Sep 192012

Mitt, Mohammed, Teachers, and Tension

Hasn’t it been a tumultuous 2 weeks? Anyone reading this article and keeping an even a sideways glance on world events, presented in mainstream and alternative media alike, knows that the Arab Spring has become the Arab storm. And, in the US, the controversy about a home made film depicting Mohammed, the founder of Islam, as a lecher and pedophile, which ignited tensions and religious intolerances ready for such a spark, has also brought the discussion of America’s First Amendment guarantees of freedom of religion and freedom of speech into poignant debate. While teachers in Chicago assert their rights of workers to bargain collectively for fairness, members of the powerful seek to stifle their rights to free speech denigrating the strike as a blow to children. What a shaming? Then, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney employs a New Age-ism as a slur about half the population of the US, calling them victims who feel entitled to government support. Unfortunately for the rest of us, Mr. Romney apparently has never heard of the historic concept of the social contract. Apparently, the only contracts he concerns himself with are the ones he breaks with employees of the companies he gutted at Bain (bane?), or those oaths of allegiance to his has pledged to his ultra-wealthy constituents. Continue reading »

Aurora: What would you want if it were your last supper?

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Jul 302012

If it were my last supper, I’d want…company!

My heart sank when I read of the news about the shootings in Aurora. Hauntingly, the word aurora refers to a natural light that is noticed most in the presence of darkness. As a metaphysicist, I take the liberty to infer meaning, let alone ascribe significance to such coincidences as part of the territory of my occupation. Yet, it seems apparent to me (and commented upon by Michael) that even if the name marking the location of this tragedy has no other bearing, it will forever be singed into my consciousness. Let us hope that from darkness we can see the light.  Continue reading »

Spiritualist Attitude and the God Particle

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Jul 122012

The Discovery of the God Particle

The conversation between God and Man. Or The Universe and our Awareness of it.

The conversation between God and Man. Or The Universe and our Awareness of it.

Welcome to public awareness Mr./Ms. Higgs-Boson Particle. I say public because in the erudite realm of physics the concept has been known for 50 years. A mathematician by the name of Peter Higgs had a vision postulating (prophesying) the existence of this infinitesimally minute particle. And, that it could be the common foundation we’ve been looking for which explains: “life, the universe and everything!”

Only instead of chariots and trumpets formatting his revelation, his was visited in the form of symbols and equations. God, after all, has never stopped communicating with us. As we understood more of the complexities of ITS vast array of languages, then it could get down to the nitty-gritty. No more burning bushes, now it is onto sub-atom particles. Cool, eh?  Continue reading »

Grateful to be a Liberal American!

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Jul 042012

More than any other tangible freedom, I value the right to be “secure in my person.” But this phrase from the Bill of Rights’ 4th Amendment, for me, extends further than protection from government. It harkens back to the 1st Amendment guaranteeing my freedom of expression. And by expression, I mean the right to speak my mind and disagree without someone else, who might interpret disagreement as their right to “take offense” and then act upon me in a reactive, punitive, or even violent manner. As a Liberal, I use my ability to think as a way of liberating myself from the fear which comes from ignorance. Not enshrining it as some sacrosanct order to be conformed to and enforced upon others.


So what’s the link for me as I celebrate our Independence Day? It is not government tyranny I most worry about, though on the horizon I see extremism undermining the halls of our democratic republic, instead it is my celebration of the rights of thinking people of conscience to advance our society through the dialogues of constructive disagreement.

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When a Victim Attracts Victory!

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Jun 262012

Martyrdom’s negative pole is victimization, mortification in the older versions. In the extreme of this energy which is characterized by paralyzed inaction and being the object of attack;. It experiences the terror of dying (Latin root morte=death), while being alive to feel it happening. It is the Ego identified with the personality and attached to the body which causes this malady to be cast under the heading, which Michael Students commonly know, as a Chief Feature. Continue reading »

Half Year Update…Sacramento June 15th

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Jun 042012

An Evening with Michael:

Friday Night,  June 15th  – 7 – 9 pm.
$20 (limited seating best to RSVP if possible
Healing Roots Center in Sacramento (Click to Google Maps)
2701 Cottage Way, Suite 35, Sacramento, CA 95825
The Nexus of late April has reset more than a few of the karmic balances causing more than a few anxieties and some profound course changes. During May, and arising for the next few months, many will sense these. Know that the “juice” is everywhere and try not to pin it onto one source event or person. There are also some instabilities in the both the physical Earth, some quakes to be exact (already had 2 moderate ones); and the wildcard of global financial shake-up, that broadcast a disruptive and unsettling energy around the globe and through the whole of humanity. In other words, it ain’t just you and it may not even be about you!

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Happy Post Memorial Day…

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May 292012

Remembering my Father

Memorials means paying tribute to the memory of the dead; particularly on this date the dead American soldier or veteran. My father who would have been 93 this year, was a veteran of 2 wars: WWII and Korea. The devastation it wrought in his life and the impact it had upon my mother, sister and me, shaped all of us.  Continue reading »

Live Comedy – The Stevie Zone: Coming to my web site this week!

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May 142012

Live Comedy – The Stevie Zone: Coming to my web site this week!

OK, OK! When it comes to getting techie tasks done, my pace becomes a slow chew like a snail, rather than the mega-bites gorging across the net. Hardly, in alignment with the kind of lightning turnaround everyone demands, or at least expects, in this day and age. But, this medium, (if you’ll pardon the pun) is supposed to be of service to us, not me to it!

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The Stevie Zone has entered new dimensions!

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May 052012

Holy Hangover Batman!  The Gathering at 7 Oaks was a personal milestone for me. Seldom in my life can I recall feeling such great success at my own endeavors. Being with colleagues and fellow students some of whom were in the original MIchael Group aka Messages from Michael – vis-a-vie Chelsea Quinn-Yarbro, granted me a place in the constellation of the Michael Universe that was only a glimmer for me before. Continue reading »