Divine Light Prayer Grid
Divine Light Prayer Grid for Protection and Attraction
Or, in Star Trek™ Terms – Activating Your Shields, Sensors, Force Fields and Attractor Beams
Original by Tachi Ren, Recreated and Enhanced by Holly Coleman, Modified by Stephen Cocconi
Introduction (Download the PDF of the Prayer)
The Divine Light Grid is a prayer technology which, when recited daily, activates several functions and achieves several goals. First, the Grid is a method of attraction and deflection. This prayer grid may be directed energetically to sanitize places you own or occupy like: your home, workplace, even your vehicle. By setting your intention for specific outcomes or experiences, you may energize the grid to magnetize things to you, or repel things away from you. The Grid establishes a safe container for energetic protection by requesting boundary support from angelic forces in service to the TAO. Second, it is a mechanism to extend the protective, clearing, healing and empowering energies to other people, objects, and endeavors which are important to you, when it is used as a directed invocation to ward-off or attr
act specific energies on their behalf. Third, speaking the words aloud reprograms and refocuses one’s mind to find and strengthen new possibilities. Repetition empowers one’s clarity and resolve. Fourth, the detailed descriptions in the prayer can activate otherwise previously unknown or unexplored avenues in your ability to think or what you consider. Fifth, by having to determine and declare your goals, it focuses your attention upon your deliberate intentions! It helps you to become more aware of actual achievements or sabotaging triggers which can hinder you. Lastly, anchoring your mind and spirit into the present, can open you toward the future; while dissolving and releasing the past in favor of the NOW! Add these elements into the prayer as they arise: 1) State thanks and gratitude for what you have…and mean it! 2) Appreciate and savor those same things inside your heart. 3) Forgive and ask for forgiveness. 4) Give yourself permission to act!
- Do this prayer, at least once, everyday.
- Incorporate any feedback received from your environment the previous day. Notice any and all anomalies, and forgive those which were not conducive or desirable. Consider it feedback, a course correction, not failure. Doing this will hone and amplify the effectiveness of your Prayer Grid with each invocation.
- Whenever some painful or disempowering: energy, emotion, sensation, or thought, arises in you, or seems to be directed at you by another; request the Angels of Cleansing to vanquish it and remove any residue.
- Feel free to modify this prayer by adding adjectives or qualities that best declare your aspirations, intentions, and goals. You will intuitively know the new attributes because they will pop into your mind and sometimes out of your mouth when speaking the prayer. This is an indication from Essence alerting you that the item is one that it desires you to have, or work with, or eliminate or expel.
- There are two places where personal prayer requests may be inserted. Prepare a list of energies and traits to clear during Phase 1. Then create a list of desires and goals you wish to manifest for Phase 2. Add freely.
- Statements may be phrased with whatever wording is true for you. Here are some example forms:
- Remove any blocks to receiving loving abundance, and instill discipline and focus to achieve it.
- Cleanse and expel those energies or emotions not originating with me and send them back.
- Restore me to complete health. healing of my (body part or condition)
- Send protective energy support to (name the person) and help them with (their need.)
- I request focused attention and endurance to complete my task (name the issue or work.)
- I direct my prayer toward the solution of resolving or manifesting the following concern ____)
Remember, whatever remains is a signal from your Essence of something it intends you to review or continue to work with. If a cord is touched, it might not yet be healed or resolved. Still, try releasing the energy but not the learning! Make sure to be honest with yourself and note all emotional resistance or attachment. Get to neutral!
There are 4 Stages & 4 Points of Pause for Visualization
- The Invocation and Declaration – Visualize your energy field, see the first shell of the grid appear.
- The Construction – After the construction, how does it appear now? Anything missing? Patch it.
- The Installation – After installation, see how it looks now; make sure you are in the center of it.
- Activation – When activation is complete, visualize again. Notice your mood and make corrections.
Begin the Prayer
To begin, shut your eyes and visualize a spherical shape. If it appears somewhere nearby you; make sure to step inside it so that it will contain you. At first, it might appear: loose, fragile, dull or minimal, or some other way you find questionable or displeasing. Do not concern yourself since this will change during the process. The Grid first forms by emptying the space of detrimental or unwanted energy subtracting it out and leaving a vacuum. During the next phase components are then added in. After each stage of the Grid Process is complete, visualize the changes that may have occurred; details like: texture, depth, color, size, or a specific energy signature. It might take time to bring this initial image into form. Once it appears, open your eyes and recite the invocation.
*In case you are wondering why the grid is spherical, it is because the circle is self-contained and infinite. Any point of entry is equivalent to another; and energy is distributed equally. Thus, it is the most conducive shape for stable and fluid energy flow.
Invocation: Open your eyes and declare…
“I invite and invoke Mother/Father God, Love and Light from the Source, as well as all my angels, archangels, healers and guides. And I call forth the healing and grounding energies of Mother Earth and all Earth spirits I connect with.”
“I call forth the Grid Masters:”
Grid level one: Cleansing Force Angels – the remover of obstacles.
Grid level two: Angels of Manifestation and Attraction – Legions of Michael
Grid level three: Angels of Protection and Grid Security
“Please place a grid around myself and these persons, (list name ) our homes, land on which the home sits, all personal possessions including autos; and those ideas, causes, enterprises and endeavors which I value or aspire.”
Phase 1: Construction and Removal
“Cleansing Force Angels: please spin this grid in both directions, emptying out:”
- Astral entities, astral gates and portals, any astral distortions, adverse astrological influences, adverse electromagnetic frequencies, and any abrasions caused by conflicting personality traits.
- Inoculate me against all harmful viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, injuries or dysfunction of any type on the following planes: Physical, Etheric, Astral, Causal, Mental, Messianic and Buddhaic.
- Dissolve any inner disharmony, abusiveness, enemy patterning, suspicion, resentment, envy, scarcity, greed, obsession, jealousy, loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness, and powerlessness.
- Vanquish any fears, disharmony, hatred, shame, entitlement, frustration, worry, shock, terror, condemnation, self-judgment, addictions, addictive behaviors, and all built-up disappointments.
- I pray to clear, free, release, relinquish, remove, exclude, or vanquish the following patterns, people, situations, circumstances, habits, behaviors or themes from my life: (such as pessimism) ________________________________________________________.)
- Remove and vacate any anchors to these energies in the homes, lands, possessions, autos, endeavors, and valued items, of myself and all other persons.
- Release these unwanted vibrations from our energy fields, including: physiology, chakras, centers, seals, acupuncture meridians, assemblage points, subtle bodies, etheric bodies, and layers of aura.
- Expel any self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors of: self-deprecation, unloveability, boredom, complaint, victimhood, unworthiness, incompetence, unimportance, insecurity, or feelings of inadequacy however expressed; and dissolve any built up draining or demeaning emotional energy around these and any other beliefs and traumatic memories, yet retain their useful learning.
- Uncreate and destroy all limiting, harmful, or energy draining: agreements, indebtedness, vows, contracts, covenants, pacts, unhealthy enabling, attachments, cords, implants, & demonic entities.
- Relinquish all parallel realities where the individuals involved are not experiencing their highest possible vitality: physically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, mentally, monetarily, materially, professionally, socially, familially and relationally, in all ways.
- Cleanse these energies from the physical bodies, down to the cellular level, penetrating the DNA and atomic matrix, emptying the quantum space, all the way through my spiritual lineage and human ancestry, all the way back to the TAO/GOD/Source.
- I forgive myself and all other persons for any perceived harm, and ask of others to forgive me. I bid us all to dissolve any enmity, releasing resentments or grudges, while remembering that these are part of our human experience; yet not forgetting any lesson that has advanced us, but to bless them as a part we played for each other on the stage of life.
- Dispel these energies from past, present, and future realities, from all parallel realities, in all concurrent lives, throughout all planes of existence, throughout all dimensions, in every direction all the way to TAO/GOD/Source.
- Eliminate any miscommunications or impedance to: co-creation, karmic completion, monadic interaction and anything that distorts the energy signature of clear communication with Spirit.
- Finally, remove anything that hasn’t been mentioned in this or any other language, but which you know needs to leave my space and time, in this moment.
“Phase 1 is accomplished. Stop weaving the Grid and tighten the container. I invoke the violet flame to further cleanse and purify the Grid, clearing out anything not vibrating at the highest levels of Love, Light, Compassion, Courage and GOD divinity. I thank you.” (Again, visualize the form of the Grid.)
Phase 2: Installation
“Angels of Manifestation and Attraction: Legions of Michael, please infuse this grid with:”
- The Angelic qualities of Grace, Love, Light, Compassion, Harmony, Liberty, Bravery, Justice, Mercy, Faith, Hope, Generosity, Abundance, Purity, Devotion, Strength, Victory and Triumph; and include all energies not specifically mentioned herein but are within the Alpha through Omega.
- Activate mastery, sovereignty, and empowerment so that all may experience Heaven on Earth.
- Permeate this Grid with abundant Vitality and Enthusiasm for living life to the fullest!
- Further infuse Unconditional love into: calm and inner peace, tenderness and intimacy, tolerance and kindness, vigilance and centeredness, enlightenment and knowingness, discernment and decisiveness, clarity and wisdom, patience and devotion, enoughness, satisfaction and fulfillment.
- Henceforth invigorate, recharge and fill all my energy reserves on every level and in every exchange; that I easily attract only those events, endeavors, experiences, and people which do so.
- I request the Attraction of patterns, behaviors, qualities, attitudes, habits, circumstances, and characters, which support and empower me to achieve or manifest these goals: _____________.
- Please intersperse this vibrational resonance into our persons, homes and properties, places of work, possessions, automobiles, our endeavors, and all we hold dear or sacred. And attract more diverse, subtle and specific components into play as they are needed.
- Invest and anchor these grid patterns into the physical bodies down to the cellular level, into the DNA and atomic structures, suffusing the quantum fields, and throughout my spiritual lineage and Earthly ancestry, in all directions of space and time, all the way to the TAO/GOD/SOURCE.
- Harmonize this vibration into the energy fields of all affected including: physiology, chakras, centers, seals, acupuncture meridians, assemblage points, subtle bodies, etheric bodies, and layers of aura; in full connection and resonance with all Levels of Essence and Self, allowing me to respond to Spirit without hesitation, confusion, or doubt.
- Align and calibrate these aspects by unifying my Personality and Ego with Essence at all planes: Physical, Etheric, Astral, Causal, Akashic, Mental, Messianic and Buddhaic. All the way to the TAO.
- Manifest and sustain these intentions, in all parallel realities, so that all individuals involved may experience their highest possible path: physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, creatively, professionally, monetarily, materially, socially, familially, and relationally, in every way.
- Permeate all past, present, and future lives, throughout all parallel realities and concurrent lives, spanning all planes of existence, in every direction, and in all dimensions, all the way to the TAO.
- Animate this grid’s connection to the Absolute Infinite Intelligence of all that is!
- Direct all communications from Spirit clearly to me, and clearly from me to others.
- Instill and activate intuition, instincts, curiosity, creativity, levity, playfulness, joy, fun, spontaneity, devotion, follow thru and stamina; opening me to revelation, epiphany, and peak experience.
- I appreciate my life, my lessons, my body, my abilities, and those people I have learned from. In every moment, I express my gratitude through my actions, accomplishments, and sharing my gifts.
- I receive any and all experiences from the TAO/Universe/GOD as a gift from Essence.
- I am now open to expanding my havingness while savoring every moment of my life, living it, and livelihood; while discovering the greatest truth for the benefit of myself and any beings I affect.
- Finally, endow & imbue anything else that hasn’t been overtly stated in this or any other language, but which you know needs to be in my or our Soloverse, in this space and time, in this moment.
“Phase 2 is accomplished and the Grid is constructed. Close the Grid. Thank you!”
Pause and visualize how the grid appears now. (Add to it if guided to do so.)
Phase 3: Activation
“Angels of Protection and Grid Security: I ask you now to charge and activate this grid with protectors and attractors as you seal it.”
“Charge this Grid with protections and attractors which realize my intentions and invocations. Realign and pervade this grid and all aspects of my Soloverse (Self) and those affiliated with it, to higher, and more vibrant, extra-dimensional grids. Resolve and extinguish any distortions or attenuation’s on those grids or integrations between grids. Install it with vibrational resonance and with absolute clear connection for meaningful communication with the TAO, the Omnipresent Spirit of all that is.”
I give myself full permission to guide my own life, to live by my own principles, to express what is true for me, and to act accordingly. I then translate that Grace into greater: authority, abundance, potency and joy for all of my days; and I extend all of it to support those whom my life and endeavors, affects or touches.
“Phase 3 is complete! Seal the grid with Infinite Love. Make it impenetrable to those personalities, thought-forms, objects, actions, energies, emotions, and entities which do not empower or enlighten me. And make it internally permeable for those things which I am finished with and no longer serve me, to exit and be reconstituted. Activate the grid, NOW! Thank you!”
So be it, so it is! Amen, AHO, OM!
Final Steps – Meditating and Integrating
- Close your eyes and again visualize the grid. Make sure that you are surrounded inside the grid.
- Did you notice any messages, images, sounds or sensations of any kind which came to you?
- Take a few minutes after completion to allow this new integration to permeate your Being both consciously and unconsciously; however briefly or involved that is for you. Breathe it in!
- Once you’ve reopened your eyes, you may want to journal or share with a trusted confidant, any significant insights or experiences you had. Also be aware of the secondary thoughts or perceived ramifications which arose during, or in your interpretation of, the process. In this final sequence, you are witnessing the transmutation of these qualities leaving or entering. Yet there may be final comments or initial instructions that attend the reconfiguration. (Acting upon this guidance is a choice, not a mandate!)

An end to the illusion of separation requires that we begin to speak our experience truly for what it is!
The use ofpositive thinking as a strategy to avoid reality and falsely assert the circumstances we believe should be; instead of honesty about what they actually are, invites denial and unintended consequences. The two parts of this reporting require truthful assessment and labeling (as you understand it at that moment). First, of one’s internal status, the emotions and perceptions joined to them. Second, as plainly and directly as possible, state the conditions present in the external situation: both about the persons and circumstances. Truth telling is not moral so much as it is vital to precise assessment. To begin a journey one must know where one is before accurately setting a course for the destination. Come to terms with reality as it is; while at the same time, begin writing the narrative of your life script you want to embody.