Mar 172025

2nd Qrtr 2025 Overleaves Updates

Friday, March 28, 2025
@ 5pm PT on Zoom

Toughening up! That is what Masculine Energy with Discrimination and Cynicism looks like. Brave compassion and kindness does not mean being soft. It means confronting B.S. wherever you find it. Including ones Self!

Adaptation – Shredding, Shedding and Shaping 

Hear Michael’s Consortium provide a review of the year so far and directives of how to best use your energy for the coming period.

Click Here to Register


Jan 112022
2022 Signals - Get a Move On

In 2022, no one can see how far they have to go or how close a solution may be.

“Put your world in order or order will be imposed upon you.”
Michael’s Consortium

Worried, Wearied and Waging Warrior Year

Download this Article as a PDF
Role: Warrior > +Persuasion – Coercion
Cast: Sage > + Dissemination – Verbosity

Listen to the Presentation from January 7th, 2022

Part 1: Overleaves and Analysis:
Audio Player
Part 2: Audience Q&A:
Audio Player

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On the Eve of the 2020 Presidential Election

 Posted by at 4:27 PM  Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on On the Eve of the 2020 Presidential Election  Tagged with: , , , ,
Nov 012020

The Direction of Movement Into the Mature Soul Era
 the Selection of Its Figurehead

A Commentary by Stephen J Cocconi – Humane Being


“A moral compass can be magnetized two ways: toward what you aspire to be, or away from it and who you believe you ought to be to feel safe. You might say that orienting true north takes constant recalibration. Whereas going south is what happens when you run away from that responsibility. Either way your compass points – you face the consequences.” Michael’s Consortium

Any President of the United States, or leader of any country or enterprise for that matter, is a representation of a nation’s collective zeitgeist (World View or Soul Age awareness) at a moment in history. Continue reading »

Spiritualist Attitude and the God Particle

 Posted by at 9:43 PM  Articles, Newletters, Soul Ages, Yearly Predictions  Comments Off on Spiritualist Attitude and the God Particle  Tagged with: , ,
Jul 122012

The Discovery of the God Particle

The conversation between God and Man. Or The Universe and our Awareness of it.

The conversation between God and Man. Or The Universe and our Awareness of it.

Welcome to public awareness Mr./Ms. Higgs-Boson Particle. I say public because in the erudite realm of physics the concept has been known for 50 years. A mathematician by the name of Peter Higgs had a vision postulating (prophesying) the existence of this infinitesimally minute particle. And, that it could be the common foundation we’ve been looking for which explains: “life, the universe and everything!”

Only instead of chariots and trumpets formatting his revelation, his was visited in the form of symbols and equations. God, after all, has never stopped communicating with us. As we understood more of the complexities of ITS vast array of languages, then it could get down to the nitty-gritty. No more burning bushes, now it is onto sub-atom particles. Cool, eh?  Continue reading »

The Arab Spring and the further Emergence of the Mature Soul Era

 Posted by at 9:26 AM  Newletters, Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on The Arab Spring and the further Emergence of the Mature Soul Era  Tagged with: ,
Aug 302011

Since February, we’ve seen one Dictator in the Arab world after another fall because of the collective actions of citizens on the ground. Most of those actions have been bloody. Regimes of the powerful do not give over power easily. Continue reading »

Pet Consciousness, Our Connections, and Familiars

 Posted by at 11:06 AM  Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on Pet Consciousness, Our Connections, and Familiars  Tagged with: , ,
Mar 222011

As to animals. A couple of items tickled me to comment, since I love pets and feel so connected to animals. (If I were to have continued down one life path, I would have been a biologist or zoologist…love that stuff!) In regards to relationships with animals, pets particularly, this is how I’ve come to understand it.
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Now what? Mature Souls fall backwards to Baby Soul beliefs.

 Posted by at 9:59 PM  Articles, Soul Ages, Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on Now what? Mature Souls fall backwards to Baby Soul beliefs.  Tagged with: , ,
Aug 312010

The admonition of “me first” began when we were infants and in a larger social context, Infant Soul societies. But when the natural inclination for self-preservation is augmented with runaway greed the prognosis for society is not good. In fact, the belief that “economic growth” is capable of being continuous points us to an not-so-healthy analogy: cancer!
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