Stephen Cocconi

Nov 032011

What’s on your mind? What do you want to know?

Ask Michael, Stephen and the Consortium a QuestionSo many items confront our waking thoughts. Health, politics, environment, tragedy, weather, sports, job, money, love, spirituality, human beings (just turning 7 billion and rising) and countless other concerns large and small, concrete and abstract, near and distant. One can hardly seem to get enough time to think about just a few of them. Continue reading »

Tell Me your Story about Life Task, Mission or Life Purpose

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Nov 022011

Inspiration and Education about Soul Satisfaction

Could you imagine Abraham Lincoln deciding to let the South secede? How about not proposing and signing the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery? What would America look like now? Famous cases such as these bear witness and provide illustration to the notion and practice of Life Task and how it is facilitated by what Michael calls True Work. Continue reading »

Nov 012011

 Hi Steve!

In Carol Heideman’s book “Searching for Light” she talks about us Michael students having an agreement to do light work at this time on Earth to bring us to a higher vibration/ level. I believe this is true. But she also talks about not everyone moving on to this higher vibration – and that’s all right, that’s their path to walk. OK – but what actually HAPPENS to them? Continue reading »

The Walk-in Phenomena

 Posted by at 5:57 AM  Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on The Walk-in Phenomena  Tagged with: , ,
Nov 012011

This question was put to the Consortium and me by a student. Here is the response. (Italics below indicate channeled responses.)

“Why does birth constitute the only way in which a Soul may be housed in a body? It doesn’t! The credo involved here, is why waste a perfectly good body with an already developed personality? The answer is simply: do not waste it! Recycle.” Continue reading »

It is the best of times…

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Oct 302011

There are many examples, millions perhaps if one considers every granular aspect of it, how and why the “good old days” never existed and demonstrate the blessings of modernity are, almost in every case, better for the mass of humanity. The sheer number of options opened to the individual because of global communications and travel combined with the extended life span and availability of information in print and electronically, make us realize that by volume alone we have access to freeing ourselves from isolation and ignorance.

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Modern Maleness – Sex and Violence

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Oct 192011

Let me warn you, dear reader, at the outset. The language contained this article is terse, profane, and displays my own conflict at the state of being a man. My heart knows that truth is often hard, harsh, negative, and even corrosive to sensitivity of any sort. If such boldness offends you, then read no further! My genuine intent is not to shock but to openly share and explore a growing realization of my inner Warrior’s assessment/rant about the sorry state of Young Soul version of masculinity. Continue reading »

Channeling is my best job…

 Posted by at 4:53 PM  Newletters, Thoughts from Stephen  Comments Off on Channeling is my best job…
Sep 302011

There is no question that I have a strange occupation. Not to me of course, but to most whom I meet. Depending on the person or the crowd with which I mingle, telling them that I am a channel is a bit like introducing a skunk as a household pet. Unimaginable! It is one method for ending conversations, not my intent, I assure you. Continue reading »