Internal Monads – Stages of a Life
Understanding the Connection between Essence’s Influence on a Maturing Personality

Life operates in only one direction. From the moment of our birth we begin to grow old. It is the course of living everyone travels regardless whether they like the process or not. However, just because one physically ages, it does not mean that one advances in maturity nor emerges into their innate nature. In the Michael Teachings we call that innate nature of Overleaves tempered by the effect of Soul Age – True Personality. In common parlance we might call it the authentic Self of that person.
Only by grasping the subtleties and the conclusions that each stage promises may guarantee a successful refinement of their character and the furtherance of their conscious growth and development. Just to re-cap, just because someone is physically a “grown-up”, it does not make them an emotionally-mature adult .
Our awareness of self and the body, becomes a series of events that we exaggerate and delete. From the moment of birth to the last breath of death, each is recorded by the mind and the Essence. The process spanning the duration of an individuals existence are the stages referred to in the Michael Teaching as the Internal Monads (IM).
There are 7 Internal Monads. They are:
- First IM – Birth – The first experience of conscious life and death separation. Since there is never a guarantee of how well a birthing process might succeed, the being must make the leap from the Astral into the Physical. Metaphorical equivalence within the Essence’s evolution process of this teaching would be lessons of survival incurred at the Infant Soul phase.
- Second IM – Separation – Characterized by the first sense of ‘otherness’ meaning not connected to Mom but separate. The Will begins to emerge. The characteristic meme about this phase is thought of as the “terrible two’s” when a person asserts the first phases of independence: they say “NO”. But a deeper level, there is a sense of first steps toward self-control. And equally as present, the
- Third IM – Individuation – Often the most active and karmically-driven, this stage begins approximately at adolescence; somewhere around 10 – 13 years of age. Individual physical development and the experience of the culture one grows up in, either accelerate of decelerate this initiation. More often than not, it is in this phase we see the beginning influence of the chosen Chief Features. In response, it coincides with the emergence of both the Rebel and the Conformist Sub Personalities. They both develop to varying degrees. A person tends to display most of their Ego’s expression of Personality but largely in negative poles, motivated to create a persona that will gain them status or protection against vulnerability. There are many factors which might cause one specific persona (sub-personality) to appear more noticeably than another. They include:
- Overleaves
- Soul Age – The older the Soul the more likely they will proceed through the IM’s
- Life Plan – including Karma and key agreements
- Imprinting – Parental or social (or lack thereof)
- Childhood trauma
- Fourth IM – Selfhood – Up to this point, the first three IM’s are not optional. That is to say that once a person becomes a “grown-up” there is no guarantee that the person that is there projected for the world is the some one that motivates the person from within. Thus, the Fourth IM, while often starting around age 30, may go on as a struggle within the person for their own identity for many years. The many layers of consequence, both beneficial and detrimental, accrued by a person may lock them into a persona that they identify with. At this stage, sometimes called “the midlife crisis” the Essence pressures the Personality to examine, and in many cases shed, elements it has learned from other sources (conformed to) and redirect its attention to internal emanations of one’s chosen Overleaves. Only when this process has completed do we say of a person that they are operating from “true personality.” It simply means that the frictions of having to suppress innate qualities and urges lessens and the courage to reveal yourself more authentically to your deepest realizations increases. A movement into this place does not mean everything will be rosy and bitchen. It just means you know who you are and what your inner resources are.
- Fifth IM – Fulfillment – Here an aware person (one who has passed 4th IM) begins at least the sub-conscious process of “what have I done with my life?” In terms of this teaching we call it review of Life Task.
- Sixth IM – Review – Some Channels consider this process a mere clean-up or summation of the living process achieve through the previous 5. For we the Consortium’s point-of-view, it allows for the Personality to make some peace with itself, no matter if it served Life Task for Essence or not. This culminating experience may not be pleasant and prolonged or it may be satisfying and virtually unnoticed. It does however put a person in position to enter the final exit…the experience of dying and transition.
- Seventh IM – Death – A person may face death in terror or transcendence. Conscious or unconscious. Mournful and lost or enchanted and found. At the moment of death, the Personalities last grasp of its’ identity comes to a reckoning. On the other side, Essence awaits it in whatever form that individual may have been imprinted to perceive, or something completely different.
Internal Monads have phases which they pass through. Channel Troy Tolley has outlined these 7 phases of the 7 stages on his Truth, Love and Energy site.