What this card means… Are the principles which you assert are good and right really thought out? Are they helpful? Idealism can hold both sound and delusional ideas as equally important.
18 Realist![]() What this card means… Time to strip away hopes, speculations, and prejudices. What really is? Work with what’s in front of you or is possible to achieve. Now. |
19 Stoic![]() What this card means… Be still. Listen. Get calm. If action is required, do it from this place. Do not confuse numbness with peace. |
20 Spiritualist![]() What this card means… Let spirit move you! Your Spirit is that indefinable presence of energy, power, and sense of urgency. |
21 Pragmatist![]() What this card means… You win some, you lose some. Practicality demands balance between forces. Take some from each column and shape an outcome. |
Thinking from a Predisposed Mindset![]() By Stephen Cocconi © 2011 The Attitude is an intellectual predisposition to contemplate, speculate and weigh data, whether that is presented from external sources or you perceive or formulate within you. Your Attitude reflects and will bias the internal concepts you hold. Thus, the Attitude affects both your inner and outer world. The Attitude is the “why” […] |