Masculine-Feminine Energy and Duality

It’s more than how you dress.
Of all the dualities associated with the physical plane none is more contentious or profound than that of sexual dimorphism: maleness and femaleness. Gender is the manifestation of a larger universal principle of TAO; the primary dichotomy of forces of Yin (Feminine, Divergent, Diffuse, Power, Love) and Yang (Masculine, Active, Convergent, Focus, Power) embodied. The two constructs of gender energy and sexual anatomy are different but of course intimately and intricately entwined. The 4 Gender Variations are: Masculine Male, Feminine Male, Masculine Female and Feminine Female. Yet, at the Essence level the Yin-Yang balance is not an either/or dichotomy, as is the case when a sexual gender is taken in a body, but rather a percentage blend of each force. These qualities thus augment the Soul and eventually the inner nature the Personality for which it inhabits. As such a measure of Masculine–Feminine energy is expressed in a ratio (e.g. 35%-65%, 82-18%, 42%-58%, etc.) The first term is the percentage of Masculine and the second the percentage of Feminine. This will be referred to as the Masculine–Feminine Energy Ratio or MFER.
Males and females may possess any combination of these two tendencies. To take on a gender identity is to emphasis the qualities and experiences associated with that sex. Hormonal influence on temperament, behavior, attitudes, physiological conditions, and aspirations, are the primary genetically dictated blueprint from which a person experiences gender differences. And genetics and gender are chosen by the Essence when seeking a body to inhabit prior to birth. Unlike the rigid assertion or at least insinuation, that somehow the process is completely planned, even Souls can make hasty and poorly considered choices. Landing in a body with certain characteristics might have met your general gender requirements but fall short of all the specifics which some just left to chance. (And yes, the TAO loves chance and randomness it is a delicious aspect which provides unpredictability and thus far greater challenge and fun for the exploration.[1])
One example for instance, would be a circumstance where a person of one gender identity feels trapped inside the sex of another. One recent famous persons is Chaz Bono (formerly Chastity Bono) who underwent transgender surgery to become a male from a female. This is multifaceted experience of transformation providing huge growth for the Essence inhabiting that body. This kind of lesson could only have occurred in the modern era where pioneering surgery has made this option possible. Dismissing the cultural stereotype where a Gay man must be effeminate (Feminine) or a Gay woman must be butch (Masculine), the choice of transgender or homosexuality does not require a specific MFER at the Essence level!. For that matter, there are no Overleaves specifically designed or “helpful” for making that sexual orientation occur. As with all the characteristic referred to in our Teachings, they expand the range of possibilities and nuances for TAO’s accumulation of knowledge.
As will be mentioned further in future articles, Overleaves, by their very design from TAO also possess an innate portion of each Masculine and Feminine. Therefore, it may be rightly assumed that the choice of Overleaves in a given lifetime augment your MFER in Personality emphasizing one side of the balance while potentially stifling or minimizing the other side. Like all acts of the TAO’s creative intelligence in action, such modifications and variations add to the virtually infinite diversity available for experience and learning. And to reiterate a fundamental premise of this Teaching the TAO’s purpose, achieved through unique Essences, is to gain as much and as widely diversified experience as possible; expanding knowledge of itself. Notwithstanding this vast data gathering undertaking, the benefit to the human race is the advancement of awareness as is measured by the rate of Soul Age development.
Another way that Masculine and Feminine Energies express themselves has to do with the degree to which a person can or will focus their attention on issues of “I” or “We”. Or another way of saying it, a focus on concerns and needs of one’s own individual self (ME) in contrast to the needs of other’s (THEE). Balancing inner Yin and Yang attributes can be summed up as recognizing the need for appropriate self care while giving appropriate attention to nurture relationships. Attention to one’s own needs and goals of which intended payoff accrue primarily to you will be referred to as “I work.” While those behaviors, concerns, or goals for which primary benefit accrues to other persons or ideals and for which a sacrifice is made, we refer to as “We work.” Obviously, this later concept appears in every specific relationship to some degree and is associated with issues of Agreements, Monads, and Karmas because each must engage an “other” to function. I work resides within the Personality responding to growth challenges arising from Self Karma’s, Chief Features, Internal Monads, and Sub Personalities.
For those who understand the Yin-Yang symbol, where a portion of each opposite is embedded in the other (the eye of the fish) no pure type exists without some tempering. Consider an action where a benefactor receives energy from a giver. While such acts categorized under Feminine energy as degrees of generosity or altruism, realize this is still tempered by a core decisive Masculine energy determination to make the choice to give in the first place. Noting here another one of our fundamental premises of the Michael Teaching, that all Free Will is based upon the requirement that in any circumstance where giving to another is present, the Masculine quality of decision is at play, even though the act of giving itself is a fundamentally Feminine quality. The two forces in play, sometimes in conflict, sometimes complementary, sometimes in competition: are for the TAO all peculiar avenues which enable diversity.
Learning Your Ratio and becoming balanced with it
First, let it be said that the word “balance” in regards to your MFER does not mean trying to shift the percentages to an equal 50-50 split. Instead, it means coming to terms with, and learning to optimize your own unique mix such that your happiness is maximized and perhaps, hopefully, your life success enhanced. Breaking free of cultural stereotypes about either gender is a crucial hurdle to be cleared for this happen. Overt manifestations of gender might appear as modes of dress, or occupation, or attitudes, or performance of various tasks, or how tasks are done. But it is the inner aspects of “what are the appropriate emotional qualities you feel and express” that might put constraints upon acceptance of your own unique expression of Self. Consider this equation: since both Masculine and Feminine qualities are “energies” and are engaged in dynamic interplay, then we can equate them with E-motion or energy in motion.
From this frame of reference, categorizing emotions as predominately Masculine or Feminine can be useful for assessing the composition of any circumstance (or your response to it) in terms of emotions. Particularly the broad categories regarded as Power and Love. The ultimate harmonizing of your personal equation means acknowledging the preferences for each, in what arenas of your life you express them (or lack thereof) and to what degree you might realize an imbalance. View the Wheel of Life Diagram for more specific reference to life arenas.
[1] The TAO’s definition of fun is all about learning, curiosity, exploration, diversity and advancement. It often does not necessarily include the pleasure aspect that we might consider fundamental.