Having a Comedic Download…
My muse, or True Play as Michael would characterize it, has always been the pursuit of levity! If I ain’t laughing, I’m sinking! Continue reading »
Prayer: Attention to Intention
Some recent channeling I received explained more about the nature of prayer, its function, what it does for us, and how with repetition, it can move your mind and emotions into an attitude where action becomes more immediate and more effective.
About Prayer: Or call it focused intention.
Prayer is talking to myself! Oh yes, I might believe that I am being listened too by whatever one calls God, no matter if you refer to it as: Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Spirit, Universe, TAO, or Source. But if I speak my invocation aloud; my intended target might be God, but it is my own hearing which is the first receiver! Continue reading »
Emotionalism and The Good ol’ Days
This article is in response to a submission by a reader.
The subject expressed nostalgia for the “good old days.” In my opinion, they exposed the negative pole of the Emotional Center, sentimentality about the a past that people espouse and seem to yearn for.
I’m taking the 5th…Internal Monad, that is!
In a conversation with a friend of mine, she mentioned that while reading a couple of my recent newsletters, she determined that their short length was a hint that something had happened to me. Her actual words were “what have you done with my Cocconi?” The implication, of course, that since I am better known for my verbosity, than my brevity, something was amiss with me. I’m taking the 5th! No not a fifth of tequila (though it sounds tempting); nor the fifth amendment – where I withhold from you in fear of being self incriminating; but the 5th Internal Monad.(IM)..aka “review of life task.” Continue reading »
Examining our Stories – Is your narrative thick or thin?
Recently my Priest friend Richard and I had a lengthy discussion. He introduced me to a method of study that caused my mind to light-up with the implications. Thoughts and images began reshuffled in my mind while new ideas were formed to fill in the gaps. He contrasted the notions of thin narrative versus that of a thick narrative.
Can you believe it? Having faith in science and technology.
Can you believe it?
Seldom does anyone question the hard “truths” of science…except when a new theory comes along to replace them. Continue reading »
Reflections and Teachings in Animal Archetypes
In the book Job KJV 12:7 to 12:13 it states:
7) But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: 8) Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. 9) Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? 10) In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. 12) With the ancient is wisdom; and in length in days understanding. 13) With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding.
For thousands of years, Man has sought understanding and power. Their most immediate point of reference has been Nature. And its most visible mirrors have been the lives and behavior of animals.
The Politics of Creation and Intention
by Stephen Cocconi © 2012
Beliefs are the foundation of all political interactions: whether it be considered a struggle or an alliance. Agreeing on “canons of faith” lay the common ground where people of “like mind” come together. Politics, by its very design, mean that competition, balance, and negotiating between various interests seeking their goals is a co-creation of a group: a blending, a synthesis, and delay or advance. Intentions, plus the power to move them to the head of the agenda, don’t always mean they will succeed, but it does tend to dominate.