2019 Overleaves Forecast

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Dec 192018
by Michael’s Consortium
Channeled by Stephen J. Cocconi 2019©

2019 Overleaves Composite

In honor of 2019 Artisan/Sage/Relaxation/Play Year, here is the perfect song to denote the energy. It portrays 3 of this years motto’s: Reclaim your Voice and Make it up as you go and Let’s do it together.

Order the CD’s for $25  Or  Download the MP3 for $20
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The 7 Levels of Fear

 Posted by at 3:53 PM  Articles, Michael Teaching Concepts and Terms, Social Changes  Comments Off on The 7 Levels of Fear  Tagged with: ,
Nov 282018

The Subtle Manifestations of the Worlds most Confusing Emotion©

by Stephen Cocconi for Michael’s Consortium © 2018

Long ago Michael postulated 7 Levels of Fear. The Consortium has expanded this array to explain their implications. Fear seldom is visually detectable as trembling or cowering. Fear acts like a drop of food coloring entering clear water. In a very short time, it diffuses throughout every aspect of the person’s life, and a subtle but detectable haze hangs in the person’s energy field. Subsequently their moods reflect it in degrees of anxiety, rage, or depression.*

Face Fear with open eyes!

Face Fear with open eyes!

  1. Apprehension/Discomfort/Covert Hostility/Resentment
  2. Denial/Ignorance/Rationalization/Pretense
  3. Fright/Reaction/Violence/Threat
  4. Retreat/Worry/Despair/Dread
  5. Terror/Paranoia/Panic
  6. Numbness/Trauma/Madness
  7. Apathy/Resignation/Collapse

*The purpose of this article now is simple. Fear is not the problem. How you react to it often is. If you know what to look for, you can deal with it head on! Heal yourself first. Forewarned is Forearmed!  

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Book Overview: “On Motivations: The Vocabulary for the Stories of Our Lives”

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Oct 122018

Everyone’s life and times is a story to be told.

Whenever we reminisce, tell a joke, give an instruction, or relay thoughts and feelings that trouble or enthrall us, we are sharing a narrative about our own story.

Enjoy Listening to the 15 minute Overview of the upcoming book:
“On Motivations: The Vocabulary for the Stories of our Lives – Symbolized in the Michael Motivation Cards”

Right Click to Download the file for later listening – click “Save link as” Continue reading »

Spirits, Spirits and Essence

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May 152018

A Commentary about the Effects of Alcohol

By Stephen Cocconi


It seems as if it is one more of the many humorous associations from the TAO, planted here as subtle “accidental” word play, that we humans (in English anyway) term both the vibration of living energy -Spirit, with that of those alcoholic distillations, brews, and fermentation, people have also come to call “spirits.” I love such cosmic innuendo as a back door to consider the implications of how each may alter our consciousness.  Continue reading »

2018 New Years Forecast by The Consortium –

 Posted by at 3:13 PM  Articles, Evenings with Michael, Yearly Predictions  Comments Off on 2018 New Years Forecast by The Consortium –
Jan 012018

Introduction by Stephen Cocconi – ©2018

I employ an intuitive source using terminology defined in the Michael Teachings. The highlighted words have contextual definitions that broaden their meaning. You might find it interesting to peruse them to grasp their additional aspects and implications. Yearly commentaries and predictions originate from differing points of view. Amongst Michael Channels, we who are proponents of these teachings, there will be unique variations and even contrary indications. Just remember that we Channels are individuals processing our own human journey with all our own predilections, brilliance, filters, and blind sides. I personally believe that whatever I write here for you is invariably applicable to me. If any of this information resonates with you and assists you to successfully navigate 2018, then I am gratified. Please feel free to comment below.

2018 Overleaves

ROLE: Warrior

Casting: Artisan Continue reading »

Encountering Angels in the World

 Posted by at 10:05 AM  Downloads & Podcasts, Evenings with Michael, Social Changes, Thoughts from Stephen, What's New  Comments Off on Encountering Angels in the World
Apr 242017

Michael Night Preface

What happened below is a testament to love and devotion. I was honored to have been the one who was showered with it. As a gratitude for all who made it possible, please enjoy a completely free listen to the Evening with Michael Channeling session recording that took place before festivities began on 4-21-17.

Encountering Angels in My World

My occupation regularly puts me in contact with what many would routinely call angels. As a Channel, I get to be the vehicle where advice is shared for those who ask. I confess, I don’t always notice, let alone listen, to what was given. So sometimes the messages comes in other ways.

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