by Michael’s Consortium
Channeled by Stephen J. Cocconi 2019©
Channeled by Stephen J. Cocconi 2019©
2019 Overleaves Composite
In honor of 2019 Artisan/Sage/Relaxation/Play Year, here is the perfect song to denote the energy. It portrays 3 of this years motto’s: Reclaim your Voice and Make it up as you go and Let’s do it together.
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Introductory Notes: These are the opinions of Stephen Cocconi employing the terminology of The Michael Teachings. When you read this Overleaves Forecast and 2019 Profile, notice that we (Consortium and I) emphasize trends and tone and not specific events or predictive outcomes. Our purpose is to assist you by providing a baseline data set from which you can observe, characterize, and perhaps make sense of the emotional tenor of circumstances in the WORLD at large, and your personal world within. The audience that this information is intended for are groups referred to as Old and Mature Souls. All are welcome, but the editorial perspective of it is relevant to them and most likely intuitively grasped by them. Enjoy.
- Find your style. (Much of it is probably sub conscious already.)
- Primarily personal first six month.
- Activate or eliminate those character talents or aspirations which have been dormant but have never left you. Some will still resonate and may need expression. Others are psychic detritus and should be purged to declutter your spirit. Clearing external spaces and eliminating stuff is a reverse +Moving center way of achieving this. Try Feng Shui or the Marie Kando Method.
- Reinvent more than invent anew. Reshape, refine, or rearrange your priorities to express a more precise and congruent you!
- Lighten things up!
- Find your voice. Have you forgotten it? (written style or way of speaking) Is it yours or is it adopted from culture? (Vocal Fry)
- Engage in singing, dancing, or play acting.
- Have conversation where asking and answering questions shares more relevant information.
Axis Influence – Expression
– Noticing, Attention, Inclusion/Exclusion Presentation, Exposure, Vocalize
Scope: Ordinal – More Personal, One-to-one, small scale,
- Concentrate first on your own world and support systems then focus outward.
Goal: Relaxation/Flow/Stagnation/Suspension/Equilibrium
- Getting enough and regular sleep is absolutely vital for energy restoration, management, and maximization (+Pers).
- When you are experiencing genuine joy…celebrate it!
- Take many mini-vacations. Or even Stay-cations – but unwind!
- Retreat and relax when tense. Reestablish equilibrium and then resume activity.
- When with others it will be strategically prudent to adjust to rhythm of others, rather to set the pace.
- January – June – Slides to Discrimination/Rejection – ‘what’s out’ – define and exclude –Eliminate those things that hinder you, weigh you down or you ‘put up’ with.
- July – December – Slides to Acceptance/Affiliation – ‘what’s in’ – Emphasis on new installation of ideas, habits, associations, affiliations, and reintegration, reconciliation and common ground while finding your own ‘new normal’.
- Review or discard notions of what life ‘should be’ and ‘ought to look like’. Instead see what is and what actually does, or can, work for you moving forward.
- Notice your congruence between beliefs and actions. Use the 80/20 Rule of evaluation to eliminate the friction (-Stubbornness) of incongruity.
- Identify the Talk. Then simplify the Walk.
- Notice how much energy or material or time you waste. If you like the distraction, then be honest about it. Or Recapture the energy!
Mode: Perseverance – “One Day at a Time” (Works for something)
- Do a new thing every day, but try to do it a bit differently! Avoids monotony.
- Time to consider the long run beyond this year and into the next decade, phase of life, and the potential consequences of your actions for your descendants.
- Eliminate monotony in your life. Find joy whenever possible to avoid burnout.
- Use the Moving Part of Centering to do some activity enhance your groundedness.
Chief Features:
- Stubbornness (Primary Resistance – Works against something) Notice where you resist any sort of alteration to your habits (-Stub) and then account for those which may give you temporary comfort but otherwise hinder you. Avoiding this analysis will default you into the second CF of the year.
- Self-Destruction (Secondary – Sabotage of your aims) Patterns will arise that prevent you from making changes and even trip you with Self-deception. Keep steps simple. Don’t deviate. Forgive failures but reactivate Perseverance ASAP. Use well founded methods and measurements (+Realist) and you will stay out of this CF. Measures like: how far you have walked, how many days you went without a drink, how long you can concentrate attention like meditation or just focus, how often you noticed a habit and chose a different action. Acknowledge your successes. If not, the denial compounds and trips you up until you notice your denials and successes. When they get gotten, you get moving!
Centering: Intellectual – Moving/Physical Part
Know your aspiration. Turn toward that horizon. Notice your opportunities.
- Learn what ails you. Care and repair you body.
- Don’t over think it. Go with what you know. (Not “should or ought”)
- Allow an aspiration to emerge and create a meme/mantra for yourself.
- Will continue to challenge people’s ability to filter input and clarify it.
Masculine-Feminine Energy – 44-56%
- Fairly balanced, but with a slight tendency to have attention drift.
- Beware of lack of concentration and inability to maintain project momentum.
Needs to Focus Upon
- Community – Tribal and network
- Expression – Personal
- Exchange – Interpersonal energy management
- Pay attention and stay alert! Emphasis on noticing your environment: your living-working-community space(s). Time spent looking at patterns in natural surroundings will be restorative +Relaxation. But it will reveal its actual condition as well. (Realist)
Sub-Personality (s)
- The Improviser – Everyone possesses one no matter how underdeveloped or underutilized. It is primarily connected to the Intellectual Center’s visual cortex and is especially active when encountering novelty. Bold color, shapes, sounds, word-phrasings and posses all present them with a pallet of ideas. This Sub may arise of necessity for some people, not a creative urge. Nonetheless, it can be adaptive and problem-solving when given an opportunity to experiment.
- Saboteur – An aspect of you that will destroy options, yours own or others. Come out when you believe that everything is fucked and there is no other way have power but to deny success. It is a form of scarcity thinking that has the voice “fuck it, nobody cares anyway.” It teams up with –Relaxation, -Fem energy and attacks you through your own CF’s. When you get frustrated or agitated is when carelessness, disruption, injury, or crisis gets attracted.
- Rebel – This Sub rejects the status quo and the accepted norms. When teamed with the Saboteur it can be destructive and merely contrary. But this year, the rebellion is an intellectual one! Many will assert the lunacy and the decrepitude of many of the BS moral standards of so-called ‘civility and respect’ that have acted like an iron curtain blocking authentic expression. In the US, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now a famous example of someone who has reacted with determined defiance against such historic constrictive norms. In addition, she credits her actions to a pivotal event. It is noteworthy because this Sub Personality often erupts in a single moment of clarity from outrage. So pay attention if some event triggers defiance. Maybe you should go for it?
- Risk Taker – The more passive a person has become, the more this Sub has become dormant. Don’t confuse this aspect with another closely related one, the Gambler. The difference lies in the
degree and unpreparedness. The Gambler often says “fuck it” and acts with self destructive . The Risk Taker calculates it moves and sometimes is bold but it is not a stab in the dark. It knows its strengths and weaknesses. It may use aggression, seeks growth, but is willing to gamble on its prowess every once-in-a-while. It doesn’t bluff. The Gambler will.
Direction: External and Up – (operative sub-conscious estimation and orientation)
- How do I enjoy my life more?
- Do I allow or express my hopes to be shared? A good time to start.
Memes and Motto’s to Enact in 2019
- Reclaim Your Voice!
- Carpe Diem! Seize the Day.
- Develop your own mantra. And Live it!
- Make it up as you go along. Improvise! Notice what comes to mind.
- Be bold! Live out loud! Be seen!
- Lighten up!
- Being META IS NOT NEUTRAL! It means seeing both sides and choosing. Polarity means being unable to change your mind or position when new facts appear.
Nexus Points of 2019
January 11-14 – Creation
January 29-30: Divergent
March 10-11 – Erasure/Nullifying (will feel disorienting and stuck)
July 26: Divergent (Many lost jobs this summer)
December 18-22: Convergent
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Order the CD’s for $25 Or Download the MP3 for $20
Roles in 2019
- Artisans – In recent years, older soul Artisans have tended to enjoy the surge of creative juice. But this year, that flavor of energy may seem more confounding and confusing. The craft aspect of creativity is favored, emphasizing tangible invention rather than the intangible, abstraction of art or conceptualization of ideas. Therefore, inventions, hobbies, projects, remodels, are more grounded ways of utilizing the surge. Recreate has the same root as recreation.
- Sages – A Realist Sage year will have make persons of this Role more somber than usual. The Flow energy may break them loose of reverie, but it might also cause them to become stuck, disillusioned, and paralyzed in pointless indecision. The best advice for Old Soul Sages is to listen well before you speak. Don’t confuse your opinion as fact. Gossip will come back to bite you.
- * Warriors – Many of them will still have momentum from last year. Baby Soul and Mature Soul Warriors may find common ground in disgust with Young Soul Warriors who are dragging their livelihood into the ground. Old Soul Warriors are getting angry and may find they want to withdraw from battle or weigh in on the side of ‘me first’. Careful about burnout. You are the ones who model loyalty to others and fighting courageously. Others may just fall back into sloth and slide to cynicism.
- * Kings – Overall Mature and Old Kings will feel challenged to be active, but after last couple of years they may be exhausted! Some will perceive themselves as exempt of the entire situation in the world “because they worked so hard” and feel quite smug ‘focusing on themselves.’ This would be an abdication for those Kings. They see the Young Kings riding high and do not wish to lose position. By the second half of 2019, they will have entered the Acceptance influence and may be more willing to engage the Artisan energy. Either by calling BS on deceivers or by participating in more community advancing ideas. Mastery will mean being open to opportunities as they arise, not ‘making it happen.’ Pay attention to the Goal and Mode.
- Servers – Of the all the Roles the most enduring and resilient are Server. Combined with +Perseverance they are the most likely to be at the grass roots of any direct resistance to the status quo. Inwardly, both extremes of desire to Serve/Help and also a fear of Bondage, are active. Yet, those Baby and Young, some will be afraid to breakout of the ( –Pers) because of a fear of unknown or unintended consequence (–Stub.) Because they are 25% of the world’s population, where they go, the race goes. There choice is to work toward hope or continue in a familiar hell of monotony (-Pers).
- Priests – It will feel difficult for this Inspiration role. Though the world needs them, forces of fear are very high and their own despair at the state of humanity can the weight of them down. Many people want answers, not inspiration.
- *Scholars – A fascinating year for them. Many will respond to the creative energy to take a look at how cluttered their lives have become. Either too much stuff, too many obligations, too many layers of irrelevant or obscuring information and the policies they have clung too. Compelled by the Expressive/Intellectually Year, motivated Young and Mature Scholars will seek out FACTS like never before. In the field or journalism and scientific publishing, there will be an onslaught of rigorously proven, highly clarified, and credible information hitting the false news and propaganda outlets like a tidal wave. Those stuck in their dogma, will not complete much of anything since they’ll know they are arguing falsehoods and drowning in contrary data. They will feel overwhelmed and confused. Yet the Perseverance energy is available to the Scholar at any soul age, if they get started.
* Solid Roles with an Artisan or Sage cast, or ET, are better able to negotiate this flexible, and sometimes erratic energy this year.
Public Displays of Soul Age World Views
- Infant Soul (IS) Remaining Infant Souls are coming forward out of terror and desperation. Tribal peoples are being decimated in the last bastions of wild or indigenous habitable places. IS in civilized societies are gearing up for a defense of their spaces. Some others will be the mass shooters or deep woods survivalists. They are reacting instinctively to the shrinkage of the planets resources and the cruelty of those willing to murder them to get it.
- Baby Souls (BS) are waking up to be used and stifled by more powerful forces. (Yellow Vests). There will be more support for extreme action and calls for overthrow of existing regimes. Election in Brazil for example. Others will realize that both governments and wealthy have failed. They will form more communitarian groups. In CA, there is the State of Jefferson movement. These are reactionary and tend to be poorly thought out but declare historically vague premises. Distrust in religious leaders begins an erosion of their clout as hypocrisies of action, wealth accumulation and hypocritical behavior mount amongst the rank and file believer. This condition is not limited to Christians but a rejection of fundamentalism of all stripes.
- Young Soul (YS) – Corporate enterprises will continue to concentrate power and attempt to influence markets and media. Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook will all be prominent in the News as focus. Young Soul US and Young Soul China grow in antagonism. Young Soul Japan will begin to back China economic initiatives because of Trumps continuing erratic behavior.
- Mature Souls (MS) have begun to pick-up speed in resistance and exert influence in the direction of society. Ambivalence about ‘values’ some traditional vs some personal liberties tears at the psyche of many borderline moderate social Conservatives. Aware that those in power are not benevolent causes a rift in many nations. Internal revolts and near civil wars are on the brink as a result. How they will be handled, politically or violently remains to be seen.
- Old Souls divide. (OS) Remember that Old Souls, as a group orientation, have as their mission to integrate worldly and spiritual truths together, not separate them. For those who rely upon ultra-spiritualist dogmas they are likely to chase unsupported or irrelevant conspiracy theories. But the telltale sign of this departure from Reality is that the subtext of any explanation they offer will resemble “because I said so.” At any Soul Age, that stance shows a difficulty accepting Reality as it is. Logic and facts (+Realist) take a backseat to villains they subjectively (-Realist) identify as ‘the problem’. This is not a Cons/Lib divide since there will be persons on both sides playing this game. And in either case, their conjecture might occasionally get one right! But for those who see human abdication as cause and recognize human culpability in source of effect; their capacity to assist Physical Plane problem solving increases. And the most effective contributors are those who put their attention toward living a purposeful life rather than gaining labels of enlightenment or sequestering themselves away or opting-out. Some relationships will diverge amongst Old Soul friends just as other relationships will strengthen. But the purpose is one based on creating common cause and not polarizing positions. Don’t’ worry – You are not done with each other! The game is dividing between Inclusivity (Mature Soul) and Exclusivity (Young Soul). There is no neutrality here; just a requirement to eliminate distraction and nonsense (to you) and ally with one side of the game or the other. What can you do to contribute? If you can’t figure it out, go interact with people and it will become clear.
IntraPersonal – Effects on Personality & Ego – How you’ll experience Overleaves within.
- Artisan and Sage energy together much prefer playing at a task rather than working at one. Play does not automatically mean frivolity as in “making life a game’, ‘dress up for success’, ‘make believe’, ‘acting as-if’, and yet approaching something with levity and joy. Just plain silliness can be of service as a way of shaking loose familiar frames of mind.
- Pursue new opportunities when they are handed to you. Or, make new options or directions in the path you are already following. You might never know what you might create. Carpe Diem – Seize the Day.
- Define your style. Give yourself permission to establish a look, a brand, a reflection of your inner to outer. The Realist requires little fanfare. Artisan pretenses may come with ‘shoulds and oughts’ these are not your true self. Pare down expectations and increase aspiration. Be objective with your evaluation and honest with the results. Use your Sagacity and ask friends for input. Listen rather than tell.
- There are no better liars than Artisans and Sages…simply because they are likely to believe their own delusions. Use the Attitude of Realist to measure yourself actual life congruity with the operation of your Overleaves. See if you maintain an 80/20 proportion of being in the positive poles compared to the negative poles. Neither is right or wrong. But +poles will cause you to express with less inner
- Fewer places to hide your private information. Social media and the 24/7 surveillance cycle, facial recognition software, the deep web, corporate information harvesting and algorithmic analysis, will make your privacy all but effectively disappear. Resist this or deny this as you might, but be aware that it is happening! Self-Destruction will encourage you to ignore this fact. Shock may overwhelm you when you are seen in a light you do not like but is actually you. As has been our admonition for several years, but Relaxation may help you to achieve, do not give into shame or social stigma if what is being exposed is a true quality and not just an addictive quality.
- Procrastination (i.e. passive avoidance) can become a REAL problem. With the Assimilative Axis leaves of Relaxation and Stubbornness present, as days pass, the time to ‘get moving’ declines. You can sense yourself falling into self-doubt, emotional despair, and then Self Destruction. Use Perseverance to make single steps forward.
- Persevere toward your Aspiration – Aspiration is not inspiration. The former is a vision of Self or the World; an intellectual choice to move in concert with. The latter is an emotion, an often nondescript feeling or exhilaration, but visceral not a principal or goal. Aspiration will tend to align with your Life Platform and Trues if your are honest with yourself about them. Make sure to get started on whatever aspiration that moves you. Remember to use the personal mantra as a way of expressing it. Just begin to imagine yourself moving in the way of being. Use the positive pole of Persistence, otherwise the negative pole of Monotony and negative of Relaxation – Inertia will make you procrastinate, feel stagnant in life and even enter into a Self-Destructive state of despair.
- The simplest way to engage the Mode is to utilize the positive pole of Artisan energy. As you find something that engages your attention, but especially if it causes a material improvement to your life; like learning a new and enjoyable skill, a craft, draw, doodle, write, or building project, but also engaging in an expression liberating activity like: singing, dancing, or acting; you will most likely stick to it. Even if it just rejuvenates you momentarily, you will benefit by it.
InterPersonal – Themes in Relationships:
- Expression in the positive pole in Inclusive. Yet, because of the ongoing division between the Baby/Young vs. Mature/Old paradigm divide; preserving not dissipating your energy and your focus will be primary importance. Say “NO” and even exclude those who will not mutually work with you to find common ground. Common ground does not mean agreement. It means a place where a discussion of underlying values, and WHY YOU HOLD them, can take place. Whoever is rigid, negative pole of Stubbornness will sap you dry!
- A double Expressive Year means that theatrics and drama may be at an all-time high. It begins with the ‘game of chicken’ using a Government Shutdown to insist on a personal win for a tantrum throwing King. All this in the face of government statistics that credibly show no such emergency.
- It is just as valid to collaborate with someone else’s articulated vision of the future as long as it reflects your own values. If you cannot imagine a Vision or Aspiration of your own, then notice to what visionary in the world you admire, agree with, of resonate with theirs.
- Many hold onto unsubstantiated ideas and call them ‘truth.’ If the only facts they/you can use to support their/your ideas are conjecture from sources that are neither credible, speculative or highly subjective (-negative pole of Realist) then these are the ones who will drain you. Some may seem like ‘reasonable’ people, but inwardly they are determined to stay with what they believe (-Stubbornness) and deny any new evidence, ideas, or ways of being other than those they proclaim. Let them go! Keeping people around who cannot or will not hear other points of view, are saboteurs who will undermine your effectiveness.
- In a Realist/Intellectual year, ‘like-minded’ does not specifically mean ‘who agrees with me’. Seek those who are intellectual honest and are willing to modify their opinions when confronted with provable new knowledge. (+Objective) And those who entertain genuine idea exchange for problem-solving (+Sage – Dissemination).
- Be alert for mass public deception. –Pole Subjective/Speculative opinions may be warranted as personal expression. Their validity of your claims should be grounded in sound logic; you have reasonable historic references, or can produce tangible evidence to back it up! Otherwise, arguments (slide to Cynicism) will just end-up in stalemates or shouting matches. Don’t engage with anyone who cannot be clear in their beliefs.
- Artisan/Relaxation – Learn to allow things to unfold. Reinvent or reassert yourself in ways you want the world to support you. Show others who you are. Declaring your aspiration with lightness and enthusiasm will spawn results for years to come.
- Realist – Observe the 80/20 Rule. Are you, or someone you observe regularly, congruent between their choices, behaviors, and their stated belief or declared intentions? If they meet the 80% standard, you have a reasonable basis for trust.
- Monads likely to be experienced: Deserter/Abandoned, Artist/Patron, Slanderer/Slandered, and Integrator/Eccentric.
- Moments of truth. In a highly expressive year, and intellectually centered, you will be challenged on any fallacies of your opinions or beliefs. Stubbornness may help you stand your ground if what you believe is supported by facts and reality. But if you are tied to ideologies or dogmas, the Realist year will feel crushing. The moving part of the Intellectual Center can either get you evaluate what you believe or make you want to run from or attack anyone who disagrees with you.
- Developing new supports and adjusts the ways you support someone else.
- Beware of Gossip, type casting, and the tendency to accept the easy explanation.
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Order the CD’s for $25 Or Download the MP3 for $20
Lessons And Skills
- Realize an Aspiration: These are based on Principles and governed by Values. Aspiration is not the same as Inspiration- Aspiration is a targeted objective you want to achieve. Inspiration is a feeling – a nondescript fuel, not a direction. Aspiration is the idea that you want to bring into reality.
- As a Way of Discerning a meaningful one for yourself, use the following Equation:
- Life Platform, as enabled through the fulfillment of your 3 primary needs then put through Life Task.
- Pay Attention! – Most problems occur because we fail to see anomalies and they devolve into troubles.
- All Trues are True Maxim – Begin to realize that two or more descriptions or circumstances can and do exist simultaneously. Instead of either/or exclusive dichotomies, realize that most situations have multiple elements in a hierarchy or percentage of influence and therefore are And/Both/Among inclusive multiplicities.
- Life is part of an Infinite Game!
- As an Essence, you are timeless. You will continue through all planes of existence and eventually grasp the totality of Everything. You will be with the TAO. Re-merging with TAO is NOT a reward (like Heaven or Valhalla, IT IS A PATH OF inevitable evolution.
- Personality, on the other Hand, is Finite because it experiences Death. Ego, fearing death, often robs you of the impetus to LIVE fully! The additive qualities to life that you produce, no matter how small or insignificant you may deem them, will have an influence through those who you have touched.
- Read Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse (Infinite Players preserve the game and continue by playing it. Finite Players are contestants that compete to eliminate others and see winning the game as ending the game. Sound familiar? It is only a change of attitude and tactics that may alter our course and direction.
Concepts to Consider
- Many effective technological solutions for the world’s problems already exist. In other words, people just need to use them instead of defaulting to the meme: “well if it were invented, then the market would have it.” Most innovation has been completely and deliberately restrained for preserving entrenched political and economic interests. Many persons who have been herded into the stock markets of the world are now passively complicit with this status quo. To maintain hegemonic control of the 1%, public knowledge of major topic areas largely get hidden or suppressed by mainstream, corporate operated media. Out of sight, out of mind! You don’t know, what you don’t know. Such game changing innovations as recyclable plastics, community health care, actual efficacy of wind and solar power generation, increased fuel efficiency and alternative fuels, are but a few. There concern is simply that people would demand other products than the ones they sell or require compliance with standards forcing them to spend profits. This is the case! The question to ask is: how do you passively participate in it? And, will you even try to alter your behavior?
- Resource-based economics. Trading energy on the basis of actual need and use rather than monetary worth assigned. Represents the rejection of profit. Profit is a non-measured ‘excess’ that creates imbalance because it is a subjective valuation, not one based on material usefulness.
- Sustainability will rise in people’s consciousness as prices rise and income feels harder to get. As more news is released about the pervasiveness microscopic plastic in the food chain; fear, denial and calls for action will all increase.
- Deconstruct Corporate Gigantism by breaking up Conglomerates – This will only begin the process when citizens begin to actively call for their influence to come to an end. What most students of metaphysics fail to grasp about corporations is that their absorbing, assimilative, blending nature may be driven by Young Soul acquisition and greed, but they are equally a negative pole manifestation of Mature Soul paradigm objectives to ‘bring together’ and direct human consciousness. Also, the Scholar nature underlying the Mature Soul energy #4, always seeks to find order in the chaos. This is not the same as Warrior energy which defines anything but its definition of structure and imposes order by making an organization to force compliance. Large institutions whether public or private or government or business are actually Scholar ways of organizing systems to deal with 7.5 billion people. Large scale organizations are inevitable. The choice is how they are structured and operated. Young Souls want more authority, less choice for users, more reward for themselves, and opacity (contrary to transparency) in their decision making.
- Realize that lies have an objective. Moralizing falsehoods may cause you to feel superior, but just because you are afraid of those who lie and decry them as ‘liars’ does not mean there is evil or destructive intent. People lie when they are afraid! How do you use yours? Why do you need them? In what areas of your life do you avoid, pretend, or deny ideas or realities? What lies help you get along. Love them.
- Suicide and abortion are two of the most substantive challenges to religions concept of submission to God. Yet, these are both aspects of accepting the consequence of personal choice as part of the Mature Soul paradigm. With Self Destruction active this year, suicides and the abortion debate will be mentioned frequently in headlines.
- Volunteerism is good for a person. It is not a way of running an economic system. The only way any semblance of a viable middle/working class will continue to stave off serfdom, slavery, homelessness, or incarceration is to have a sustainable living wage for citizens. The only way, in a Capitalist economic system, to achieve that is to make sure that humans have paid employment! Automation, outsourcing, and reduction of human services actually harm citizens.
- Reason is NOT Preeminent – Whatever humans can think about can make them frightened! Traditionalism and faith are based in the need to steer and limit what, and how, you consider ideas and circumstances. There is a misconception about thought that it should provide ‘answers’ or ‘truth’, but, in fact, thinking will produce more questions! If your Ego requires the stability of Certainty, but nothing is absolutely certain, then rationalization(-Intellectual) and self-deception (-Artisan) will intercede with denial, exclusion, or mis-identification, to try to stabilize the psyche. Ironically, admission that is in play IS the most reasonable and truthful stance to take.
- Showing civility, avoidance or indulgence towards cruelty is complicity to it.
- Businesses exist to support Societies. NOT, a society to exist to prop-up businesses.
- Computer technology will take misinformation to a new height of sophistication because 3D programs can now create simulacra of human beings saying or doing things that they did not say or do. Video or audio ‘proof’ of someone making statements may be manufactured by have sinister forces manipulating what reality appears to be. It is a serious threat to one’s perception of truth.
- Oil and gas production will increase though the demand for fossil fuels is decreasing. A case where political power trumps the economic influence of supply and demand.
- Some Artisans have god complexes. More information about gene-edited fetuses will come out of not only China, but eastern Europe as well. They are already here.
- Technologies to address environmental concerns are being developed in every country except China, Brazil and the United States. In these 3 countries pollution is increasing.
- Computer and neural sciences will reach a new threshold of integration. New prosthesis enters the marketplace for replacement of limbs, hearing, and eventually sight, which will be wired directly into the brain.
- Space Exploration will take center stage in people’s consciousness once again. A manned mission to Mars will be announced.
- In this new era, beginning last year with the detection Oumuamua meteor alien life was making itself known. It would be a perfect time for an invasion since humanity is at each other’s throats and seemingly bent on self-destruction. Whether it happens or not, a larger perspective is needed to see that there are consequences more pressing than our petty bickering.
- The presence of drones will be ubiquitous. However, as the numbers grow so will issues of air traffic safety and assertions of personal privacy. The 24/7 surveillance state favors the use of these technologies for both civilian and military uses.
- Mass media will become more psychologically invasive than ever. Some will be transfixed by the open spigot of information likely be pumped out to the public. But there will be a movement which forms to pull away from the onslaught. In social media, Facebook actually starts to lose members as different, private social media outlets form.
- Yet, on the other half of the spectrum, serious, honest, and rigorous journalism is making a comeback. The Realist energy decides credibility and it will show. Much of the “fake news’ will still flow, but it will be much easier to disprove UNLESS you are ideologically attached to it.
- The beginning of the era of legislative environmental rights (for people and ecosystems) will rise in its visibility. Initially, it won’t get far, but it will enter the American lexicon. In 10 years, it will be as a hot bed topic as Civil Rights in the 1960’s.
- Expect to see a re-invigoration, and subsequent attempt to suppress or mollify, labor movements around the globe. Many will be of the old Populist mindset and not new Socialists, especially where Baby and Mature Soul cohabitate. The “gilets jaunes” or yellow vest movement is one such example of working class movements rising up against governments that are otherwise run by large scale corporate interests.
- Realize that lies have an objective. Moralizing falsehoods may cause you to feel superior, but just because you are afraid of those who lie and decry them as ‘liars’ does not mean there is evil or destructive intent. People lie when they are afraid! How do you use yours? Why do you need them? In what areas of your life do you avoid, pretend, or deny ideas or realities? What pretenses (self-deceptions lies) help you get along? Do not moralize – love your Ego’s good intent to take care of you.
- Suicide and abortion are two of the most substantive challenges to religions because the confer the ‘right to death’ onto individuals instead of defer it to some ‘higher authority.’ When the right to determine the fate of one’s own body is placed in an individual’s own hands, the very power of society shifts. Overpopulation of planet Earth is the central problem of species survival. That is why both choices are vital to reconsider.
- Donald Trump is likely to have a wildly erratic year given that he is a King with a Sage ET. His favorite thing is to create alternate realities. His government shutdown will have negative economic and social effects for years to come.
- Warrior Robert Mueller’s investigation will continue to ensnare the compatriots of King Donald Trump. But Republicans will continue to distract and attack in any way they can. The ploy will be aimed at continuing there undermining of government and supporting the concentration of power to the 1% by fiscally bankrupting the treasury and moving control of civil functions to the private sector.
- More people will fragment from traditional political roles. Right and Left and Conservative and Liberal have less meaning in a contemporary socio-economic landscape. New Political designations are needed since multiple elements have created hybrids of the traditional forms. In this year, we will present a new set of designations which are much more relevant and elucidate how many factions actually exist and their complicated alliances.
- Plastics are found in every ecosystem in the food chain! Petroleum based polymers, perhaps more than any other substance is representative of human’s material creator nature. It was/is inevitable given your ‘throw-it-away’ mentality that eventually plastic waste overwhelm an organic ecosystem that otherwise recycles everything. There is only one more decade to take measures to restore the ecosystem to one that supports mammalian life (humans included) after that there is no turning back! What will you do?
To Recap: Memes and Motto’s to Enact in 2019
- Reclaim Your Voice!
- Carpe Diem. Seize the Day.
- Lighten up!
- Develop your own mantra/motto. And Live it!
- Make it up as you go along. Improvise! Notice what comes to mind.
- Be bold! Live out loud! Share yourself!
- Being META IS NOT NEUTRAL! It means seeing both sides and choosing. Polarity means being unable to change your mind or position when new facts appear.
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