N0-Fault Communication or Regression Session



NoFault Communication™ (NFC) or Regression Healing are facilitated by Stephen Cocconi in an up to 90 minute long session, where there is structured discourse. These differ from Channeling sessions since there is a dialogue where you are being interviewed and directed to uncover information. Whereas Channeling is a Q & A process where information is given to you.  Thus the price difference. For a Package of 5 NFC Sessions or Regressions for $600 (save $75) Click Here.


NoFault Communication™ (NFC) and Regression Healing are two approaches to problem solving and personal resolution to contentious issues or mechanisms to access hidden creativity or untapped talents. Both offered and facilitated by Stephen Cocconi,  The NFC Method helps 2 people connect inter-personally with each other. Regression Healing is a form of guided visualization to assist an individual communicate intra-personally with aspects of the Self that are seeking attention or release.

Either Service is a 90 minute long session, where there is structured discourse. These differ from Channeling sessions since there is a dialogue where you are being interviewed and directed to uncover information. Whereas Channeling is a Q & A process where information is given to you.  Thus the price difference.

Sessions May be Done over the telephone or Zoom.  (I do not use FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, nor Skype.) Please make your request in the message window during PayPal checkout. 🙂 I look forward to working with you. For a Package of 5 NFC Sessions or Regressions for $650 (save $125) Click Here.

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