Have Michael Will Travel
Do you want Michael?

Over the years, I’ve traveled to 15 states presenting Michael in both public and private settings. Here are some ways to get me to where you are!
- Have a Michael Ware Party! » Get up to 8 friends and have a 2 hour private session in the comfort of your own home. All for $200! (small travel fee may apply) Additional person $25 each.
- Be a Channeling Host Venue » For those wishing to have individual client sessions with me, this is a great way to facilitate family and friends getting the time with Stephen or Michael they desire. Schedule 4-1 hour readings and the host gets theirs free! Call for details.
- Michael on Stage » Stephen’s big presence can bring Michael to your audience in an impressive way. Request a public question and answer channeling session or choose amongst any number of Michael Teaching topics.
- Host a Workshop! » For deeper exposure to the Michael Teaching and Stephen’s work, present a half-day, one-day or two-day seminar on any number concepts listed below.
Michael Topics Include:
- Connect with Your Guide
- Learning to Channel
- Overview of the Michael Teaching
- Overleaves: The Everyday understanding of how your native character traits affect you.
- Knowing Your Sub-Personalities with Visualization
- Finding Your Life Porpoise and 7 True’s
- Paradigm Shift — Overview of Soul Age World Views in progress into the Mature Soul Stage
- Masculine-Feminine Rebalancing
- Family Constellations “ Surrogate Psychodynamics
Stephen’s Seminar Topics of Interest
• No-Fault Communication — Speaking and Listening to Emotional Conflict
• Accessing, Understanding and Using Past Lives for your Healing Today
• Empowering the Authentic Emerging Man