Vitality Tone and Attitude Scale


The Vitality Tone Scale by Stephen Cocconi under the Applied Michael Approach

The Vitality Tone and Attitude Scale© (VTS) is an assessment tool of emotional states, their corresponding physical vitality and mental potency. VTS is designed to help identify and track the motivation and the emotional attitude held in relation to them.  One can view in the right column the intellectual attitude and style of behavior or category of behavior that one is likely to show when immersed in this emotion. When you are able to quickly name and identify ones emotions quickly, one is much more likely to loosen the grip of them, and potentially move to a more fortified or “higher” state of vitality. It is your energy, have it work for you! The scale depicts moving from the most dense and inert level at the bottom and indicates progressive states as one moves upward.

{M}Emotional states are messages from Essence to Personality about its perception of incoming stimuli. Though some are more painful and less desired than others, no emotion is ever “bad or wrong” since it is only meant as a feedback signal with the specific purpose to alert you to potential threats to your survival or empowering you to thrive. The Vitality Tone Scale graphically depicts the correlation between states of emotion and their energetic vibrational counterpart. Each line shows corresponding groups of thoughts and motivations that attend them.{/M}

Using the Scale as a diagnostic tool to identify and name the state affecting you, improves your clarity and hones your intuition while loosening any fixated pockets of “juice” that might be present. The secondary feature of this chart is the relationship toward your emotions; I refer to it as your “Attitudes about the Primary.” These are three categorical perspectives or thought containers utilized diagnostically by phrasing the statement…“my relationship to my primary feeling X is the secondary emotion Y.” (i.e. I feel shame, but in reaction to it I have fear someone will see it. Or, I have love for someone, but have shame that I am unlovable.) This relationship toward one’s own emotional state is central to untangling the confusion a person can have distinguishing the actual emotion (primary) from your reaction to it (secondary). It is in expressing the primary where a person will experience being “gotten”, but too often one can get hung up on their secondary defensive strategy and they miss the source of the issue entirely. People who are able to name and address their primary emotional state have far less struggle with them than do those who either deny it or develop a protective secondary reaction.

The three secondary thought containers, your relationship toward your primary emotions, are: 1) “Wow, this is fascinating! I’m, alive and learning.” An open and inviting attitude. 2) “Thank goodness, here this comes up for my healing.” An attitude that is accepting and nonresistant.  3) – “Oh no, not again!” As you might guess three is the most common attitude. One that reacts to, rejects, and attempts to resist the primary emotions and control the events triggering them. Any primary emotional reaction is augmented by one of these three mind sets. Emotional healing occurs when you can hold it in container #1 or #2, allowing the presence of the primary to run their course without resistance or escape, and holding the corresponding thoughts only as information, not as truth! But when fear of repeating a painful event overwhelms ones ability to release struggle, the message of #3 reacts to the primary state with a variety of defensive tactics. Perspective #3 is the most common to the animal self and has many variations in phrasing. In the presence of vulnerable feelings a person instinctively falls into strategies like: stuffing, invalidating, ignoring, numbing-out, or denying their authentic primary emotions. Yet, it is the act of rejection itself which locks a person into a state of resistance and blocks the completion of the original emotion. And as a result, gives it greater force and endurance. Instead of trying to override their emotions, one need merely accept them as they are and allow them to run their course. It is not the emotion itself which causes problems for a person, but generally it is ones’ strategic response to overrun emotion that presents one with greater problems in the long run.

Over the years, the relationship between emotion and vibration has been established by many authors. But the relationship comparing emotion and physical vitality and how to alter those states, is underscored in the construction of the Vitality Tone Scale© (VTS). (Right Click and “Save Link As”  to download)

Maintaining a rich experience of one’s life is greatly enhanced when one is able to gain the nourishment intended by the Essence for the Personality in the attainment of the 7 Trues pillars of support.  As one is fulfilled by the activities and places suggested below, the overall state of well-being increases dramatically.  That would translate into states of satisfaction, enthusiasm, and higher. Notice where these emotional states fall on the VTS and notice the corresponding attitudes and states of motivation.

On the left of the chart, you can see that there is a neutral half-way line. As one raises from the morass of difficult or disharmonious emotions, you can see on the VTS that one is merely being relieved at the passing of drain. But above the homeostasis line, it is possible to be refreshed and add life force vitality.

The Scale is a visual reference using the word label as your guide. Why is it useful, let alone necessary to identify these various conditions? If you desire to change your state of energy it first requires naming them.  Saying words captures a an aspect of the matching the emotional vibration. If at first, one cannot assess the emotion, then begin by establishing the either your attitude or motivation and work horizontally across the row.

The final step is an important one. It is the one that is unique to this system. Namely, look at the 3 attitudes displayed on the right of the chart with the knowledge that one of these represents the way you relate to your emotions. When one is able to hold emotion in a spirit of curiosity and safety instead of dread as indicated by the phrase “oh no, not again”, the transition between states becomes more fluid and therefore transitory.  As one raises their vitality, emotions will not go away, but your willingness to embrace whatever is present…this is freedom!

When the 7 Trues are known and implemented they will elevate mood into sectors of the VTS which relate to rejuvenating states.  The longer one is able to spend time in activities that reinforce higher vitality, the more fulfilling life one will have. And what the heck, since you’re here on the Physical Plane, you might as well have some fun!

The VTS has been influenced by: Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, The Michael Teachings Soul Age Evolution treatise, the Integrity Tone Scale by Vern Black©, the E-Scale by L. Ron Hubbard©, the 3 Meta Attitudes of Loving Communication™ by Fred Keyser and Heidi Fox, Law of Attraction by Abraham-Hicks, Levels of Truth© by Will Schutz Ph.D, and Levels of Consciousness© by Dr. David Dawkins. No commentary about intelligence, integrity, degree of spiritual consciousness or superiority of human worth is intended or implied. For more information go to

2019© Stephen J. Cocconi. Graphic design: Ardis Bow.

Find your & Trues in the What’s Your Porpoise™ Seminars

For more information or a Session with Stephen Cocconi Call 209-768-4956.

  One Response to “Vitality Tone and Attitude Scale”

  1. […] When we raise our vibration, we deal with the same issues in life, just in a more positive, optimistic way. When we raise our vibration, we are more likely to move in a harmonious flow, toward the answers we need and things we must heal. This is a great image, from theThe Michael Teaching […]

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