which makes the scenery and writes the scripts. For that purpose of making the costumes, building the sets, composing the background music, and putting the actors on their marks, the next aspect to explore is the Artisan Role – Card 2.