Stephen Cocconi

Prosyletyzing and Other Emotional Energy Drains

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Oct 162009

Proselytizing is the need to save others so one doesn't have to feel bad by themselves.Proselytizing, I can’t stand it. The abstraction of my soul and how God interacts with it is my business! Religion might have the positive intention, and perhaps might provide the benefit of a person gaining a primary understanding of  spirituality; but it is something that should be sought out by the individual, not sold or marketed to them.

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2009 – Forecast and Predictions

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Feb 022009

2009 – Server / Sage Year

by Stephen Cocconi & Holly Coleman

The Mature Soul Cycle has finally come to the US with the election of Barack Obama. This turn of the page of Soul Age paradigm signals many new opportunities in store for the United States and for the world. Continue reading »

The Initiated Man – The New Warriors

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Jul 122008

by Stephen Cocconi © 2008-11

What is it to be a “real” man?

Loving Bear and his animals of powerWhat I have discovered is that the definition of “real” means,whole, to my reckoning. The second aspect of that determination is that the person acts a “mature adult.” That entails three simple things: courage to face life, accountability for your actions; and the willingness to say “I don’t know.”  For many of us, men and women alike, the last statement is truly frightening when it comes to who we are inside.

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2008 Overleaves & Forecast

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Jan 302008

2008 Overleaves & Forecast

by Stephen Cocconi with collaboration from Holly Coleman

Stephen’s Introduction

Before I turn the dais over to Michael I thought it important to issue a bit of Stephen Cocconi with a serious and personal messagean editorial comment. This year’s energy is both contentious and distorted. Being self employed and a man who is wealthy in people and love but not in material possessions, I want to say it is not easy, nor desirable for me to have received the contractive and somewhat dire economic information. that I have channeled. Trust me, I am one of the last people to wish to have a rough financial period. In fact, I hope that what I have received from Michael this year is “off the mark”. Continue reading »

2006 Forecast

 Posted by at 5:35 PM  Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on 2006 Forecast
Jan 272006

State of the Planet 2006

by Stephen Cocconi with collaboration from Holly Coleman


I heard it said recently that living ones life from prophesy is a poor way to experience the present. Expectation and interpretation, instead of experience and openness can rule one’s life. So this year, there will be no predictions about popes, politicians, celebrities, the weather, or anything about human life. However, here are some thoughts you may choose to consider. Continue reading »

Sep 261994

by Stephen Cocconi  ©1994 – 2011

1. Humans are stewards of the earth, not its master.

2 God grants neither salvation’s, redemption, nor rescue. We are all in this together. We all collude and co-create the world and our situations on earth. God is waiting for use to decide what we will do with the Earth and each other.

3. Children must be honored, not reproduced for status, labor, or saving marriages.

4. People must take power for their own lives regardless of their income level or social status.

5. Relationships must be chosen for compatibility and honest similarity in interests, and not based upon simplistic notions that love should bear all.

6. Punishment model of behavioral modification, which means notions of abuse, brutality, retribution, must be replaced by making amends, accountability, retraining and genuine empowerment of personal responsibility. (Not blame as it now masquerades.)

7. Ethical standards are more important than civil law or religious dogma.

8. “Either/or” categories must go! We must begin to think in terms of both/and/in-addition to, designations.

9. We must begin to see emotions, especially those that arise within us, as having been inside us in the first place. We do trigger each other, true enough. Yet “getting our buttons pushed” regardless if the person does do with deliberate malice, they are still our buttons.

10. Emotions are energy, not the enemy. All actions on the physical plane are designed to help us learn about our emotions. Fear, is one emotion, that will tell the mind to “stuff it” or “up level it” “develop a strategy to divert the energy” but do anything but face it.