2nd Qrtr 2025 Overleaves Updates
Friday, March 28, 2025
2nd Qrtr 2025 Overleaves Updates
Friday, March 28, 2025
Long ago Michael postulated 7 Levels of Fear. The Consortium has expanded this array to explain their implications. Fear seldom is visually detectable as trembling or cowering. Fear acts like a drop of food coloring entering clear water. In a very short time, it diffuses throughout every aspect of the person’s life, and a subtle but detectable haze hangs in the person’s energy field. Subsequently their moods reflect it in degrees of anxiety, rage, or depression.*
*The purpose of this article now is simple. Fear is not the problem. How you react to it often is. If you know what to look for, you can deal with it head on! Heal yourself first. Forewarned is Forearmed!
I live in the Sierra Foothills at a place I call Hummingbird House, because of the small contingent of “hummers” that visit our feeders. They daily perform a passion play for me where the actors may improvise their parts, but the theme of the story is always the same. It is a theme of cooperation through contest: confrontation for the sake of demonstrating the urgency of one’s need.
Aloha! Welcome to my BLOG! This site is my perspective on and understanding of The Michael Teaching™. It serves as the philosophical frame-of-reference and lens through which I view my life and collective reality. As the title states, I am a Citizen of Earth and thus all my spiritual learning, musings, postulates and services are geared for us to live with more love, truth, health, creativity, and potency…in this lifetime! The afterlife will take care of itself! If you are a thinking, compassionate, active, and concerned human being, who seeks out diverse viewpoints to inform, stimulate, and enlighten yourself; then I believe what you find here will do that for you. Join the VIP conversation! And, ask Michael a question using The Michael Tarot Divination Cards which are integrated into this site. This site is an ongoing work in progress. So come back often!
Enjoy your tour… Stephen Cocconi
Could you imagine Abraham Lincoln deciding to let the South secede? How about not proposing and signing the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery? What would America look like now? Famous cases such as these bear witness and provide illustration to the notion and practice of Life Task and how it is facilitated by what Michael calls True Work. Continue reading »
This question was put to the Consortium and me by a student. Here is the response. (Italics below indicate channeled responses.)
“Why does birth constitute the only way in which a Soul may be housed in a body? It doesn’t! The credo involved here, is why waste a perfectly good body with an already developed personality? The answer is simply: do not waste it! Recycle.” Continue reading »
After years of living and seeing what people do in the name of God or the Spiritual Life, I’ve come to a simple conclusion: We are already Spirit! Whether that is defined merely as the atoms that comprise our bodies, or a more metaphysical belief that we are “children of God.” Our journey here on Earth as living beings is the only certainty that we can know. The why of existence, whether projected from religious doctrine or scientific speculation, is still no more than glorified or generalized opinion. Continue reading »