Sep 282024
The Closing of the Chaos Period and the Entry into the next 25 years.

Personal Growth Themes and Challenges for the King-Cast, Sage-Role Year emphasized:

  • How do you speak to power? (Do you silently capitulate or assert your rights?
  • How much do you self-censor (meaning withhold because you are afraid to speak?)
  • How prepared for you to deal with discomfort? (Entering a new frontier can feel painful.)

*Your answers are meant to alert you as to your own courage and how often you choose fear. That is all. Your answers are not an indictment for shame but a notification of how open you are life.

Part 1 – Overview from the Consortium (Free to Listen)

 Part 2 – Audience Q & A (Free to Listen)

Most Emphasized Overleaves this Period

Sage Year – Action through honest and intentional Self-Expression. Assertive not defensive.

Frequency – the fast pace of events can produce anxiety. Process it with vibrational upliftment.

Mode – Aggression – Both poles are on display. How do you use it? Energize and move? Or enervate and project agitation and irascibility?

Needs: Community, Security, and Freedom (in this order) – People are looking for others to feel safe with and express their “feelings”, really opinions and beliefs, in a way that makes them feel included and not alone.

Additional comments from Steve

TAO is impartial. It may favor progressive evolution, but as humanity has it own agency (free will) TAO responds to the collective vibration that humanity emanates. Raising vibration is the only way to insure expansion rather than a contraction. However, evolution forward through time is inevitable, just which path do you collective choose to take? See the Vitality Tone Scale for clarification.

Redefining the abstract concept of Freedom into the meaningful and measurable constraints of physical liberty, i.e. the ability to move unrestrained within a space and the mobility to acquire necessary resources. Much of the discussion asked that people really grasp this liberty, or its lack, it is what defines a person’s agency and independence. The poor, the slave, the indebted, the dependent, much of the “underclass” earner’s in the world, are grossly constrained by their lack of physical liberty. This Moving Centered way of categorizing “freedom” is vastly more important to consider when thinking about choice. Less liberty, means fewer choices. Fewer choices means less likelihood to develop oneself or for a society limiting liberty to flourish and expand. This is what is happening with the widening income/wealth gap.

Physical Liberty is the actual ability and access to movement and mobility. Freedom to act free from the fear of consequence or constraint is liberty.

Aggression Mode’s Poles are in Competition. Which will win in this Chaos period?

  • Positive Pole is Dynamism, Striving, Asserting, Leaping Forward, Sprinting. – Expansionary via the positive poles of the qualities of Mature Soul paradigm – Inclusivity and Solution.
  • Negative Pole is Belligerence, Destruction, Combative, and aiming to defeat a perceived enemy, and punish them. Contractionary and through the negative poles of the Mature Soul, inconclusion and indecision, and fictionalization (the last is much like Baby Souls need for tribe.)
  • What is at stake is whether institutions will be poised to open to the shift or close down avenues and engage in repression. This is a world wide and humanity wide challenge.

Summary of the Presentation – (Formulated by Zoom “AI Companion”)

Stephen/the Consortium, led a discussion on humanity’s current state, emphasizing self-awareness, collective energy, and the importance of making conscious choices for the future. The meeting covered topics including the significance of upcoming political events, the transition to a mature soul era, and the potential consequences of technology and space exploration. Participants explored the balance between masculine and feminine energies, the need for proactive action, and the importance of raising individual and collective vibrations to effect positive change. While the current environment favors advancement of Mature Soul vibrations and outcomes, by 70% likelihood, remember that many entrenched features of the world economic, political and environmental system have been set in motion and do not just magically disappear. Whatever progress that will be won will encounter the stalling forces of their inertia. Your energy will have to remain active and engaged until 2024 ends.
Managing Anxiety and Embracing the TAO
The Consortium acknowledges the collective anxiety and invites the group to manage it by acknowledging and keeping it in front of them. He emphasizes the significance of the current time, where humanity’s choices will impact the continuation of life or fear. The TAO is introduced as the ultimate context for all experiences. They encouraged questions on any subject and hints at an interesting surprise – the introduction of an AI transcription tool to aid the group’s workflow. The meeting’s focus is on decisions, alignments, next steps, and open questions regarding this crucial transition in human history.
Asteroid ‘The Visitor’, Consciousness Shift, and Politics
The Consortium discussed the asteroid ‘2024 PT 5’, that the Consortium has nicknamed ‘The Visitor’, which will temporarily become Earth’s second moon. He explained that ‘The Visitor’ represents masculine energy supporting feminine energy and authenticity. Stephen mentioned this asteroid is part of a larger shift in consciousness and its high frequency brings urgency. He discussed the current political climate, emphasizing the importance of words and messaging. Stephen highlighted the Sage’s role this year, with three influential political figures present. He noted the need for compassion amidst martyrdom and a lopsided masculine-feminine energy ratio, which ‘The Visitor’ aims to balance. Stephen also discussed the angelic realm’s significant battle, encouraging participants to experience joyful moments as vibrational interjections from angels rather than relying solely on intellect.
Embracing Change and Co-Creating a New Paradigm
The Consortium emphasized the importance of self-awareness, humor, and addressing primary needs such as security and appreciation. He highlighted the urgency of the current situation, stating that the next 25 years will be shaped by the choices made in the next three months. Stephen discussed the concept of physical liberty, the need to overcome self-repression and self-censorship, and the importance of individuals taking an active role as agents of change. He also noted the current chaotic period as a competition between dynamism and belligerence, encouraging individuals to make a proactive leap into this new frontier to co-create a paradigm shift towards greater mutuality and shared resources.
US Election Implications and Global Stability
The Consortium discussed the current state of the US election and its implications for the country’s future. He noted that the energy is currently in favor of a Democrat presidency, but the outcome is not certain. Stephen emphasized the importance of perseverance and not letting down until the election is over. He also highlighted the need for realism and not allowing one’s sense of hope to be dashed by negativity. Stephen mentioned the potential for a significant shift in the world’s trajectory, particularly in the Israeli-Hamas conflict, and the potential for increased destabilization if certain energies are allowed to persist. He urged for a balanced approach between expansion and contraction, and the need to stop the decay and rot that has been introduced in the last 45 years.
Ukraine’s Victory and Countering Nationalism
The Consortium discusses the need for Ukraine to defeat Russia in the ongoing war, as a ceasefire would allow Putin’s expansionist agenda to continue. He emphasizes the importance of Europe supporting Ukraine to diminish Putin’s power and potentially lead to his removal. Stephen also highlights the rise of nationalism and fear-mongering, driven by outdated models, which must be counteracted by embracing higher vibrational energies and exposing these ideologies as fraudulent. Additionally, he critiques authoritarian regimes, including the US, which are heavily reliant on fossil fuels and oligopolistic power structures. Stephen warns that the next 25 years could bring environmental destruction and resource exploitation unless a shift towards preservation and more equitable distribution of power occurs.
Collective Energy, Self-Care, and Proactive Action
The Consortium emphasized the importance of collective energy in effecting change, suggesting that individuals should raise their vibrations by associating with like-minded people and engaging in self-care. He encouraged proactive action and the assertion of one’s influence. In response to Mike’s question, Stephen suggested specific actions like communing with those aligned with one’s desired candidate to build confidence and energy. He also discussed the importance of intellectual research and action in the context of elections, suggesting that those with extra funds should support candidates on the cusp of winning, and that showing up and raising one’s vibration can be impactful. He concluded by introducing Catherine Schwinger for the next part of the discussion.
Transition to Mature Soul Era and Forgiveness
The Consortiumexplains the transition from the young soul to the mature soul era, with societies spiraling between positive and negative poles as they evolve. He praises President Biden’s selflessness and mentions the young soul era will transition positively before the mature soul era begins overlapping. Angela struggles with forgiving those threatening her rights, but Stephen advises focusing on principles rather than opposing harshness. The mature soul era represents a conscious synthesis building upon previous ages.
Humanity’s Collective Choices and the Future
The Consortium discussed the potential consequences of humanity’s collective choices on the future of the world. Stephen emphasized that evolution is a forward motion, even if it doesn’t mean progress, and that humanity is currently at a threshold where it can choose a direction based on higher vibrations and openness to mature soul development. He warned that if humanity chooses a direction based on opposition and conflict, it would lead to a collapse of options and a loss of steam for progress. Stephen also highlighted the potential dangers of technology, such as AI and robotics, which could take over the human race if not used responsibly. He concluded by stating that the future of humanity depends on collective choices and the ability to re-engage with each other.
Understanding the Appeal of the MAGA’s it to recognize ‘Victim Mentality’
The Consortium and Barbara discussed the reasons behind some mature souls supporting the MAGAs. Stephen explained that soul age alone doesn’t guarantee critical thinking skills, as biases and prejudices can hinder reasoning. He highlighted how trauma and karma can lead to a defensive victim mentality that the MAGAs appeals to, making it seem glamorous or tough. Stephen warned about this defensive victim mentality and emphasized acknowledging the struggles of those who feel victimized by the concentration of power and reduction of personal control. He also discussed the impact of Ronald Reagan’s policies on the economy and society, suggesting that they created a false sense of nostalgia for a better past. Stephen argued that these policies, which were marketed as opportunities, actually stacked the game against many people, particularly the older and more mature. He noted that some individuals still feel victimized and unheard due to these policies, and they perceive the current situation as a sure thing, despite it being a form of negative certainty.
Discussing Insights, Borrowed App, and Astrological Influences
Barbara expressed her gratitude for the insights The Consortium provided, which she hadn’t considered before. The conversation also touched on a recent news story about a space rock, referred to as the “Visitor,” which is believed to have a significant astrological influence. The Consortium and Karon discussed Karon’s concerns about AI’s influence on her thoughts and actions, with Stephen reassuring her that she still has choice and the ability to discern credible sources. Brad shared his interest in an upcoming comet and asteroid event, mentioning that the asteroid belongs to the Arjuna group and that the comet may be very bright and visible in mid-October.
Space Exploration, Colonization, and Environmental Concerns
Brad and The Consortium discussed the potential for space exploration and colonization, with Stephen expressing skepticism about the feasibility of such endeavors due to the lack of resources and willpower. They also discussed the need to support life on Earth, which may require the eradication of certain species or systems that are detrimental to the environment. Stephen warned about the potential for political manipulation and the need to keep an eye out for such tactics. The conversation ended with a sense of uncertainty about the future, with the possibility of a new era of peace and progress, but also the risk of collapse.
Space Travel Readiness and Divine Balance
Jeanne and The Consortium discussed the readiness of humanity for space travel, with Jeanne expressing her belief that they are not yet mature enough for it. They also discussed the balance between the divine masculine and feminine, with Jeanne suggesting that the divine masculine is now poised to support the divine feminine. Stephen encouraged Jeanne to develop a narrative around this idea and emphasized the importance of higher vibrations and self-love. He also expressed a desire for more people to join their Consortium. The conversation ended with Stephen wishing everyone a happy holiday season.
Next steps
• All participants to focus on self-care and finding moments of grace and joy to raise personal vibration.
• All participants to speak up and assert principles when appropriate, avoiding self-censorship.
• All participants to continue “sprinting” in their efforts to support positive change through the election period.
• All participants to practice discernment and good judgment when consuming media and information.
• Jeanne to write about the symbolism and meaning of the “visitor” asteroid.
Link to the video animation of the “visitor” asteroid.
• All participants to immerse themselves in upcoming holiday celebrations and share the joy with others.
• All participants to find deeper places of self-support and self-love to maintain a higher vibration. The analogy of “a full cup” was invoked to remind you that when you are brimming with feelings of love, joy, and compassion for Self, it spills over and radiates outward to and for others. There is only benefit.


*This is my first use of AI-generated summary. It might read vaguely and thus be inaccurate. For further clarification, listen to the recordings above with our love.  

Go with TAO

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