For all those stunned by the election of Donald Trump for a 2nd Term as President of the United States and wondering how this will impact the unfolding of the Mature Soul Era, this presentation is a response to those circumstances.
Part 1 – Evaluation by Michael’s Consortium
Part 1 – Q & A to Michael’s Consortium
Download Here “Post Election Evaluation” Nov 22, Edited Transcript for Stephen Cocconi – Transcribed by Susan Flow
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Transcript: Post 2024 Election Evaluation
Channeled November 22, 2024 by Stephen Cocconi
Edited from ZOOM transcript by Susan A. Flow
Stephen: Okay. Well, I believe we’re at five o’clock. So, I will reward those of you who were on time by going ahead and starting on time.
First of all, I want to say thank you all for coming. And needless to say, this is a pretty potent time in our existence and I was prompted to do this session. And given the fact that I’m seeing so many of those of you who signed up, and you are here bright and bushy tailed, as it were, hopefully you will find this to be an interesting and even potentially useful if not calming exercise.
So, a few things about logistics for tonight. Susan is assisting me, and I am keeping track of a transcript feature on Zoom. The transcript does capture your name when you speak. But Susan is also going to, has agreed or offered kindly to edit this. So, when she does, she will go through and remove your last name.
The second thing is, as you know, I record this, and I will make this recording available to everyone.
And before I further delve into talking about the specifics of tonight and so forth. I just want to acknowledge that no matter how any of you voted there is material here for both sides of the political aisle.
And in addition to that, there is, you know, I want to acknowledge something that they told me to really focus on, and that is while there is a lot of information that could be shared and their opinion, which of course comes through me, the vessel, so therefore influence or tainted or biased or what have you, by me. I wish to own those biases so there is room for you to reject this information if you wish.
But nonetheless they want to remind you that as you are alive, you are loved. And you’ll move forward. But acknowledging also that there might be a little bit of heaviness or leeriness.
I asked them if I could start off tonight by sharing a little bit of humor with you. So, I have a joke to open tonight’s festivities as it were.
And it has to do with three pets that passed over and went to heaven. And God met them at the pearly gates. Of course, God said, welcome, welcome. And notice that there was a German shepherd, a little corgi dog and a kitty cat. And so, God, in God’s fashion, of course said to the German Shepherd, “So, tell me, what do you believe?” and the German Shepherd stood up straight and said, “I believe in loyalty and determination, friendship. And protecting my family”.
And God said, “That’s very good.” And then gestured to his right and patted a seat and said, “Please take a seat over here”. And the German Shepherd went up.
Then God turned to the Corgi and said, “Tell me what do you believe?” And the corgi sat up and smiled and said, “I believe in love and pets. And hugs and making people happy.” And God smiled and said, “That’s good”. And turned to his left and patted on a seat to the left. And said, “come right up here”, and the Corgi did.
And then, of course, God, at last turned to the cat and said, “So, what do you believe?
And the cat looked at God square in the face and said, “I believe you’re in my sitting in my seat.”
In any case, we just want to acknowledge that’s hope. Be like a cat, cats have a really healthy self-esteem. And that is something in addition to all the other lessons that we might be having to remember, this self-esteem and remembering one’s place in the universe is useful. Because even if we’re sitting in God’s seat, it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re God.
Stephen: So, all right, everyone’s here are some more logistics about tonight. As is my fashion, as many of you know I do use a slideshow. I will endeavor to use slides in an appropriate way. If there are slides that are too text heavy, I will just skip them and just continue to speak. The way that we’ll be doing tonight is first, Michael will share their information. They’ll tell you how they’re going to structure their information. And then there will be a period for question and answer. Now, during the question and answer period, I would like it if, and it would be helpful to me if you use the React button at the bottom of the at the bottom of your control panel. There is a command that says gestures “raise hand”. Kathryn has raised her hand. And I’m wondering, Kathryn, do you actually have a question at the outset? All right, I’ll presume you’re demonstrating for me. As some of you can see, there are about 25 of us here so far. So, I cannot necessarily see all of you when you raise your hands on t the screen and so forth. But I will when you use the gestures.
And on occasion, as humorous as this may sound because it’ll be crossing from the mental plane to the physical plane. If you might prompt the channel by saying, “Would you please save the transcript?” I have a button here that I apparently as the host have to physically save it every once in a while. So, a little prompt helps bring me back into the space.
All right, everyone. Well, again, welcome. And so, I’m going to share the screen. And start off with the first… bit of information for tonight.
Michael Entity: So, some of what we really wanted to concentrate on doing was using a number of the characteristic methods of trying to demonstrate what we are hoping to convey. And setting context is an important thing for this talk or for any presentation that we or anyone else does. Because it helps to give your intellectual center a frame of reference.
So, we wanted to start with the title and we chose the phrase, The Road Well-Trodden”. Many of you know Robert Frost, the famous poet, and his poem The Road Not Taken. M. Scott Peck made a reference to that, in a very famous book, written in the mid-1980s called, The Road Less Traveled.
But what this reference is really is talking about, what we’re alluding to is the fact that the American electorate helped to trigger a going back to a lot of tried, tried but not true, but tried and familiar ways at looking at life, like a road that is well traveled, that is well-trodden.
Now this title prompted a question from Janaia, who many of you know often comes to these sessions. However tonight she is not going to be with us. But we thought it was essential to mention it at the outset, as part of the process of setting context. Because setting context is one of the great failures in communication, that occurred on both sides. And as a result, it worked for approximately 51% of the electorate but it didn’t work for 49%.
So, what is that question?
It referred to the description we gave, how the United States, how the American electorate turned politically backward. And she asked, ‘does that mean that reelecting Trump means that the country is going backward or that it’s a backward step in human consciousness in general?’ (Question: By “turned politically backward”, are you saying that re-electing Trump is a step backward for the country, and perhaps a step backward in [human] consciousness? Like a regression rather than a progression in the Mature Soul age?)
And some of you know that in our terminology, we use the concept of this evolutionary step from Young soul to Mature soul age. Well, our answer to her was, and it’s implied in the graphic that you see off to the right there. And how we responded was that you are going to continue down the path toward the Mature soul evolution.
But your consciousness, collective consciousness is going to be turned around backwards. It’s going to be looking at the past. It’s going to be looking at and seeing and referencing a lot of the familiar kinds of beliefs and ways of doing things, and paradigms, for those of you who know that term, to orient itself towards even as it is actually moving again along the Mature soul era.
And that’s significant because we want to reiterate, evolution never goes backward. It cannot. It is always forward motion in time. However, that does not mean it is always what you would consider advancement or improvement or progress as you would see it.
So, we wanted to clarify that because when we give you the way we’re presenting tonight to put it into an intellectual frame of reference, remember that we are from the mental plane and therefore, the higher intellectual center and therefore the intellectual center using language is extremely important to us because they are the carrier waves of the vibration of meaning. And they offer you through us, our intended way of expanding your consciousness, to get a larger vista about what is happening and will be happening.
In the next slide, you notice in the top two blue segments we use two words, one of which you’re probably familiar with, the idea of sociology, which is talking about the study of groups and collectives in their interactions. And the way we mean it, of course, in worldly dynamics, which means politics, economics and the material world.
And then over on the left, you see a word that we invented that we have used through Stephen to talk about the metaphysical overview of things, and we call it Soul-Ciology.
Now, yes, some of you smile and say what a cute little play on words, Michael, and so forth. But nonetheless, we mean it quite significantly. Because when you understand that the physical plane is about the interaction of personalities, all of you in bodies, but Soul-Ciology is talking about, if you will, the metaphysical collective backdrop and the influences it has, but also does not have here once you are embodied.
So, you can see some of the things under each of them. Now, these slides will be available to you as part of the download from this presentation and you can go through and study these and the statements we have on there, but we’ll paraphrase.
First of all, in the American election, what dominated was the paradigmatic view that we would call sixth level Young. Very much acquisitional, very much about dominance hierarchy, very much about acquisition of power through material things. And the collective attitude in the real world is everyone for themselves.
So why that’s significant is because even though the world has entered into the Mature soul era, it has repercussions. Again, when looking backwards people are looking for the stability and the history and those beliefs that they felt saw them through. And they went for it.
So, with that, we’re going to skip on to the next slide to help you by making this statement:
Human fear and emotion is at an all-time, influencing high levels of collective Maya.
And many of you who are not even Michael students still probably know the word Maya, that Hindu notion of illusion. But illusion that is so prevalent, it literally creates the fabric of perception on the physical plane.
So, we want to infuse something here for you. And that is what this sign says: Not everything will be okay according to your likes, dictates, and hopes. We grant you that. But some things will.
And some things will surprise you. And we will talk about some of those tonight. And undoubtedly, when you question us tonight. You will hear some things that may surprise you and we hope you do.
But this slide is the one that we offer to all of you to understand. If we wanted to put this in political terms, you know, many of you here who are the progressives… We don’t like really the terms left and right or liberal and conservative.
We say those of you who are forward looking and hopeful towards a more expansionary course, in a way, even forgot to really account for the fact that there was another portion of the population that was as equally full as you were.
And by fullness, we’re talking about, as you can see in this diagram….
And by the way, these six energy labels that we have their emotion labels, anger, shame, grief, sadness, pain and fear, you see a representation of a male and a representation of a female. We want you to know that all of you, regardless of your actual physical gender, could have any of these emotions and many more, including what some of you are feeling since the election, which is resignation or hopelessness or uncertainty.
It’s when these fill up your auric field and the Maya, your personal Maya is, for want of a better term, overwhelmed by these. But it can feel like contamination. Then your willingness, let alone ability to connect with other people is really stifled.
And what we hope for you tonight is that to understand that whatever healing, yours, theirs, both of yours is to deflate these bubbles that you see depicted here in this graphic.
And that is your own individual work. which many of you actually will have a chance to deal with now.
We want to thank Mei, who we believe is the one who provided us this next graphic because we think it’s very illustrative of you know being in your classroom of the physical plane.
And you see there that the universe is knocking on the door, and yes, of ego, actually Because ego is still part of your personality. It’s the part that tries to deal with coping with this place. It’s not bad, wrong. It’s just doing its best.
And you see the message it delivered, and you see how angry that ego can be because it feels really, really disappointed. And when many of you get disappointed you know you get bitter, resentful, angry, and so forth.
Well, we ask you if you could begin to stop getting bitter, resentful and angry at the universe for doing what it does, and that is it has its own course of action. Is it easy? No. Is it simple? No. Is it fun? Not often.
Because remember, and where you need to have compassion, not just your own ego, but for all egos. His ego hates uncertainty. And the reason it does, ladies and gentlemen, is uncertainty makes you all feel unsafe.
Now, in the presence of all of that, evolution happens, whether you can predict it or shape it or not.
And here’s one of the major takeaways we hope that you have for tonight. And this we want particularly about those of you who are positive thinkers. And that is positive thinking is all very well and good.
But when you begin to use positive thinking to try and shove away or deny or pretend those things that scare you instead of facing them, by trying to be honest with them and neutralize them, then you are essentially doing what the sign says.
And that, you know, is you’re hearing God’s voice, but it’s your words that you’re wanting him or it to say. And that is a part of ego trying to control Tao, trying to control essence in a way that hinders you. And it will hinder other people as well.
Another piece, again, a thank you to Mei on this one.
This humorous little graphic illustrates something that we want to really help you to understand:
Even within the metaphysics of our teaching, we talk about parallel lives, parallel realities. And so forth. And there’s a humor here of that many of you can see. What it says, is I want to get to the bottom of, you know, which one of my parallels is screwing me over, or as it says up here responsible for the fucker reason, bleeding into my timeline.
And what we want you to understand, ladies and gentlemen, this approach can be a strategy of what we just mentioned, denial, avoidance and so forth. We want you to understand you are in this timeline if you are listening to this talk. If you are petting your kitties in your laps right now, if you are on Zoom with us, you are in this timeline. You are not going to spin off into something else.
And we offer you that in an effort to help you to get comfortable with it. Because essences don’t save you from anything.
And we offer you this graphic because if you understand that personality has agency, you can make choices even if the options feel unfavorable. Choices which can feel lousy, but know that you can still do your best. That the “I”, that I part of you is functioning here amongst whatever few options you may have. And also know that you have the creative ability to create something and make something happen by changing your mind.
Now, when we look at this particular graphic below, you see this image of a smaller bottle of religion with a scowling fellow. And then there is a larger container labeled Spirituality and the person in here looks somewhat more serene. And then outside the bottle is labeled Consciousness. (The collective Universal energy.)
And what we want you to understand with that is: the collective of all consciousness is the Tao and all of you together make it up. And that is why in this particular election. what you saw was the combined collective, albeit a very close one, tilt in the direction of that 51%.
But where we want to encourage you is to pay attention to Spirituality and the religion side of yourself first. First, not just out there projecting it out onto other people. As for them to follow your dictates, as your doctrine/dogma allows you to project onto others.
But that in true spirituality, there is an inherent humility that says you have an acknowledgement that there are forces larger than you, i.e. consciousness, the Tao itself. Even Essence, if you will, as your little smidgen of the Tao, operates in a bigger way than you can truly really fully know.
Intuition can give you glimmers into it, you know, insight into it, and listening to yourself can help direct that.
But when people begin to try and separate out all the possible consequences or try to predict them, then what happens is they fall under religiosity. And we’re not talking about any specific one religious belief system, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, anything. Religiosity is not bad or wrong, it is just impersonal and adopted.
But rather understand that religions are pre-governed narratives that people often fall into looking for some guidance. But also, they often are looking for permission to act out some of their nastiest deeds and claim that whatever “higher power” they worship, sanctions their actions. No responsibility to life, but very karmic in lives to come; individually and collectively.
And in communication there has to be a willingness to really own that within the self and the courage to name it when you’re with another person who may be spouting, just saying, “Is that what you really believe?”
And what does that give you permission to do? Because if you just ask the question. It will put them at the moment where you’ve actually made a really powerful vulnerable connection, and you’ve left the ball in their court.
And it gives them an opportunity to face themselves, even if they don’t take it, the question has been posed. And a little bit of that Maya, a little bit about what we call Juice, which is the emotional intensity, which can be vented, and then maybe little shifts happen. But with a “de-juicing” there is commonly consequences upon those who were targeted.
Because you’re in this for the next 25 years. Of those of you who came to our last presentation know, we said that after December 21st which is the end of a 10-year nexus period the trajectory of how things have formed up will be the trajectory of what all of you will be dealing with as a background milieu.
And in that background milieu, we borrow the appropriately and amazingly the scholar, Alvin Toffler, who wrote a preeminent book in 1970 called Future Shock. And here it is, 54 years later,.
Where he, you know, in revisiting this, he said “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn or unlearned and relearn.”
We offer that to you as a very profound, profound statement to contextualize what you see in these next 25 years. It is a challenge to yourself to see where you are unwilling to learn anew but also where your ego is so clingingly holding on to the certainty of something you believe you know.
And we’re not talking about learning, quote, lies. And we’re not talking about new delusions or adopting new, you know, openings that show you don’t have any principles. We mean expanding your horizon beyond what you think you know.
So, let’s try and look at this from a conceptual frame of reference that we hope again expands the context beyond the personal feelings of hopelessness or resentment or fear that you failed or anger at the other side that they prevailed because of their stupidity or whatever, you know, crushing judgment of angst that you would throw at them.
Let’s try and put this transition from the Young to Mature Soul paradigm into perspective.
Now, we will tell you that this election was one of many pivotal steps in this human evolutionary journey. And this one just happened to take a step backwards. Okay. Or turned around, as we said earlier, and is walking backward.
But this is what a transition like this looks like. And there’s a few statements we need to make about it.
As you see here, we have utilized the concept of cell division from biology. And this is mitosis.
And you see that when the two mindsets pull apart, you literally see that the Young and Baby Soul mindsets are pulling toward the past. You’ve heard, many of you have heard us called this the dominance aggression competition model or paradigm.
But what you are entering, and most of you who are Mature and Old Souls who want to see more of what you experience of cooperation and love in the world even though, by the way, folks, they think they’re seeking that too!
But your methodology is looking to do it with entirely new strategies and hopes and desires. We call that conscious awareness cooperation model or paradigm.
So yes, this constant pulling apart, this constant tension of breaking apart is something that is going to happen over and over. It has been happening, by the way, ladies and gentlemen, ever since really the middle of the 20th century with the depression, the Second World War, many of the Great Society programs, and then took a backward turn, if you will, you know, during the Reagan era. Some of it tried to emerge again with the new age, et cetera, et cetera. And there was this constant tugging back and forth.
So, it is happening. What we want you to understand is this is in great flux.
And what we’ve said before still stands, you as Mature and old souls are actually creating this new paradigm as best and as much as you can.
So, we are offering you encouragement and knowledge to understand that love and light is the direction you want to go, but it doesn’t mean that you have to capitulate or pretend or feel friendly.
But you do need to be careful of that auric field like we showed you in the earlier slide filling it up with emotions that you may not be necessarily acknowledging.
You must keep those emotions in front of you. You must keep working to reduce those and to even vent them at times in as useful a way as you can.
So, we’re giving you permission to be human here. And then keep the conversation going! Not shut down nor shut anyone out!
Now, what happened? Another way of illustrating this point is as this particular graphic indicates. And you see it shedding a light from two different perspectives. Both perspectives have a true reflection.

Note: When we speak of the 51% and 49%, we also include the large number of citizens WHO DID NOT VOTE. They were acting on the same fear, via privileged ambivalence or non-caring that is the mark of a negative pole Mature Soul version of registering displeasure: sloppy, lazy, and ego-indulgent.
They cast, if you will, a shadow and both of them are true to the perceiver from that angle. So, you see the 49% in this country that saw it one way. And the 51% that saw it another.
And these are in a crunch. And for right now, many of you perceive that the 51% are going to create the physical plane circumstances that will make a lot of your 49% truth that Mature soul consciousness more difficult to attain and we would say that will be true.
But it will not close it off. It will not shut it down.
So now to get into the specifics. What are the main takeaways that this election actually did in terms of the physical plane and shaping your society.
Well, one of the things is that it really did fragment the electorate. And in doing that, of course, a fragmented electorate really has a decreased power to resist.
And what did that? Who did that?
And the answer is that Young soul concept, you know. the epitome high point of what it is commonly called in political and economic terms, oligarchy, that 1% that you’re familiar with, okay?
It’s that group who is the epitome of that Young soul’s manifestation. And they have won this round.
And what it has done as a collective to Americans is that in all of your institutions and everything, it definitely has helped to reduce the effectiveness and the ripple effect or call it the America standing as the hallmark of democracy in action, it has reduced that credibility tremendously.
And then what it is unfortunately we think increased, is that it has given permission for totalitarianism around the globe.
Now, there are many of you who are going to resist that and fight that. And we say that is exactly what needs to happen.
But we will tell you as we go on here some ways that you can do that, that will actually help you both personally as well as the planet even while this shift in energy is happening.
Now, one of the things in this election that we hope many of you got awakened to, And we mentioned this earlier, and that is positivity as you call it.
Positive thinking, as you call it can be a rather, you know, a rather narrow and even pretentious kind of an energy when it narrows your genuine expression of all that’s going on.
And unfortunately, a lot of the folks in that 51% saw Kamala Harris and all the Democrats smiling and laughing and using trite little words like, “oh, they’re weird” and all that kind of stuff. And they took it as personal insults that you were laughing at them.
And that’s why when Donald Trump got up in that garbage truck and went into McDonald’s to do those fries, just three weeks before the election that was the change of energy. That shifted a parallel.
We’re going to caveat here a moment and let you know that even though in the end of September we were reading most of the parallels and they were leaning toward Kamala Harris it was at that juncture where a whole lot of persons who were still on the fence shifted approximately two weeks before the election, two and a half weeks before the election.
And that is a really important understanding. Progressive and having a vision for the future does not mean positivity in the sense of being what looks like right or not acting seriously in the presence of someone’s serious concerns.
So, what had happened is, is you notice that people resorted to, and yes, it reaffirmed a lot of things like their native prejudices, even though they don’t necessarily see their sexism, their racial bigotries, or their macho tendencies.
Uh-uh. But what it did do, is on both sides of the equation, it has increased the fear behind the Maya in the world and what that boils down to in real terms is this last statement.
And that it really threw a wrench, and it really increased the amount of distrust. Meaning it disrupted trust on many levels! Here are the four that we really want you to come to terms with because many of you know, you’ve said it to yourself.
- How many of you don’t trust the other side because of this polarity?
- Many of you now have distrust in each other, and who is safe to speak with.
- Some are doubting, distrusting their own instincts.
- Almost all have been doubting the stability and fairness of institutions.
- When public institutions fail, and private sources step into supposedly ‘stabilize them’ tyranny often follows. (Because of unequal application of the benefits or qualifications for getting help. That is one of the definitions of Fascism.)
In this next 25 years finding ways to build common bridges, not in your politics but in your humanity to each other. Because that’ll help soften and help move the energy.
Many of you have heard us call it vibration, which is not necessarily solid ideas but is moving to diminish that fear state.
The next part as many of you who are here tonight, we realize are of what would be called that 49%. And many of you felt shaken in your own abilities to trust yourself, especially those of you who were white, for want of a better term, and we don’t mean this in a in a diminishing or hurtful way, but rather, you know we’re very rah-rah. And, also very mercurial in the sense of your certainty about that the Democrats and Kamala and all that kind of positivity would win the day automatically and you dismissed all these other things.
So now many of you find yourself second guessing yourself? It’s just what two of you in attendance tonight indicated. Someone said: “Oh, I’ve said too much” and you find yourself wanting to self-censor because you feel this uncertainty in the future.
And we want to acknowledge that not because we’re saying that in some circumstances, it is appropriate to not necessarily say everything, but it is not appropriate in every condition where every circumstance not to withhold for yourself or from yourself.
Then we want to just emphasize that what the 51%, but also many of you felt in common, is that tendency under the Young soul energy to separate, divide, and to emphasize individuality but in the negative position or the negative expression of it.
It is so individuated that you feel like, “Oh, my God, I’m on my own.” And that inevitably fallbacks even to the basics of infantile concerns like what’s going to happen to me. This comes to the forefront. And we can’t tell you enough how big that was in this election.
Now on a sociological level, one of the things that is happening across the world and really you are seeing already right now in Mr. Trump’s assignments in political nominations.
And that last one, it is the creme de la creme, the putting the rotten cherry on top of creating the distrust of the function and good intentions of government institutions, as a ploy and we emphasize that word as a ploy, to dupe the average citizen into allowing them to privatize them for profit.
And that is how you lead to this term that many people threw about. But unfortunately, they didn’t define at all well, and many people didn’t even understand.
That’s how you invite fascism. That’s how you invite totalitarianism. That’s how you invite the person who usually leads that, which is called a dictatorship.
So… saying this again, we want to just point to that point. It wasn’t individual Mature and old souls, and it wasn’t just Young Baby and infant souls splitting along their soul ages.
No, because unfortunately, folks, for many of you, dishearteningly, you know and you knew them, many of you knew them: Mature and old souls who embraced and continue to embrace that paradigm of the individual notion of the status quo.
They could put some new age arguments around it. They could put a few new age slogans around it. But still, what they are looking to do is keep the status quo.
Now, what ultimately the paradigm cure, or the paradigm alteration pivot, in all this is going to be is that humanity has to face this realization.
You have entered the era in the 21st century where you can no longer hide from the fact of complexity.
Religions throughout history have always drawn nice, simple binary thinking, right, wrong, good, bad, true false notions around things.
But systems have become so complex. And also, when you fill a system full of exemptions or exceptions, you know, or special circumstances, you make them complicated, and simplicity really goes away but in the human mind it won’t. It craves that binary simplicity.
So, what happens is that your own understanding and your help is needed for others to start bridging the gap accepting that complexity exists. Even if you’re introducing it in little ways it can help educate and bring people up, you know, up to date.
Because without that you’re going to find the stuckness feeling that you’re feeling and the stuckness feeling that you’re seeing in your electorate will continue for quite some time.
So again, some of the real world things that you saw that we really want to point out as Sociologically and then Soul-Ciologically, you know trying to help you understand where the consciousness of the world is at once again: the Young soul notions that money is power, money is god has been really inclined. And money, you know, was what managed to swing this election.
Elon Musk spending, you know, the estimated $150 million in various ways helped greatly and look at the amount of influence he’s bought. As well as the fact that people in their worry about consumerism and their prices and that kind of individual specific sense of material the stability took you know center stage in the majority over the principles.
But here what we’re doing again is, you know, you see us outlining you know the way that the world’s consciousness is. (Refers to slides about soul ages of world regions.)
- Much of Europe is mostly Mature soul, and Scandinavia even old soul, and they have governments that reflect it. But those populations are small and don’t tip the scales forward yet. They represent examples that do.
- Russia has Young soul leadership in Mr. Putin and his oligarchy. But there are many Baby and Mature souls in that country who both capitulate as well as, you know, are really afraid to do anything
- And in China, you have a very Young soul culture that is perpetuating actually a number of advancements in some elements of Mature soul qualities, but it’s all under an essentially capitalistic dictatorship, as funny as that may sound to most of you.
- Then, of course, you have Australia, Canada, Mexico as Mature.
- Africa’s Baby and Mature
You may have much of South America Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, and Peru as Mature souls, but none of them, as you know from our Soul-Ciology, our metaphysical terminology, many of them are still not manifesting. In other words, they are still embracing the Baby soul, that’s, you know, quality of where do I fit in the hierarchy? And not wanting to disrupt the structure and the status quo. And that’s there.
So once again you know we put we show you this graphic reinforcing the idea that, yes, money is going to be really, you know, has been put out there at the forefront.
And this is some of the things that you as individuals, you in your court system, you in the way you live will have to face. That imbalance is there.
And unfortunately, down there in the lower corner you can see us making a point with that gavel that legal port?? 17:48:21 gavel with the dollar sign in it.
And yes, legalism in the next 25 years will be the main way that you see financial advantage exercising you know unequal justice for some.
And yes, many of you will see that when Mr. Trump gets his own convictions removed and erased. Addendum: (This happened two days after this talk that Prosecutor Jack Smith moved to dismiss his case against Trump.)
Anyway, we think we’ll skip this next part of the slides. You can see it when you get the attachments.
One of the few last few slides that we want to talk about here, that we think are really important because we know that there are many imMature women and even Old Soul persons who are in a woman’s body.
There are many of you who are either equal masculine and feminine energy or in fact, even more masculine energy, but you identify as female.
You see, what happened in this election and in those Young and Baby soul embrace, essentially was reasserting of patriarchy.
And this was a brilliant statement that Old Soul Server, Ashley Judd, who is a political activist and actress, said, and it’s an excellent definition, she said, “Patriarchy is not men alone. It is not. Patriarchy is a system in which both men and women participate and it’s principles, inter-alia (means in kind of in practice or in general) are the interests of boys and men over the body integrity, autonomy, and dignity of girls and women.”
Right? And that means that economically as well. But what she also said in the second half is really important because you saw it reflected in the election results.
“And it is a subtle insidious and never more dangerous that when women” especially Young and Baby soul women “participate” in the patriarchy and how she put it was “passionately deny that they themselves are gaining value in it.”
And we just want to offer that one of the most high profile women that is doing this right now, is once again the first lady, Melania Trump, a woman who is about to show you how to participate as a female playing the part along with patriarchy And, you know, undermining her own sex. In doing so, but personally garnering a lot.
And here, though, with that group, was the group that needs the most understanding, ladies and gentlemen because so many of these men, what we call the brokenhearted surplus male.
Yes, we put it in a way that brings you some compassion even if a lot of these men ended up you know, acting like jerks their intention and their native way of being was not that. They are the ones who feel left out unwanted, unheard, and they are under skilled, because of the way that the American educational system has really reduced this caste, and we use the word caste, C-A-S-T-E, in the way that sociologist means ranked social groupings.
And that caste has been largely isolated and left behind. And they have been subject to underpaid jobs, and they’re the ones who feel not just their self-esteem, but their very security as really in danger and they’re the ones who went for a macho man like Trump because Trump gave them permission to scapegoat. He gave them swearing where there was no negative consequences from somebody claiming he sees no inappropriateness.
And he said, go ahead and be a good consumer. That’s what you’re right as a citizen is. And we coined a term that we wrote an article about two weeks before, and we call it that notion of the homo automaton.
Because ladies and gentlemen, many of you will see a large portion of not just the American citizenry, but a large portion of the world’s citizenry in fact, falling under a homo automaton and you, yourself need to be really aware of how you and when you fall into it.
And what we want you to understand is the way that the homo automaton is being conditioned. And how you are participating has been through this overwhelming participation in the technological advance.
Some of you, of course, say, “but I need to in order to work in all the rest of these things.” We beg you to really evaluate your use of all these things.
Instead of these becoming your tools, the way that all these venues are working, they are conditioning you to be their tools. And we mean that you as consciously aware of people or trying to be, need to account for this in yourself.
So that when you see it in others, it is not just the projection of all your own disowned stuff.
And this is one of the things that, in this paradigm shift, that we also invite you, not only give you permission, but really warn you.
What you see in this graphic, what you have been trained to believe, since the Reagan era, since the remaking of, you know, the turning around of the idea that individual liberty, individual freedom means the ability to consume, the ability to make money.
To be unencumbered by any kind of responsibilities that you could just engorge yourself as you see fit. And then you use the ego defense, “Well, I deserved it or I earned it.
Please confront those in yourself. Because the part that you contribute to that yourself, in consumption is every bit just as much present as the other side.
And when you confuse that consumerism as freedom, then you mistake that for citizenship. And that’s what happened to the 51%. They thought that their economic livelihoods and so forth really meant that their abilities to consume, whether it was eggs or gasoline or rent or what have you meant their freedom was being impinged.
Instead, their non-participation and non-understanding is what was impending their freedom. The tool of manipulation by the way, some of you know this is a portrait of Nicola Machiavelli.
Some of you know Machiavelli. He was the Young Soul King who in the 15th century wrote a book called The Prince, who essentially gave the Young Souls the blueprint of how to really control a population.
And what he said is you just keep people feeling offended. You just keep them or go ahead and offend people and watch them get all bent out of shape and off balanced. Just like you all did by Donald Trump. And just like they did when you all were offend them by calling you stupid or uneducated or weird.
Folks, all of you are feeling traumatized. And what more than ever has to be healed or at least faced in yourself is how many shadow traumas you hide inside yourself.
And then… understand that if you can heal those wounds, then you can dull your own buttons so that you are not as easily offended. And when you’re not as easily offended, then you will stay and you will engage these people who, yes, may not be as aware or enlightened or compassionate as you are, but you can get to them and maybe help.
Help them acknowledge some of those wounds, those traumas that they and you have. If you assist others by just grasping for their positive intent (even if skewed by dogma) you will go a long way toward helping others heal their fears of being lost or attacked.
Because here’s one of the last things we want to say, folks is by looking at this graphic.
“If you think you love freedom, but you don’t care if it applies to everyone. Then what you actually love is privilege.”

Being “above the bottom” was the same motivation that many poor white southerners in the American Civil War were fighting to prevent.
And folks, that is what many of that 51% of people who believe in hierarchy really want to avoid, they just don’t want to be at the bottom.
So, they need people. They need the women, the minorities, the brands, the whatever, the others to be below them. So, they feel safe. Now, is it real and is it part of the Maya? It is not real in the great scheme of things, but is it real in the current political Maya of things? Yes, it is.
And that’s what’s operating here and that’s what has to be addressed.
You know, folks, many of you in this group, of course, are Michael students. You’ve heard us use the term Infinite Souls. You know, we mourned the passing of one of the Transcendental souls earlier this year. Alexi Navalny.
And many of you now more than ever are really hoping for what you perceive of the Infinite Soul to be.
But we need to give you a bit of a reality check to help you understand that you were as much your own Savior in your own Infinite Soul yourself.
It’s because infant souls are here to advise, they’re here to inspire, but they are not here to save you, forgive you, redeem you, rescue you, absolve you, or transcend you through some kind of rapture.
That is the Baby and Young souls and even many Mature souls still notion, in some way, shape or form of what the Tao or God does for them according to their narrative of God.
And you Old Souls really need to embed this new belief and this new awareness that you are the agent of the Tao in your life.
And you can use these energies when they appear, to orient and focus on them, like a compass to true north. But they don’t do it for you.
So, with that, we stop our shares. We’re going to give the rest of the hour over to you folks. There are other slides in there that you can go back and review that have other information.
Question and Answer
So… And by the way, Karen, we very much appreciate your comment in the chat, and we agree. Um, that the internal internalized misogyny, that many women have in fact was learned by them to have toward themselves.
And by the way, we see some very, very good input in the chat. We will certainly save the chat for you, so that you can see the wonderful inputs that some of our non-professional Michael channels out there are using, and inputting.
They’re just as valid as anything we’re saying. So, I believe the first question was asked by Jillian. So, please go ahead, Jillian, and then Kathryn after that.
Jillian: One of the things that I think is a missed opportunity in all of this was that actually Donald Trump did not get 51%. He got less than 50%. It was 49 something. And Kamala Harris was 48. Then there were about 3% that were from third party candidates, but the largest number of the population didn’t vote.
And I think that has been heartbreaking for me, but also to me, the elephant in the room is we have a majority of voters or potential voters in our country who are not invested enough in the country and also by extension or starting with not invested enough in themselves to vote.
Michael: We would agree.
Jillian: Not invested enough in their future, in their lives, in their children’s lives, their spouse’s lives, their family’s lives, their environments lives. They’re not invested enough to vote, and I think if we don’t deal with that, I mean, fuck the in-cells, whatever. We’re not going to be able to move forward unless we unless we understand how to engage more people.
So that was my question observation.
Michael: Oh, we agree. Okay. Well, as always, it is a very useful question or observation leading into a question I suppose.
The part we will, if you will, make a comment on is the realization that you pointed out that when you use the word investment, and we like that term. Because it reflected that approximately, what I guess the numbers are estimated, anywhere from 11 to 15 million, maybe even a few million more who were so apathetic, so disconnected… so numb.
Jillian: 54%.
Michael: Yeah who did not participate. And that loss shows an embedded hopelessness that we as we said, is in the background Maya. And what’s unfortunate, is unfortunate the Young soul prod that gets people going and the one that by default, people will have allowed in this country to be engaged in is that they will be prodded only through pain.
And when the pain gets enough, then some action will happen.
There was a comment we saw about 2026 elections. And we just want to zoom in on the Soul-Ciology of that and a prediction. it does look to us like, yes, there will be elections in 2026.
No matter how bad Mr. Trump really wants to dismantle things and be emperor of the universe in his own mind the rest of the Republican Party are too greedy and have their own fiefdoms that they would want to protect that having elections in 2026 would still carry on.
For a good deal of their populace and their electorate, the illusion that they still have say and so forth. So, there will be elections. Whether it would shift any of the outcomes of the House and Senate, we don’t think so as yet because the milieu that has landed over this is pretty thick. However, we will say this.
One of the things that we are predicting about this first two years of this Administration is that some of you will marvel at is the fact that you will see so many missteps and so much incompetency And so much infighting mistakes and so many tripping over themselves, within this party that they will do a lot of the damage to themselves and therefore not be able to make as much headway as they brutishly and defiantly claimed.
And we offer that as, if you will to for some of you, perhaps a little piece of good news that there are still ways in the political process that it’s not going to turn out that he’s going to be putting on a new version of a swastika and that the army will become jackboots. Not yet.
We don’t know about the variability in 2028, there are too many variance on that to come. But in any case, in 2026, it still looks like there will be elections
And there still will be some potency that you guys will have. The most important potency that you have, however, is not going to be, believe it or not, so much in the political process. It’s going to be using your monies to literally participate in small groups and small and or in organizations that fight in the courts.
Because it is in the legal battles…one of the things that is very much entered into the Mature soul era right now is the emergence of legalism instead of the good old days of armies fighting each other or bad guys and good guy cowboys, on the planes or cowboys and Indians and that kind of more simplistic but old-fashioned notion and dichotomy.
No, no, no. Now those battles are carried out primarily in the courts.
So, the only way to withstand a lot of those things is to be able to muster. And again, because money will carry so much sway, it is to devote yourself there.
Because the Mature soul era in the popular positive poll is Involvement. Get involved literally hands-on and doing whatever you do. And what you love to do or that you feel is important. And do it with other people; that will be really important.
To start, imagine that you were all seed weeds. And that you were going out and you were casting your seeds out onto the what seems like now barren soil.
But you will raise a few new lilies in the field as in Jesus’s parable.
Those are the things that we offer as real, honest to goodness things that you can’t do.
Jillian, we’re going to go on to the next quiz question, so Kathryn, you’re next.
Kathryn: When you talked about Janiya’s comment and respond that basically as a society, we were looking backwards. And that we are still moving forward as well,
It reminded me of something Michael actually said to me when I was in my fifth IM when I was wondering why I was sort of stuck and not able to see anything. And they said, you actually are still moving forward, but you’re so focused on the past, reviewing where you have been, what you have done, that you are not aware of the progress that you are making forward.
And there will come a time when you will turn around and see where you’re headed and realize that you’ve actually made more progress than you realized.
And I’m wondering, the fifth IM is very similar to Mature level since the Mature soul level, is the fifth level.
Is it a valid observation that maybe this is part of the genesis of the Mature soul level that we have to evaluate and review and look at where we have been as a collective society before we can turn around and move forward?
Michael: That’s an excellent question. A couple of quick additions to frame your question. The simplest direct answer is yes but let us then kind of elaborate it.
What Kathryn is talking about individual monads, or IM as the acronym. And by the way, ladies and gentlemen, stop using acronyms. If you really want to make connections with other human beings and not fall prey to the modern world convenient language, stop using the acronym, say it all out because people will understand those. It’s easy to hide behind acronyms.
All right. And that’s not shaming you directly, but we just saw that as an opportunity to mention that okay?
Kathryn: I didn’t take it that way.
Michael: Now, the next thing about that question is this, as you’re moving backward, but still, you are progressing through time and space but not necessarily recognizing all the pitfalls and everything that is going to happen.
And many of that other side of the electorate, they’re going to fall into those pitfalls. I mean, you know, the collective energy that you folks have been talking about that, “Oh you know, may you get what you deserve”, you know, i.e. people who voted for Trump.
Because many of them who are in, quote, “lower caste”, by lower caste, we don’t mean less than human beings, but we mean economically and politically underpowered castes. They will become the very same dumped on beneficiaries as all you so-called liberals are going to be.
And, no, we don’t want to call them trash, but it’s okay to have that anger about it, just own it.
So, when people are going down this road, and as we said, it’s their next 25 years, it’s not going to deviate much. You’re going to notice a lot of people are going to fall into those pitfalls. They’re going to have the startling of their life. They’re going to have collapses and failures and crying and anguish as they lose their homes and as their party doesn’t deliver on a lot of the promises that it made and or can’t because of the very structure of the system.
Or the very systems that were in place that the quote “leaders of their party” said, you know, oh, their socialism or whatever, however they vilified them. People are going to realize, “Oh, my God, we depended on those people!”
And when they get those shocks, that pain that we mentioned earlier it will wake them up and then start them falling into turning around and being, first of all, in shock.
But many of you who know this in advance, your choice will be that you can turn to them and say, “Well, we told you so” and be smug and snotty. And, you know, hateful about it, and in which case you’re perpetuating the problem.
Or you can say, “We know. How can we help you?” But also, “Do you see now how this led to this, led to this?” And “We got to try something different.”
And it’s in that orchestration that it will happen, and the collectivist souls will assist.
We want to reiterate humanity on this plane, on this parallel…
We might have chided you with that graphic that we showed you or that cartoon we showed earlier, but we weren’t chiding you in a lot of other ways.
There are many other parallels that humanity took a leap forward collectively.
This one, it did not. It said, “Oh, we’re sticking with a few of these old things.” And because the United States with its Old Soul document called the Constitution, and its institutions called the American system have been the most successful up to this point.
Democracy and democracy in its own right is Mature soul oriented. Capitalism is Young soul oriented. Democracy is Mature soul oriented. So, when those two diverged and people said, “Oh, I’m choosing my consumerism, capitalism and consumption, over my citizenship, democracy, and so forth…”
And they will learn that. And that’s where that doorway is, yes, you will progress through, but you’re doing it backwards as a collective.
Hopefully that answered your question and added some more frame of reference.
Kathryn: Thank you.
Michael: Certainly. Okay. Russ, I think you were next. I apologize if I’m skipping out of turn.
Responding to a chat comment: And so, will the women from the botched abortions and women health issues, we can’t see all of your comment, Deborah, but we will tell you one thing that we say with great sobriety is in this period.
The planet Earth will be shedding a lot of lives and in various means, not just America, and not just human beings. Because Gaia has its own say in the evolution of this planet. And it will in fact allow for many of the circumstances where there are die-offs, extinctions. Many of you know them as pandemics as well as worse.
Russ: I’ve seen that, Michael, already. If you just watch some of the news, quarter of Hollywood is leaving.
Two things that came to mind, not necessarily because I’ve thought about it a lot, but because I had a number of people just like this group, this wonderful group in front of us coming to me in total distraught.
And while I was talking through, especially with my daughter, why they shouldn’t move to the moon, they shouldn’t move to Arkansas, or leave the country, two things came
to mind. One was many of you remember George Bush being elected. Al Gore put up a very, very good resistance and a possible fight, he lost. And I thought, because I voted for Al, that was also a loss like I do right now, with Kamala Harris.
Shortly after he was elected, as you know, we had 9-11. And at that moment, the country and the world needed a bull moose. Al Gore was not that man but George Bush was. And he didn’t stop. And the Arab world saw that we were going to come after them for the destruction that they allowed.
I’m hoping something like that is in store for Mr. Trump. I don’t know if he’s going to fall to that level of ability or not, and whether he’ll come to the to the fight. I don’t think so. But we don’t know what he’s going to be charged with.
But he must be there for a reason.
The other item is as I think and talk to some of these people, I’m not 35 anymore, just like Steve is not. And we’ve been through over 15 presidents, their elections and their four-year terms. And the country is still standing. The military is still as strong as it was when I was in there 25 years ago. That gives me some hope that this too shall pass. It’s something to ponder for the group here.
Michael: So, are those, is there a question in there, Russ, or just that statement? It’s fine with us either way, but we weren’t sure.
Russ: Just a sharing.
Michael: Okay. All right. Very good. The next question or the next person I see in line is Kerrin, Mei and then Angela. Go ahead, Kerrin.
Kerrin: My question is about J.D. Vance, because we focus a lot on Donald Trump because he’s the big personality and he’s, you know, he’s got his vengeance agenda creating chaos and distracting everybody with his clown circus, i.e. cabinet. How worried do we need to be about J.D. Vance and Peter Thiel and the Project 2025 agenda?
Because no one knows what JD Vance is. Is this something that from Michael’s perspective chance of actually manifesting?
Michael: We would say about 50% of the parts of Project 2025 agenda, especially in reapportioning the remaining public commonly held assets, you know, public lands, some of the public institutions and that otherwise moderate them are going to be either eviscerated or sold off, to various degrees.
And what Vance does, or represents, is the Trojan Horse for the mainstream Republicans. In several parallel’s, many of which won’t be solidified until the end of 2024.
There are a couple of main parallels that we noticed opened up. With the election that happens after 2026, a couple of major branches actually show him as president. We don’t know if that means Mr. Trump has either died or become incapacitated, or even been removed from office by his own party. Because in one of those parallels, that actually happened.
J.D. Vance is not insane. Like, you know, Mr. Trump is. And we still see that the eventuality again, even though this time around with the shift in probabilities. It does look like he will be sworn in again. And what he will do is he will make quite a public show of it.
There will be some people that he makes a big fanfare over after going after what you will see, and we would agree with Russ, is that there are many, many in the public domain of the military and police forces, even though they are fairly right wing themselves the idea of implementing martial law kind of dictates, even if they’re hesitant about that.
And so, Donald Trump’s ability to carry that out immediately would be like much more for show and for his posturing and his rooster crowing that, you know, again, symbolically and energetically gives a big dose of upliftment to a lot of particularly that male base that we talked about, the throwaway male base, you’re likely to see vigilantism from that group to takeout people that he has labeled as enemies in whatever way they could do it.
That’s liable to be more the case. And what that would do, somebody mentioned, obviously the word civil war is pretty scary. But we would say yes that the major thing would be is this is where the betrayals would start happening.
And if you go through any totalitarian regime Hitler’s or Stalin’s or Mao’s or ones even in the past from say like you know Napoleon, let alone the French revolution and so forth, you notice that the so-called real zealot loyalists at first but I the second round, they’re the ones that are taken out. Because the they can become so zealot and populous that they threaten the leader’s own desire to steer whichever course they want, whereas these folks are ideologically fixated. So, they become threats.
And so, and then the pulling the fast one, the sleight of hand where you know people do these in the name of the leader and then the leader and the law enforcement pounce upon them. And, you know, they screamed, “But I did it because you said so!” “Well, you’re a criminal. And we don’t allow that kind of thing.” It’s hypocritical, absolutely, but it’s done in human experience all the time in these kind of things.
Probably, ladies and gentlemen, some of you have seen memes by one of the most powerful political writers of the 20th century, Jillian, we know, knows her well. Her name is Hannah Ardent. And some of her essays and some of her books read like a psychological profile of exactly what’s happening right now.
And then a modern commentator who is exceptional at being able to call a lot of the things is Heather Cox Richardson. And then psychologically, Trump’s own niece, Mary Trump.
So those three sources have excellent articulations about the history in the present and the psychological all mixed together. So, if you want to…
Jillian: And Tim Snyder (the author). Tim Snyder on Tyranny and on Freedom. Sorry….
Michael: Yes. very succinct. No, that’s fine. That’s fine to add that in and hopefully people will hear it.
Anyway, Kerrin, Yes, J.D. Vance and the techno Bros, as some have called them are right now just lining up to do all they can to essentially insert themselves financially as well as get control of as many of public platforms that either service the government or service public media and public communication.
To be able to make it the much feared but the reality of 24 – 7 surveillance state. Here is the real almost ironic benefit of that, there is so much data that nobody can track it all. However, what it is, it is accumulated information that at any time a query is made
any one person’s data can be seen and what’s going on with them.
And we mentioned earlier about cell phones. That is the window, the primary window that almost all of you have open to them is that cell phone, whether you’re on Facebook or Twitter or whatever public social media site. If you’re hooked up to Netflix or Amazon or anything like that.
All of that data is kept. They know your habits, your preferences and so forth. What they want to first do is they don’t want to oppress you. They want to sell to you first. And then they want to have all of that data that they own and sell it back to the government who then can become even a more effective dictatorship.
That is their objective. Will they do it effectively and or soon? The answer is not effectively and not anytime soon. But that is the direction they want to pivot to go.
Kerrin: So that’s a parallel. Did you say it was 50 50? And we can’t jump, like take a connecting flight to a different one?
Michael: That’s the parallel you’re in and yeah you’re going down that path. For yourself, Kerrin, you’ve got, and all of you, you have, no…. We would say it this way. You can decide what your seat is on the plane before the end of this chaos node, which is coming up at the essentially right around the winter solstice and Christmas period. That’s the time when the ending of this 10-year chaos period will come to a close and things will kind of fall into a cohesion, and the trajectory will happen.
And the main thing that you can do is not give too much of a shit about what they think But be really clear about how you manage your data your money, your spending habits, and your acquisitions. That is where you have power.
And know that, yes, whatever you do to one degree, or another is going to be surveilled but it’s so much data, and so many people, so many people, that the likelihood of you getting pegged out or targeted is really small.
They want to introduce a state of fear where you all self-censor and we all should keep your heads down and think, “Oh my God, I don’t want to be the whack-a-mole…” where they come and hit you.
Don’t worry about being the whack-a-mole. Live your life. And support all these different approaches that you support, these multi-granular?? 18:29:16 forward moving where people are looking forward and doing forward things.
A lot of the big fan on Sears?? and a lot of the big government people will try and suppress it, but it’s so small and they can’t make an immediate profit off of it. So, they’ll let it just kind of go. That’s the one thing about the larger and larger kind of trying to control the totality of things. The more they try, the less it’ll work.
So, operate within that with that knowledge and still live your life. Because if you live in paranoia, then in a lot of ways they’ve won.
The first thing Jillian said, and many of you even reposted on your Facebook pages is the first thing to do is, do not agree, do not be intimidated, do not participate with what they tell you.
And that’s the first thing to do. When Jillian was mentioning the gentleman who wrote the 20 things to do, confront tyranny, Tim Synder, said that’s the very first thing is, don’t agree in advance. Don’t agree in advance.
And that’s the best way to maintain your own personal agency, your own psychic stability and your own sense of courage. And then you will be the most effective.
But right now, ladies and gentlemen, let us tell you something. For the next two months, allow yourselves to grieve. Allow yourself to feel the sorrow, the anger, the outrage. And then the day before the inauguration, tell yourself, “I’ve had enough, I’m getting over it. I’m choosing new actions, to counter that energy.”
But for right now, let yourself have it. Don’t try and positively think yourself out of it. Don’t try and put on a happy face over it. Don’t do any of those strategies, which essentially just push it to the side.
Let it be because we have to tell you, you’re still in a safe world under Joe Biden for a few more days, until Donald Trump takes the next oath of office. You are.
Joe Biden, no matter who spoke against him is literally…he has been a strong and effective president. And because the Supreme Court also granted him a lot of immunity powers, he might just startle the shit out of the Republicans. Some of the things that he could do to forestall them in advance. And the Supreme Court will have stepped in their own bear trap.
Kerrin: But he probably won’t do it.
Michael: No, he’s because he’s in Acceptance. So, it’s not his style. But if he’s pushed and he thought people were really in danger, yeah, he would.
Jillian: The question is whether the Supreme Court would actually allow it because they didn’t say the president can do it. They said that they will decide whether the president is acting in a professional capacity.
Michael: And in that regard, again, it’s still stepping into their own bear trap. And if it’s in extreme cases, you know. He would do things that would still throw wrenches in their works.
Jillian: I would love it if Jed would do that.
Michael: So, yeah, yeah. Well, that could be your letters to the White House. “Dear Joe, for my New Year’s resolution, I want you to kick the snot out of the Republican totalitarians.”
Jillian: I want you to save democracy.
Michael: Love. Save democracy. That’s a better way.
Jillian: It would be a disaster.
Kerrin: I was thinking more of sending him an AR-15 for his birthday and say, hey, Joe, let loose. But that’s just me.
Michael: Yeah, and that’s the Shadow. And that’s the Shadow side of yourself that you also need to face and maybe buy yourself an AR-15. If you really want to own that side, maybe you need to own the gun. Because if they come out defending democracy may be what you have to do.
Kerrin: I know. My karmic theme is obliteration. I’ve done that lots in the past life So, I’m really not going to blow anybody up this time, but I like to think about it because it gives me pleasure.
Michael: It is, yes, right. It’s fun. It’s fun. We’re glad we could give you some upliftment, Kerrin.
Okay, so let’s see. Was it Angela or May who is next? We’ll let you guys decide whoever’s going to jump in next. It looks like Angelaon is… You have to unmute yourself, though.
Angela: Okay, the advice was to start a conversation with the other side, the problem is having a Maga maggot friend. ???? 18:34:32
Michael: You don’t have to rush out and do that, by the way, Angela. You don’t.
Angela: Well, I have a MAGA cousin, and I’ve been doing this for many years with him. And I just decided we’re not going to talk about politics anymore. And we just sort of discussed things. And he’s told me things that I don’t think anybody else in the family knows. It’s just really, really weird.
But the problem for me with the maggots, is the fact that things like logic, evidence, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and all manner of cognitive functioning seem to be lagging in these people. They, you know, they just believe what they want to believe, and they ignore all evidence to the contrary.
I don’t know what good talking to them would do okay?
Michael: By the way, that will change. And as we said, you don’t have to talk to them for the next six months. It’s as the contrary evidence starts to mount and they….
Angela: Yeah, when it begins to affect them personally…
Michael: Exactly. Exactly. That’s right. Because folks, one of the things about that side. is they desperately want to be heard. And you’re right, they don’t have a very good vocabulary to express themselves. And they choose to deny and / or obliterate. And in fairness, they weren’t trained or educated very well in it. So, a lot of it, they come by it naturally and they come by this rigidity.
You know that many of these people are operating out of their child sub personality, their wounded child sub personality, and they’re standing around almost like little kids on a on a playground who believe that their guy is the good guy. And that Kamala Harris was the bully, and our guy won. He beat her up. That’s the frame of reference they’re coming from.
Now, we’re saying that not because it’s true and right in some absolute spiritual sense. We’re not saying that at all. Well, what we are saying is if you want to at least be honest with the awareness of why this is happening. Understand that’s where they’re coming from.
These are damaged, traumatized little children who have been in their own way repressed enough and they saw their little orange haired savior come along and remember we said this is a guy who his swearing for them and had no negative condemnation for it. ??? 18:37:13
So, they said, “Yay! You know, the nuns can’t punish us!” I mean, it was literally that kind of internal sort of childlike response.
So again, when things start mounting on them and closing in on them… Don’t worry, there will be opportunities where you’ll start seeing the cracks in that facade, in their ability to maintain that Maya, that belief structure, it’ll start collapsing.
And at that point as we said, your choice is to say “nanner, nanner, nanner” like another kid and say, “I told you so” and be just as snide and perpetuate that wheel of karma. Or say, “Yeah, yeah, this is what I saw before, and it really sucks. And I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. Are you ready to try and do something different?
Putting it back in their court. That’s all you got to say. The rest, you don’t have to tell them anything. In fact, you’re hearing them and just saying, “yeah, I get it.” Because that’s really a lot of what they’ve needed. But right now, they’re on a high.
But let us say one other thing, ladies and gentlemen. Do you notice how many MAGA people have just clammed up. They were relieved that they didn’t have to go to arms for Trump. They were relieved that there wasn’t going to be a civil uprising because Trump lost. Because they would have felt the obligation and need to do it, not because they loved him so much. But because they’d be afraid of the peer pressure not to.
So, when he won, it was like this collective, and we would ask you to consider that many of you, in fact even had a similar kind of relief when you said, “Oh, okay, we lost and that sucked and even lost badly but at least we’re not going to see all these people out in the street, and they will be confronted with what we got to do to defend ourselves or against them.”
And that enormous wave of relief from both sides of the equation is palpable here.
And yes, Jillian, we agree. When many of them that to those two lower castes of the Republican voting electorate lose their Medicaid, lose their food stamps lose their extra supports, lose some of their child tax credits, that are the only things keeping them going, then they will freak out and it will be absolutely patently obvious because it’s all Republican controlled now, the administration, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, and most of the lower courts.
And they won’t be able to deny it. They can’t claim liberals did it or didn’t you know some of them may hold on to, well, you liberals sold us down the river
Well, then you just say, well “You know, if we did that, guess who’s paddling now? It’s your guys.” And that’s the kind of thing that you can say. And just be real with it.
But you don’t have to do anything right now. You have our permission, to, just be where you’re at.
Angela: All right. Well, I also wanted to talk about one other thing and that is that liberals and Democrats have never thought that having a liberal infrastructure. Building a liberal infrastructure the same way the right has done for the last 40 years.
That’s the reason why they’ve been successful because they have billionaires who are willing to sink money in for many, many years, even if they didn’t get anything back in the beginning in order to achieve their vision of where they wanted to go.
And so, they don’t seem to think that what we need and what we don’t have is a counter narrative to all the other BS that’s out there. MSNBC has never been and never was a liberal counter to Fox. They never wanted that title.
They’ve had any number of people who’ve run the place who have been conservatives. They’ve been trying to get people out and they did. They got a lot of real liberals out and they placed them with these other people. And we don’t really have an infrastructure because the left doesn’t see any need to invest in one.
They don’t prop up the people the Stephanie Millers and the Tom Hartman’s. I’m watching a lot of these people on You Tube like Brian Taylor Cohen and Tennessee Brando who’s in Tennessee and he’s this kind of redneck liberal, but he’s great. You know, they don’t believe in investing in any of those. They don’t and they never have. And they poo-poo it. And for some reason, they seem to think that the that the corporate media was going to carry their message and the corporate media had little interest in doing that because they are making a lot of money on ads and everything else and so and being at the top.
We have never invested in an infrastructure of pundits and writing or done very little because our millionaires don’t see a reason to do that.
Michael: If we may interject, what’s been the social scare word since the end of the Second World War, why there would not be any kind of liberal or even let allow government kind of investments in that. What was the liberal scare-way?
Jillian: Marxist. Marxism.
Michael: That’s it, Socialism, Marxism, and even worse communism and the real way communism has been practiced, quote behind the iron curtain back then, is and was totalitarianism. Not anywhere near real communism in the way that Marx presented it.
Now, why we want to back out to that is because truth be told, Angela, this is where, quote, liberals and democrats have to put on the hip waiters of their own hit. And that is just as many liberals took money from, you know, money interests ever since Hubert Humphrey ran. And that arc has just been increasing as laws that were meant to help balance and make elections more fair and less money driven had gotten written off the books.
And Democrats said, “Oh shit, well, we can’t, we got to kind of go along with the rich guys because we got to get enough money to win our elections.” So, they’ve participated in this process. And now what they find is they are literally kind of standing and shit up to their eyeballs for having done so.
But they participated and we don’t want to, because we just really need to say that part of what you see at this world juncture right now is not about Democrats and Republicans, liberals versus conservatives. It’s about the ultra-have and power brokers against those that are not.
Aaron or someone mentioned, or maybe it was Deborah, what about Bill Gates who has come across as semi-socially liberal or mainstream or modern and then George Soros who is a billionaire, who has had and made real forays in many Eastern European countries. Excuse me to try to save democracy or prop it up.
Well, the first of all. He has been so bashed and diminished in the United States that he has been rendered, even as a billionaire, completely ineffective.
And then Bill Gates is doing essentially what Jeff Bezos did by not allowing an endorsement of the Washington Post, which he owns. And that is he has just taken a pass and played the silence game.
And in doing that, you know, it’s that notion about by doing nothing or remaining neutral. You are not actually neutral. You are supporting the dominant side.
In that regard, yes, there are parts of whether you’re talking about Gates and Soros, that there are still money sources that are out there. But as far as influences and power that will influence the politics game, and the decision making, not so much.
Because they’ve got their own agendas. Bill Gates is the number one owner of farmland for pro technology fossil fuel replacement and/or carbon sequestration. But he is not talking about planting trees or doing it with, you know, rearranging of technology. He’s just saying, oh, no, we’ll go to nuclear.
We’ll go to all these other things, and he’s going to make a bundle off of it. And then when it comes to solving any of the food prices, food problems, you know, he is just going to wear that soil into dust, you know, with all that, you know, his support of you know various kinds of hyper productivity growing practices. And Monsanto and various, you know, ADM and all that will love him for it.
So, you know, the food prices may come down to a certain degree, except for the part that involves labor, which is a whole different discussion about the vilification of the migrant farm worker.
But in any case, we agree with you on many on many subjects. But the part we wanted to say here is, again, now we’re having a sociological, political, economic discussion the Soul-Ciology and the metaphysical input of this is, on the human interactive side.
It’s okay to grieve, be angry and shake it off as we said earlier. Don’t wear all your buttons of hurt and trauma and everything out on your sleeves where you can just get them hammered. Because it’ll drive you insane and you’ll be ineffective.
Get clear, get cruelly impartial. But also get principled and then put your principles into practice. And ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to shock you. If you Old Souls really want to do something, Stop shopping, period. Period.
The groceries, we mean stop shopping at Amazons and all the places that are owned by these huge corporate magnates, but also stop shopping and just collecting shit you don’t need. That’ll help. Even if just those 20 people in this group here did that, at least it’d be a contribution. But many of you are so just as equally addicted to consumption therapy.
To convenience dopamine hits, to instantaneous feedback, and immediate rewards and pleasure seeking. Many of you got to face that just as much as the other folks. And you guys even have more power because you know better.
So, we’re not shaming you. We’re just trying to help you put the onus where you can do something about it and that’s with yourselves.
Okay, so thank you, Angela. We got a few more hands up. So, Mei and then Phil
Mei: I get the point about consumption. It’s an interesting feeling of being swept up when you live in a country where the environment is a sort of force, an energy that takes some resistance to say no to it
I’m very glad to hear the reminder from you that this is something to seriously ponder and reflect on in terms of the choices of my actions as an individual.
I wanted to ask a question regarding Elon Musk. Do you know whether or not he thought about exactly what his role was going to be in this current lifetime and whether he had anticipated the degree to which he is involved or associated with the political activities happening in this country.
And then I just wanted to ask what his soul age, his role in Essence…
Michael: Hey, can we stop you and we’ll answer because there are other hands going up all right there. Okay, so we’ll give you a few overlays.
Elon Musk is a King. He is a second level Old King, but he is manifesting fifth level Young. He is instinctively centered in the Intellectual Part.
He is in Arrogance and could be the poster child. Do you think Trump is in arrogance? Notice how Trump will defer to him. that’s how much arrogance he’s got going on. He’s also primarily…, he’s got a huge quantity of uranium body type, which means he’s a you know, blow it up kind of type.
He knew that when he was coming in, he wanted to make some big changes, right? And so, he came into a nice, rich South African family got a whole lot of imprinting on apartheid, saw how good that was, especially for a white guy. And then, you know, realized, oh, I’ll come to America and good old money will rule the day.
And he started getting this idea of I can do just about whatever I want. Because as many of you know, Elon Musk has never invented anything. Didn’t invent PayPal. He didn’t invent Tesla. He didn’t invent any of his other business ventures, SpaceX or anything. He’s just funded them.
And why that’s significant is because that shows the epitome of the negative side of money’s power, is that it doesn’t have to be logical. It doesn’t have to be reasonable. It doesn’t have to be efficient. It doesn’t have to be well thought out. It just has to be funded.
And people who have gobs and gobs. You saw that quick flash of the slide regarding the concept billions that we showed. A million seconds is represented by 11 days. but a billion seconds is represented by 31 years!
That’s the scale that we ask people to consider when you think about billionaires.
That’s how much power overwhelming they have over the rest of the economy and even to match potentially some governments in the world.
Now, so when talking about Elon and the metaphysics of this, let us then say to you and extend this. Only a couple of our channels in this teaching acknowledge that there is anything called collective karma. Many of our channels actually talked about, “Oh, no, it’s all individual thing.” We say nonsense.
All of you as souls, to whatever degree you are caught up in the web of this cyclonic set of events will be involved in the coming back to work through these things in lives in future, how you come back, what you do, is obviously yet to be determined because Essence figures those things out in between lives.
There is a postulate in this teaching that, “Oh, you could tell Essence what you really want and it’s going to carry it out.” And we’d like to tell you it’s like that’s like a two-year-old telling its grandparent, “This is how I’m going to be treated.” The grandparent may pat the child on the head and say, “Yes, that’s really nice.” Or it may swat it and say, “Don’t talk to me like that.” But that’s a metaphor and an analogy that we really want you to understand.
You can start conversing with essence by saying, “Okay, how do I align myself to not just my own greatest good”, because that is the Young soul imprinting that all of you Old Souls still have, which is that individuality and looking at things from your own personal perspectives rather than from an Old Soul paradigm which you guys really haven’t experienced in the world yet.
That perspective would be “What is the greatest good for the greatest number in the most realistic way.” And that is an orientation that is hardly ever addressed here. It will be something that you will all be involved in helping to make it create.
Okay. So, in any case, why trying to answer your question in that regard is again what you do here for the rest of your lives has impact in the way that you’re going to roll over and roll out into the next life. The more that you can do now, and not just trimming your consumption, or if we may, to poke a little fun at you, not just contemplate trimming your consumption, but take a meat axe to it.
And stop, you know, the self-indulgences that many old souls, we don’t want to pick on just you, Mei, we have many an Old Soul who is really self-indulgent. And we thank you for those of you who were saying things like “Guilty. Oh yeah, that’s me, I relate.”
You know what we say to you? Bless you, but we don’t want you to feel guilty. We want you to take action on your behalf.
Feeling guilt is a waste of energy. But ignoring guilt in the name of not having it is also just as big a self-deception.
Mei: So, he wanted to make a splash, and did he also anticipate that would involve connecting himself to politicians and politics?
Michael: Yes. He thought he would be a savior. He thought he’d be a savior and he’s been given a role by Trump that he might, instead of a savior here, he’ll call himself a savior and be a destroyer. But the thing about it is his own trauma is so great and his own Maya, his so self-delusion, is so great that he is now caught in this web of absolute power mongering, and yet his internal dialogue is, I walk on water.
And pun intended. So, I hope you don’t mind. Maybe we’re going to just we have to leave it at that so we can get to Phil and then to Richard.
Mei: Okay, great. Thank you very much.
Michael: Okay, so Phil.
Phil: Yeah, when you said 25 years that hit me pretty hard. So, I was just wondering, because I’m 78, so I’m not going to see the end of that.
Michael: That’s right.
Phil: I guess one part of the question is, you say this distal illusion is what will happen. But that seems like it’s in the near term. So, there must be a lot of change.
Michael: So, another word for disillusionment on the metaphysical side is disintegration of current structures. And that, by definition, is an assimilative axis quality. Now, assimilative axis is the Mature Soul Scholar orientation. Under that, when there’s a whole lot of erratic, disorganized things, guess what, there’s also a lot of new emergence. A lot of new creation, a lot of new things that can pop up and take root and start to actually pop up.
It is not just doom and gloom that we’re trying to say. If anything, much of today’s talk has been trying to acknowledge the emotional doom and gloom that many of you feel weighed down by.
And what we’re saying is deal with the emotions directly and allow them to pass so that you can open yourself to the new vibrational operations that even with the heavy vibration and dense energy that has been brought in.
That dense energy is not impervious to you guys being able to create around the sides, create through the cracks in spite of your own laziness. Because let’s face it, that’s one of the negative poles of you all souls is being lazy.
If we may be so blunt. You know, well, I don’t feel like it today. “My aura isn’t fluffed. I need to go meditate on this; I need a chalice and a Eucharist”, the Old Soul version a glass of wine and a hunk of French bread.
Right. You know, I mean, it’s that kind of thing because it represents…. As old souls on the metaphysical level, it’s understandable. You guys are tired. You’ve had more soul ages. You’ve been through all these kind of lessons personally. So, when you look at this shit, you go, “What’s the matter with you people? Well, I’m just stepping aside.”
Well, that’s all very well and good, but you are not dead, and you still live in the milieu of this entire thing. That’s why we said, make it palatable that’s fine.
Stop texting and start calling. That’s one….
Phil: That’s a kind of catalyst to what’s happening
Michael: Yeah. I mean, you know, Kerrin just pointed out, for instance. that those of you who are astrologers know that it’s been a big Pluto cycle. And it’s almost done.
Well, guess what? For those of you who are followers of the Vedas, thank you, Mei. A follower of the Vedas, that is to say Hinduism there is a religious cycle of punishment called the Kali yuga. It’s occurring at this time. It’s an era of great collapse and reformation. It is now at its nadir and now it’s starting a new formation.
So, there are things that are going to happen, but these are much more slow and these are much more incremental but what we are offering you is the things that you can focus on and do in the presence in that time yourself without having to rely on channels or essences or deities
These are your own agencies as persons that you can take to do things. And you’re right, Phil, you’re not going to make it. You’re not going to be here at 103. So, you don’t have to worry about it. In fact, the best thing that you can do is enjoy yourself as much as you can.
Phil: OK
Michael: Richard is actually next, by the way, Kathryn, and then I’ll get to you and that’ll be the last one.
Enjoy yourself the best that you can. It’s okay to take care of your aches and pains, but as we said, really look at all the ways that you spend and also look at all the ways that you give all of your traumas weight and how they distract you.
And that’s an admonition for all of you.
All of you are now in your 50s, 60s, and 70s. You guys know yourselves backwards and forwards. You don’t have to go back there and say, “Oh, well, it’s this trauma revisiting me. And I know it’s just this.”
Just give it a lovely “hello, how are you?” And say, “See ya!” Maybe you’ll deal with it again next lifetime. And in the meantime. Turn and face the future.
You know all of your buttons. Don’t let them be pushed. Don’t let them be pushed.
Kathryn: I was just going to comment that Brian had a question in the chat.
Michael: Oh, he did. Oh, he did. Okay. All right. Okay. I’ll tell you what, Richard, I told Richard that I would meet him next. So, I’m going to let Richard come up.
By the way, everyone this is a good friend of mine. Richard is an early Old Priest. And he’s joining us by my invitation tonight.
Richard: Basically, first, this has all been very great and I much appreciate being here amongst some Pluto truthers. They say Pluto is not a planet, but for those of us who went to school with Pluto lunch boxes, you know, I’m amongst Pluto truthers. Now I feel much better already,
Also commenting about getting out of our own way personal laziness is not an excuse. Then about facing backwards, one of the things we can do immediately is deal with the human thing of Projection. Projection is so overwhelming. Ask “Where are we doing it? How can we interrupt our own projection.
Michael: Yes.
Richard: America is a Young, slow country because it refuses to grow up. It refuses to deal with its history, and we are enticed and seduced into participating. We are not dealing with the eminent destruction we’re on the verge of. it might be that America needs to collapse, and Donald Trump will take it out.
Also, as liberals we have an inherent projection that we care about the outcomes for other people. Well, they don’t. They’re not going to stop if they run roughshod and eat up their own followers and create chaos. That’s not on their radar. That’s not their problem. You were in the way. That’s why you got run over.
So, we should pay attention to our own projections. And understand that they don’t play the way we do, it’s not going to roll out that way.
Like I’m reminding myself we’re at the tail end of four years of normality.
Maybe, well, there will be a lot of destruction in our economically. So it would be well to batten down the hatches.
An immediate thing I’m doing for myself is to try to address my own projection. Because the Young men overthrew the constitutional order but they still can’t get a date. They are the ultimate… DEI hires.
Michael: Interesting. Interesting way of flipping that notion. So yeah.
Richard: And so we are waiting and holding our breath for these people to vote our way. And they spent a billion dollars and lost. So, I mean, this is what America does it seduces voters to participate.
So, this about us. What I got from your very first share is that we are advancing backwards. And the thing is, if we can turn ourselves around and address our own projections and actually deal with tangible, functional reality correctly the others will be bumping and tripping over ottomans and running into walls.
Truthfully. That’s something we can all do. Okay, that’s it.
Michael: Yes, thank you. Excellent, Richard. And by the way, thank you for the excellent synthesis of a lot of the intentions that we put out and we’re trying to say today. Thank you very much for that input. Excellent.
Richard: I appreciate being here. Thank you.
Michael: Excellent. And we hope that all of you feel the vibrational upliftment, but also solidity of this viewpoint. Not over positivity, not happy, happy, joy, joy. But real grounded truth and how solidifying that is.
It doesn’t mean it’s pleasant to look at. It doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it’s solidifying. And that’s what vibration is. And that’s why you’ve heard us this entire year, 2024 and
Much of 2023 shift our narratives to the notions of what vibration are and how they differ from just good feeling
They’re not the same and people need to be, and you guys have the capacity to start to differentiate it because sometimes saying the hard things is vibrationally much higher and more uplifting.
Now, let’s answer Brian’s question here because it’s relevant and it’s important. And it’s a probability statement that he’s asking for. So, we’re going to give him one.
Brian: How high are the probabilities of civil war, world war, and the dissolution of the United States as we know it today?
We can tell you that in the next two years believe it or not, Brian, that because Trump was elected, the probability of civil war went down significantly. And even with the acrimony that he is going to introduce into the populace, there will be enough of his own supporters that will have acrimony.
That will turn against them they will not be looking necessary for the scapegoats in the way that they are doing so right out the chute here. Or at least heaping their focus on it such that they’re going to divvy up sides and take up arms.
The truth be told, there’s a number of people who might just out of the fear and hopelessness take themselves out because as we said, the Tao, I mean, the earth and the Tao has just said, “Oh you know there’s a big piece of life on the human plane that is redundant and needs to go.”
And however it happens, it happens. The Tao is not particular. It is truly the neutral agent.
So, the probability of civil war right now is only at about 10% for the next what looks like two to three years.
The dissolution of the United States. Now, let us take that phrasing and really revamp it. The fiscal body and the political entity known as the United States is going to be here for quite some time.
But the way that the Constitution has divyed out rights and has been practiced in the courts. That actually has about a 30% probability of really diminishing over the course of the next four years.
And so that is much higher before any kind of a shooting war or anything like that happens, but it’ll remain as an intact thing. But it just won’t resemble what it once did or be operated in the same way. And depending upon how much I guess you can call it, you know, success, or I guess we should say how much Trump achieves his maniacal madnesses of just acting in revenge.
And then the other thing, how much his party goes along with him and rubber stamps everything that will increase the probability of this disillusionment. We don’t think it’s going to necessarily increase the probability of actual civil war in the way that you see it in the world or have seen in the world, let alone the Civil War of 150 years ago in the United States.
So, in any case, we hope that is a clear enough analysis.
And, you know, obviously folks, we want to tell you that in the end of this chaos period and in this next 25 year period. While you have set a trajectory like a rocket aiming at a certain star system, Point is, in that voyage, in that journey on the way to that star system you can make all sorts of alterations, and you can do lots of things on the ship while it’s heading in that direction.
So, you are not without choices. You’re not looking at just bad choices and the lesser of evils. You are actually looking at multiple things, but you must create them. You must invent them, and you must get outside of the box. Remember, as Alvin Toffler said on that slide.
It said the people who will experience the greatest tragedy, or the greatest problems are the people who can’t learn anew or unlearn old habits and relearn things that you might not have even known before.
And one of the things that many of these folks have right feel like are the enemies or they have been let down or they feel stupid.
Many of them will have hard civics lessons. But they will finally get them. And they’ll have hard economic lessons like the fact that we’re going to give you a very hard, even disgusting metaphor and we’ll own it.
The only way that trickle-down economics works is for you to imagine a giant peeing on everybody. That’s trickled down economics. And that’s it. That’s the mindset of how the wealthy really use it. It’s like, “Okay, whatever might get smeared around and the crumbs, they can have them. But we’ll tout it and we’ll market it. We’ll propagandize it as it’s this great thing because there are equal markets. There’s free enterprise.”
And of course, that is the populist notion of complete and utter deception on a massive level that most people don’t have the education, nor do they have the political willingness to open their eyes, at least as yet.
Why? Because it’s a safe historical narrative. And until those narratives absolutely collapse underneath them, they won’t listen to anything else.
You guys know a lot of these narratives have already escaped. So, build some new ones as well. Both Richard and Phil, you know, were suggesting. And Angelaon as well, build some new narratives and not just positive language but language that confronts and shows the in a lot of these old systems and their flaws.
And make it so that these people can hear it but also they’ll hear it when things start to fall apart. And then empathize with them that it’s falling apart.
And then say, well, you know
So anyway, ladies and gentlemen….
Jillian: Can I just say one last thing, Steve?
Michael: I guess you’re going to.
Jillian: I put something in the chat, which is the capital switchboard, that’s the for the US Capitol. And if you want to call your representative or your senator. You call that number, and you give them your zip code, I think you would just plug it in and then you can tell them what you think.
I think our best chance for a lot of this is to say things like call our representatives and make it really uncomfortable for them to cut Medicare. Make it really uncomfortable for them to cut Social Security, make it really uncomfortable for them to do some really ugly things.
Michael: Thank you.
Jillian: it just gets eaten down so
Michael: it erodes. It will erode. And of course, that’s a sideways method of diminishing it, cutting it, eliminating it and screwing it.
Jillian: And they call it, we will protect it. They will protect it. They will set it aside. They will not let it grow.
Michael: Yeah, right.
All right, everyone. Well, thank you so much for coming tonight. As always, we wish to empower you. And we also hope that whatever remaining grief, resentment, sadness, hopelessness that you may have. Give yourself permission to have it without any what ifs.
Just let it run through your body, empty it out like it’s old oil and then put in some new oil that says I’m just not going to do the same old things anymore.
And then start anew in January.
But in the meantime, let yourself have it. And you may just have an actually great set of holidays.
All right, everyone. Again, have a good evening.
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